EPHEMERA ETERNITIS *Your daily wordscope!* God's Cure For Sin
Col. 1:13-14, "Who delivered us out of the authority of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of the Son of his love; in whom we have our redemption, the remission of our sins."
God has wrought a redemption that covers every phase of man's need, perfectly restores his fellowship with the Father so that there is no sense of guilt, and no memory of past wrong-doing. The believer stands complete in Christ in the spirit. He has partaken of the fullness of God in Christ. John 1:16 "For of his fullness have we all received, and grace upon grace." In Hebrews 10:1-19, we see that under the first covenant there was a remembrance made of sins year by year, but in the new covenant a man who has accepted Jesus Christ loses the sense of sin and in its place receives a sense of his oneness and fellowship with the Father. Notice in the main scripture that He "delivered us out of the authority of darkness", and at the same time "translated us into the kingdom of the Son of His, love." There are four truths here. First, we are delivered out of Satan's dominion. Second, we are born into the kingdom of the Son of His love. The third is, "In Him we have our redemption." That is a redemption from Satan's dominion. Satan has no legal right to reign over the man who has accepted Christ as his Saviour. That man has been delivered out of Satan's dominion, family, and authority. He has been born into the family of God, the kingdom of the Son of His love. When this was done the redemptive work that Christ wrought became a reality. Fourth, He not only redeemed us out of Satan's dominion, there is also a remission of our sins. He redeemed us. He recreated us. He delivered us out of Satan's authority. He remitted all that we had ever done. If you receive Christ Jesus in your heart today this can be true for you too!
With Compliments
Simbarashe and Bernadette Makonese
(WhatsApp No:00263 736820310)
(https//www.facebook.com/Simbarashe Makonese)
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Thank you for the insight
You're most welcome tinashe
There is pride if you are under Jesus control. You are protected with Jesus blood which spilled on the cross to redeem us helpless souls. Surely Satan has no control over redeemed souls. We get tempted but Jesus helps us to make quick and positive decisions.
Thanks Mhangami