
Tell me, how is that relevant to my observations? If I am in error, enighten me. Address the arguments, not the individual making them.

I was wondering about it, prior to making any comment, so I could do so with perspective; It was going to be pertinent to my comment one way or another and ergo relevant to your observations. I didn't want to antagonise the situation by commenting without that knowledge. However, in hindsight, maybe it would be best that I don't comment or engage further as it seems you aren't really interested in a dialogue on this topic, or from me in general.

That's ok of course, it's your prerogative, just as your opinions are yours to have and promote.

I shouldn't have engaged with you I guess, considering the following statement which doesn't really invite a conversation anyway. I regret it, as I regret some of the other things I have done in my life based on not having the full-picture prior to acting.

And some of you are just as psychologically weak as the most easily triggered, snowflakiest SJW

I wish you all the best in your future endeavours.

I made that statement based on my observation that many cannot handle dissenting views, as evidenced by the irrational, angry comments I have received here and elsewhere for criticising the police and military. If you're willing to engage in civil discourse, so am I.

You know, I almost downvoted your post to make it disappear. after your response to my comment. I didn't because that would have been wrong, a knee-jerk reaction and against my beliefs. I wanted to communicate with you. I've sent several of your posts to curangel as one of their curators you know, and have to say I've always found something interesting in them. I believe we've also conversed back and forth a little too.

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We are human, and don't always agree, and whilst in the past I've thoughts differently, as I get older I tend to behave in a more balanced and calculated manner. Wisdom? Maybe. I don't know.The old me is still there, just waiting to go to war with someone - I've lost none of my ability to do so, I just stifle it now and am better for it. I have better relationships and conversations here and in the real world.

We are all entitled to our opinions and in my opinion should be able to show respect for others and theirs, whilst getting our own message across. As I gun owner, (so many guns) I am faced with this conundrum all the time...Just for example. Argue my point, or just agree that an anti-gun person is entitled to theirs. I simply go shooting and leave them to their own opinions. They won't change mine, and I won't theirs. No point arguing. Let's all just have a beer and live our best life huh?

I'm not going to say more on the topic you raised in this post. My opinion doesn't matter. Don't worry, I have one for sure, but would rather just have beers and burgers, sit around and tell lies. Ya know?

All the best.

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