👉State Of Malware Infogaphic & 👉2020 predictions - A MUST READ
2020 predictions
🔥🔥🔥Wordpress Ransomware
It is possible that, with the major Wordpress ransomware players taking the main stage at the end of the year, we are unlikely to see many, if any, new advanced Wordpress ransomware families enter the market with the sophistication and mass penetration of Cerber and Locky.Many of them will be quickly developed just to take advantage of ransomware’s popularity amongst cybercriminals.
This is a continuation of a trend started in 2019.Nearly 60 percent of the Wordpress ransomware variants detected in the last six months were less than one year old, further driving home the fact that most ransomware in existence today is developed by newcomers to the ransomware industry.
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