Spice4Life! - Chat & Music Show - recap of 30-09-2018

in #radio6 years ago (edited)

This is the recap of before and during and my show yesterday!

What a broadcast!

I think it was the most difficult broadcast I ever had up till now. There were lots of technical difficulties. Firstly I struggled to get my stream going through OBS. It failed to start streaming a few times and in the end, it was just 2 minutes before the start of the show and all my resources were not even open. I have to start my intro song exactly 5 secs before the hour was not open and I had to judge according to my time on the PC when to start and it was a bit early.

Then this blond was in a flat spin, I had no coffee, as we were struggling and I had no time to make myself coffee before the show. Because I was rattled I forgot a few times to unmute my mic when I started to speak which resulted in silences on the other side and then after I noticed it, I had to repeat myself. Last week I did this perfectly. I was sooo frustrated with myself.

And just when I thought it could not get any worse, when I played the music my volume controls were taken over by aliens. The volumes just suddenly dropped by itself and every time I had to adjust it again. This happened about 10 times. But we toughed it out and continue with the broadcast till the end. So again I apologise to the listeners and if you were not tuned in, for once, I am grateful for that. But I think the discussions were good so following is the show recap.

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Show recap 30 September 2018

Greetings and welcome!

Heyyy everybody, welcome to my new show Spice4Life. It is Hope coming to you live from the beautiful, sunny and very windy today, South Africa! That was my new intro song by Jimmy Cliff a cover of the song I can see clearly now. This reggae song was originally sung by Songwriter(s)‎: ‎Johnny Nash in 1971.

What is Spice4Life about?

I will chat about everything and anything regarding life. I want it to be a positive and motivational show. Life is not so easy and some topics may also be not light but in the end after the show I want you to feel motivated and inspired to tackle the week ahead. Love and marriage will still feature as for some of us it is a big part of our lives but there will be lots of other topics to discuss and lots of music to listen too.

But before I tell you more let start the show with some feel-good grooves by American Authors. Best day of my life that was released in 2014. "

Best Day Of My Life" takes some of the most distinctive elements of a variety of current pop hit genres and blends them into something new.

Remember I am no counsellor, I am just passionate about life, I believe everyone deserves love and happiness. I base a lot of topics on my own beliefs and life experiences. I am a lover of inspirational, motivational and self-help articles and books. I still believe in true love, marriage and family. I also know today we have the resources to help us with any problem that we experience and that if you have problems you can find help on the internet, in books and from professionals.

Formal Disclaimer

MSP Waves Radio and its owners take no responsibility for the opinions or statements made by the talk show host or their guests. Statements and show topics are not necessarily the beliefs of the radio station. The material on these shows is provided for educational and informational purposes only.

Also. I apologise as English is not my mother tongue and sometimes I struggle a bit with finding the right word or my pronunciation might be a bit off but I am trying my best.

During the next song, get comfortable, switch off and relax with the following sweet angelic sounds of the song Helmut Lotti, I am sailing, originally sung by Rod Stewart. I could not get any information on who is the little girl singing with him or the choir. It was a live performance with the Golden Symphony orchestra. It seems that the Golden Symphony orchestra is always performing with him.

First up I am going to talk a bit about @familyprotection.

I am a proud supporter of @familyprotection here on steemit.

If you are not familiar with the community of @familyprotection you can read about this community here:

An excerpt out of the post above:

@familyprotection is an account that was set up by @canadian-coconut and @markwhittam to help protect families from being torn apart by Child Protection Services or Social Services. All future funds this account receives in the form of payouts or donations will go directly to families who need help, either to escape having their children legally kidnapped or take on the CPS in court, as of now, this account is small and with limited funds but as steemit and cryptos grow I truly believe this account can make a big difference one day.
Anyone who would like to speak up about this issue but is too worried to post it under their own account is welcome to post under the @familyprotectionaccount.
This will be a place people can turn to for advice or support, this will be a place for the teenage Moms, the single parents, the parents with limited funds, the homeschoolers, and any other group who so often find themselves under the scrutiny from the dreaded CPS.

Some of the posts on @familyprotection that caught my eye in the past week:
The above is a heartbreaking post about a mother that lost her children to CPS.

Next song is by the Black eyed peas, Where is the Love? Released in 2003 and is Contemporary R&B/Soul. It was nominated for a Grammy Award for the Record of the Year.

Another post by @mepatriot also caught my eye as I have written about the issue of children been taking away from their parents on the basis of poverty.

He is writing about these practices in Canada. In the USA there are already efforts to get an Amendment passed which would prevent children from being taken from their families on the basis of poverty.

An excerpt out of this post of mine:

More good news!
While only the Parental Rights Amendment can ultimately secure our fundamental rights in the courts and across the full panorama of our daily life experiences, that is a tremendous undertaking that will yet take time to accomplish. In the meantime, measures like H.R. 6233 can offer immediate hope in specific areas of parental rights law.

