INVITATION: #RandomThings No. 1 - What Can You Create From A Few Random Objects?

in #randomthings6 years ago

I really love sustainable art.  
Making something out of free, already used materials
that are intended for other purposes is one of my fortes.

Using the creative juices to see the extraordinary in the ordinary
ignites parts of our brain that helps us see potential in all things,
helps us be impactful problem solvers,
and fuels our potential for developing sustainable realities
that are better for the world all-around.

I'm creating this new challenge to see what you can create
from a few found random objects too!

Here's a quick example of what I did:


I found these two empty dried coconut shells, one with a little hole in the end.

I also found this random dried flower on a stick that had earthy tones too.

I positioned them just so to come up with this simple, minimalistic art piece...

a series of which could hang one next to the other,
each slightly different depending on the materials found.

Furniture images utilized from Pixabay, no attribution needed.



DEADLINE Sunday, July 22,  2018 at Midnight CST to be included in the FINALE post.

*~*~*~*~*~ DETAILS ON HOW TO PLAY! ~*~*~*~*~*~

1.  PERMISSION GRANTED:  Important!   --  If you play you are automatically granting permission to have your art used in some other way (perhaps a show, in print, as a gift, or otherwise at my discretion).
These must be used materials, not new ones from the store.
4.  MAKE A POST ABOUT IT if you wish.
5.  MAKE THE FIRST TAG OF YOUR POST   #randomthings
6.  SHARE YOUR LINK and IMAGE in a comment below.


I'm excited to see what treasures you will come up with.
Let's create some interesting sustainable art!

Happy Creating!!


From @steemflow - created by his daughter DrawingQueen

From @steemflow - created by his daughter DrawingQueen, made from all sustainable, recycled materials: spare cd, mirrored pieces, bangles, ribbon and little tidbits from her art box.

This is a beautiful way to make art, I like to make art in this way too :) here's a link with my response to your invitation.

Here is also a picture of what I put together


Much Love and Blessings ✩

Oh yeah! I love that seeing the beauty in everything is an art in and of itself. So glad for you beautiful words and the way you turned this into a true work of art. Thanks for sharing @phillyc.

This is my contribution to your wonderful slogan dear friend @everlove
Many thanks for this invitation
I wish you a great day

I was excited to see what you were going to do @jlufer! And here it is---a fabulous use of that auto part. It'll be a great useful piece of art...useful makes it even cooler!

A wonderful idea. All my artwear accessories is made from used old things too. Here I upcycled a used fibreglass cast as I loved the structure of it so much, used old wire and an old old lamp stand. New to steemit, hope I did it right ... Enjoy :)


castalight3 (1).png

castalight2 (1) (1).png

castalight2 (1).png

Very clever use of materials @anutu! Looks like a very worthwhile and fun project to bring new life to a few random thing. I love that we have that in common! So grateful for your participation. May we get to share more artsy things through Steemit.

Thank you so much @everlove !!! Yes, very happy and thankful to participate Always open to create more.

Dear @everlove Dear Steemians Good Morning,

I was so inspired by this invitation, that I would love to contribute something more. Hope this is allowed. I call my artwork "CreatE YouR RealitY" I have used parts and face of a broken watch, jewellery parts, a tiny metal button from a product packaging and a wooden olive from a curtain holder. Hope you like it ...

With a little bit of fantasy this ring tells a little story:
Put it on your finger. Turn the little wheel on top.


Wake up in your reality with your wish fulfilled.

This is why I called it: CreatE YouR RealitY!




@anutu!!! This is awesome! I can totally see the great beauty i this piece, and the intention with which you made it! I'm assuming that the bottom wooden piece actually has a hole in it for your finger to slip into!!?

I'm so glad you posted this and are sharing such a piece of beauty. Great combination of items--and useful too! Love love love it! Thank you for sharing.

I think I will do another one of these challenges this week, once I finish posting the finales of my other two initiatives. Glad to see you here and your art too!

Thank you very much for you question @everlove ! Yes it has a hole and can be worn very comfortable as a ring. The wood feels so smooth and nice. I think it would look best with a fashion style that is somehow reduced and minimal. I like the contrast between minimalism and characterful unique jewellery pieces.
Thank you once again for your feedback!
If there will be a second challenge some day, I will surely create another piece for it - right now in such a creative mood :)

My life is really a creative process. Gratefully I live a life where I get to spend my days making amazing things, and the sustainable life I live at the @gardenofeden is the perfect studio with lots of random things!

Keep an eye out for my next invitation post. I'd be blessed to receive another creation from you.

Thank you very much for this insight. After quite some time working in the hospitality industry as an interior designer, I quit all activity and needed to get back to my quiet roots. Observing the moment, walking the path that I feel best with, step by step, stopping and resting when I feel to. Turning my eyes on the little things and details of life, that have so much more inspiration and love in it.

For sure I will keep an eye out for your next invitation post. Also will check out @gardenofeden in more detail.

A very sweet move for you on soooo many levels. Good for you for taking the leap and making the adjustments in life that will benefit you greatly. Glad to hear you didn't get stuck in the industry, though at least you were in a job of creation. Interior design is also one of my passions, but I'n grateful I get to do it all on my own terms.

I think you will like what you find at the @gardenofeden. We are living a whole new paradigm and super grateful for the activation and experience of it.

@ everlove ... forgot to attach the picture showing the inside :)


Great! Now it even makes more sense that it's a ring. Super clever @anutu!

I love this idea! Now you've got me on the hunt for random pieces to make art. LOL This might take me a few days but I'm game.

I want to see what random art flows through you @merej99. No doubt it will be a surprise!!!

another very interesting proposal dear friend @everlove, I'll see what I can do to support your invitation
I wish you a good start to the week

Will be interested to see what you choose to create @jlufer. Possibilities are endless!


Hmmmmm...yes!! Let's see who else has one of the off-the-wall creative kind of minds. Hope to see something from you dear @pyrowngs.

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