An update about nothing

in #random5 years ago


Yup, that's where I'm heading tomorrow. I've not been in the office much for the best part of a month after taking a few weeks off with the family, heading back for a week and then having two three day weeks. It's now the long slog until February/March time as that's when I think I'll next get some time off.

The last week has been a bit naff as I've been hobbling around again on a sore foot. This time it has been down to stupidity and not gout; I learned a valuable lesson and that is not to play in the garden with the dog in bare feet. Yup, I was that guy who went to kick a dog toy and completely missed! I'm pleased to report that I didn't kick the dog but did manage to make fairly solid contact with a concrete slab. Genius. This was on Tuesday of last week and I spent much of Friday morning in Accident and Emergency being X-Ray'd and checked over by our jolly excellent NHS.

Thankfully I've managed to hobble along and keep my step count up but it has been at a much slower pace than usual.

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I've not spent as much time on my Web Development course as I'd hoped but have spent a huge amount of time with the kids which has just been brilliant. We've not managed to get out for too many days out but have spent lots of time playing with Lego which they've really gained an interest in recently. It's great seeing them being creative and working together to build stuff instead of sitting in front of the TV or computer. I have to admit I'd be happy to play with Lego most of the day given half a chance!

I've also spent lots of time doing paper work. I'd really like to take the girls somewhere hot on holiday next year as they have both voiced a desire to go on a "proper holiday". It's time to step up the saving with a view of visiting somewhere nice and warm next year where they can splash around in a pool. I did some price research last night and I have to be honest the prices were jolly scary!

I've managed to miss much of the excitement surrounding the most recent Steem update so I'll have to go have a poke about and see what's new. Pleased to see that things seem to be back to normal.

Beyond that I've not got much else to share at the moment! Part of me is looking forward to returning to normality and the other bit of me retirement. Got the best part of 30 years to mull that over though.


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