So what is H.R.6233 all about?
It is a new bill that is newly introduced in the U.S. House by the representative, Gwen Moore (D-WI). This legislation would "amend the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA)" to ensure that Child Protective Services would no longer be allowed to separate children from their parents on the basis of poverty. This amendment is supported by the bipartisan parental rights coalition of which ParentalRights.org is proudly part of.
That concludes my segment of @familyprotection. You can make donations directly to their wallet.

Next up a song by the Lumineers Ho HEY.

The music video was released on March 11, 2012. "Ho Hey" reached number one for 18 non-consecutive weeks on the Billboard Rock Songs chart, as well as two weeks in the top spot on the BillboardAlternative Songs chart and eight weeks in the top spot on the Adult Pop Songs chart, ThIS song also became a crossover hit, topping the Adult Pop Songs, Rock Songs, Alternative Songs, and Triple A charts[9

The second song that was played was Everybody by Ingrid Michaelson, an Indie pop song released in 2009.

Last week I started to share about the busy lives we are trapped in. The so-called rat race. I shared with you how one way to slow down is to stop and smell the roses, to appreciate the beauty of the creation all around us. To take time in our busy days to see, feel and appreciate the beauty of the creation.

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Another beauty that can enrich our lives and make us connect better in our busy lives is: The beauty of Positives

Negativity is ugly. It can destroy every relationship through discouragement. Negativity is like a slap in the face. It pushes your loved ones away and kills their enthusiasm. Far too often things are said like, nothing will make her happy or *No matter what I do, it's not good enough. A negative attitude is dangerous, while a positive attitude is truly a thing of beauty.

Chuck Swindoll wrote Life is 10 percent what happens to us and 90 percent how we respond to it. Attitude is the single most significant decision I made each day.

At every moment of every day, you have a choice before you to have a positive or negative attitude. A positive attitude increases happiness, reduces depression, decreases stress, and strengthens your marriage. I realize that in spite of all the reasons to have a positive attitude, it is not always easy. It takes looking beyond circumstances and feelings. Sometimes circumstances are not very optimistic, and feelings can pull you down.

I am going to play you now 2 pop songs. Firstly a song by Train - Play that song that released last year and then Make your own kind of Music by Paloma Faith released this year.

There is lots of evidence of people that grew up in bad circumstances but despite that, they still rise above their circumstances to make a big success out of their life. They did not let negative thoughts or feelings keep them down but by adopting positive thoughts and attitudes rise above their circumstances. You get just the opposite where people with great circumstances and fine feelings cling to a negative attitude.
Here are 10 ways to be positive:

  1. Practice positive attitudes.
  2. Repeat positive thoughts.
  3. See positive qualities.
  4. Speak positive words.
  5. Encourage positive actions.
  6. Pray positive prayers.
  7. Make positive choices.
  8. Befriend positive people.
  9. Develop positive goals.
  10. Live a positive life.

There are always things to complain about. Murphy's law says that whatever can possibly go wrong will go wrong. All too often this law seems to come true. But an optimistic person has learned to find positives in any situation. He has discovered that optimism has more to do with your focus than with your circumstances. Someone once said that the pessimist complains about the apple's seeds but the optimist plants them. To find the beauty of the positives, you must choose to focus on the positives. In the Bible, Paul encourages us in Philippians 4:8 to focus on all that is true, noble, pure, healthy, graceful, admirable, polite, exceptional, and praiseworthy. If you focus on these things, you can't help but be positive.

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Next up a positive and upbeat track, On Top of the World - by Imagine Dragons.

Another way to slow down -the beauty of Simplicity

More and more people, couples and families are becoming disenchanted with and even angry at the fast-paced, complex world they live in. They yearn for the simple life of a bygone era when there was time to sit back on the front porch, sip lemonade, and talk about things that matter. To accomplish this goal, many are willing to downsize, simplify, and de-clutter their lifestyle.

A frenzied lifestyle pulls people apart. It gets you moving faster and faster. Speed kills. It kills intimacy, conversation and simplicity. At that fast pace, it becomes difficult, if not impossible, to discover or appreciate any aspect of beauty. As you race to reach your goals, meet your obligations, or just keep up, a simpler life becomes a nice thought and nothing more. Simplicity allows you to slow down so you can enjoy each other and everything else. Without simplicity, you become confused, chaotic and overwhelmed.
Dr Steve Stephens in his book, blueprints for a solid marriage gives the following case study: Susan and Tom were tired of the rat race. They both quit their high-paying, prestigious jobs and sold their large suburban home. Susan explained that their lifestyle was hurting their marriage. We are busy earning money that we don't have time for each other. So they simplified. They bought a smaller house out in the country, got less demanding jobs, and learned to live without all the extras that had once cluttered their lives. This was the best things we've ever done, said Tom. Now we have time to relax and love and live.


This is exactly what Scotty and I did 6 years ago. On 28 September 2012 after that we sold almost all our belongings we arrived here on the East Coast of South Africa. We moved almost a 1000 km away and traded city life for a much quieter near to nature lifestyle. We have less earthly possessions, less money as we refuse to work for a boss again but we are much happier. We get so much more out of life, enjoying the beauty of the ocean and nature every day. Is it always easy? No, lots of times it is not so easy but we made the choice and we go with the flow and as Christians, the Lord had provided for us from day 1 up to now. We always had a roof over our head, food to eat and transport.

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Scotty and I on the beach of Southbroom, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa.

Let’s listen to It’s a Beautiful Day by Jamie Grace a traditional pop/gospel song.

Sometimes we have to take the plunge and JUMP like the Van Halen song we just listened to.

Simplicity says that less is more.

Yet in our materialistic world, we gather, collect, consume and expand. Our culture is obsessed with stuff. It occupies our days and dreams. Stuff may be attractive, but it rarely satisfies for very long. Stuff grows. It requires care and repair. It must be stored and organized and protected. Stuff often owns you as much as you own it. Most of us have far more stuff that we need, but for some strange reason, we still want more.

It is time to embrace the beauty of simplicity. So start by considering some of the areas you might de-clutter.

Your home
Your schedule
Your mind
Your priorities
Your work
Your play
Your faith
Your time together
Your time apart
Your life
Beauty is at its best in the simple - holding hands, a single red rose, a bowl of freshly picked strawberries, a walk along the beach. The best things in life and in marriage are usually simple things. Love grows in simplicity when life is calm and peaceful. With all the noise and activity that surrounds us, our love can get lost. Dr Stephens frequently encourage couples to try an audio-visual fast. Turn off your television, radio, mp3 player, and computer. Enjoy the quiet and the solitude. Listen to the wind, the birds, the one you love and the voice of God.


Solitude is a place where positives are pondered, beauty is enjoyed, goodness is celebrated, togetherness is built, and simplicity is embraced. Simplicity is a beautiful thing and it will bring beautiful things into your marriage. But you need to be willing to let go of the "doing" and the "getting" so you can discover the joy of "being".

I am going to play you the South African version of Sounds of Silence by the South African group Touch of Glass

That was SARA BEREILLES - BRAVE A 2013 POWER POP SONG. We have to be brave, get up and let go of our comfort zones in order to bring change.

So next I went on to share an article about:

Technology wants you as its slave. How much power do we have?


In between I played the following songs:
The First World problems song - Technology Zoe Anne
Charlie Puth - We don’t talk anymore.
Imagine Dragons - Zero

Get off the phone - Rhett & link

I end this segment with this excerpt out of the article

And with that, I’ll leave you with a quote from one of life's great philosophers: Ferris Beuller.
“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you might miss it.”

Next up an Abba song about life - Move on.

End of show - Thank you's and greetings!

Thank you, everybody, for tuning in, listening and chatting in the audience. I enjoyed it very much spending time with you, I hope you enjoyed it too. See you next week, same time, MSPWAVES the place to be!

I am playing out with a gospel song - Happy Day by Fee!

Bye Bye all.

You can listen to my playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAIdexPULB6NO-x05PIai4gOcJkOd1YgT
I only played up till number 19.

Sources: https://steemit.com/christian-trail/@hope777/love-and-marriage-183-the-patio-aesthetic-togetherness

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Getting things up and running smoothly? Never heard of it, always have a glitch or two along the way, it is like life we can never anticipate what is coming in the next minute.

Thanks for motivational posts.

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Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

Thank you very much!

@hope777, you certainly seem to be engaging in great topics on your show Lady hope and the Ferris Beuller quote; “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you might miss it.” is to my own thinking one of the best. Congratulations and don't stress too much about the mistakes. We all make them every day! Blessings!

Thank you @papilloncharity for your encouraging comments, I really appreciate it. @breezin sometimes tune in. It will be great if you can tune in sometime. It is on a Sunday night from 9 pm to 11 pm. Have a great day!

Nice post. I can't belive you went through all these tough situations to bring out the message. It must be a very important message then . Continue inspiring and advicing.

Good to see you @gadol. Yes, I think it is an important message and I do enjoy doing the show but it was just a strange evening. The message is not as important as the gospel. I want to start a new show soon ForGod'sGlory and your page was my inspiration for the other page as well as the show. I have internet issues that are now taking months to sort out. That is the best message we can bring!

Yes of course. That's the best message we can bring indeed. I hope your Internet issues be fixed sooner for you to contime the good work and share the Gospel.

Wow @hope777, I have to tune in next time but have no idea how to :( You cover some amazing topics...full of hope, your steemit name is so apt! I can imagine the stress levels when you go on air, and it's pointless me telling you not to stress but I must say I'm very proud this is being done by a little lady on the KZN South Coast, bless you!

awww thank you Lizelle for your kind words. It means a lot to me. If you are on discord it's easy to tune in. I usually do a post on Sunday's about 7 pm with invitation links to the PAL MSPwaves broadcast server. If you tune in there you can also follow the chat in the audience, I also give a link to that. Hope to see you there!

Will look out for that thanks!

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