Conspiracy Theories 101 Series Part 10 of 12: The Conspiracy Against Visible Minorities

in #racism6 years ago

By: Shawn Alli
Posted: October 10, 2017 (on

*Note: All individuals and organizations receive 3 full days of pre-publication notice.

*Note: By Jewish people/Jews, I'm referring to Israeli ethnicity, not Judaist believers.

*Note: The use of the terms genotype and phenotype is not in their proper scientific use, but it will suffice for mainstream science.

*Note: All dollar figures are in US dollars unless specified otherwise.

*Note: I use the term liberal trifecta to refer to liberals in general, liberal/progressive/neo-liberal media outlets, and Democrats.

Conspiracy Theorists & Religion & White Privilege

Politics & Education & War

Science & Medicine

Interracial Couples


Sports & Entertainment & Media & Industry

Free Speech & The Rise of Trump & White Supremacy


Black Lives Matter (BLM)

Visible Minorities Who Want to be White

Global Aid

Conspiracy Theorists & Religion & White Privilege

Politics & Education & War

Science & Medicine

Interracial Couples


Sports & Entertainment & Media & Industry

Free Speech & The Rise of Trump & White Supremacy


***Taken out, due to steemit limit, please see original article:

Black Lives Matter (BLM)

The Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement is a reactionary movement against the mass killing of unarmed black men by police officers. But it's also a movement to fill the void left behind MLK Jr. Sure, there's Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, and Barak Obama.

While all of them talk a big game, none of them have considerable power (or choose not to use that power) to empower the black community. Remember, the BLM movement is created during Obama's term.

The problems in the black community are old and widespread. While Aboriginals can claim unequal treatment from white colonizers beginning in the 1600s, black people have been enslaved by white people for practically all of recorded history (minus the last 150 years).

Even after the abolition of slavery, the legal oppression of black people only ends in the 1970s. And even after that, the social, economic, and financial oppression of black people still continues in the 21st century. That's what the BLM movement is fighting against. They're fighting against the GSIG conspiracy to disempower black people all over the world. And that's not accidental. That's intentional.

The battle against white oppression/racism is an upward battle for all visible minorities, especially black people. And there's no right or wrong way to fight oppression. While many people condemn the violence that BLM seems to advocate, I don't. What? You're a horrible person.

Contrary to what you may believe, violence will forever be part of humanity's destiny. Even IF...and it's a big IF, we grow and develop as a species and as beings of consciousnes, violence will still be part of our humanity. Thinking otherwise is delusional.

The reason why I would give visible minorities a free pass into violence against white oppressors/racists is because it would be disingenuous not to do so. In the past, white people are allowed to kill and openly discriminate against visible minorities. But today, white people in all systems of power call on visible minorities to use your words. Umm...what?

That's basically saying that white violence against visible minorities in the past is acceptable, while visible minority violence against white racists is unacceptable. That's disingenuous. All of the people who claim that non-violence is the answer in solving racism, sexism, and inequality are living in their ideological bubble wrapped world.

They're not living in the reality that visible minorities live in. Why not? Because most liberal pundits/owners/boards of directors are white. They'll never understand the feelings of visible minorities because of their white privileged status.

It's very interesting that the black community chooses MLK's vision of integration vs. Malcolm X's vision of segregation. Which path leads to the empowerment of black people? The answer is definitely not MLK's integration vision. There are zero empowered black people that wield any significant level of power in MLK's vision today. Zero.

And no, Barak Obama and US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas doesn't count. Why not? Because they're not actively empowering the black community. They're just enjoying their positions of power for themselves, either financially or socially.

It reminds me of White Christian pastors that believe in the Jesus wants me to be rich doctrine. I despise such pastors. These are fake Christians. Jesus wouldn't recognize any of them as real Christians. Even the Christians of ancient or medieval times wouldn’t recognize today's Christians as genuine.

Forgive the tangents. I have a lot of anger to displace. There's a good reason why I choose to see the world through a lens of comedy. Without it...oh dear god. To be fair, I have a very loving and playful inner child. But let's get back to integration vs. segregation.

While MLK's vision of integration and peace is a failure in terms of empowering black people, I don't advocate for segregation of visible minorities. But an argument can still be made for segregation.

During the segregation era, the black community was more or less thriving relative to their own community. They had good jobs, housing, education, and social status. Again, all of this is relative of course. It was far from the best jobs, housing, education, and social status possible, but it wasn't as bad as the ghettos that exist today.

And this is an interesting issue. One of the differences between poor white and black people is malevolent destruction. Poor trailer trash white people are not malevolent or actively seeking the destruction of white culture or their white trailer trash neighbors.

But black people who live in the ghettos will actively seek the destruction of their neighbors or elsewhere in a malevolent manner via drugs, prostitution, or blackmail. That's a significant difference.

Black thugs today are actively seeking to rebrand black culture as one of violence, prostitution, and drugs. That's a huge problem. Just as liberal media outlets ignore/turn a blind eye towards Aboriginal on Aboriginal violence, they do the same for black on black crime as well. Why? That's not what we're selling. We're selling white people as the bad guy.

And no, you can't use the conditioning argument. You can't say that poor black people don't know any better. Not in the 21st century. In the digital information age, help exists in every form, and on every level for visible minorities.

If black people don't want help and choose a destructive path, like Aboriginals, that's on them. Morally speaking, personal responsibility trumps conditioning any day. Legally speaking, conditioning trumps personal responsibility in our current WE justice system.

The reason why I don't support segregation is because it's a step backwards in the growth and development of humanity. I'm interested in humanity moving forward, not backwards. Segregating into different fiefdoms may empower a small amount of people, but it will prevent humanity from moving forward.

However, black and even white separatists can argue that empowerment can only be achieved through segregation. White people and Chinese people are segregated for a very long time and achieve incredible levels of empowerment.

But Aboriginals or black people in Africa are also segregated for long periods of time in history and fail to achieve the same level of empowerment. It's an interesting and touchy observation.

But regardless, if you're against segregation today, you should have a good reason, a good WHY as to why you're against it. Being against segregation because it's the norm is not a genuine position. And to complicate things, MLK's vision of integration has failed to empower the black community as a whole, be it in WE societies or in Africa.

There are very few black people in positions of power that are empowering the black community. The only two people I can think of are Louis Farrakhan and Bill Cosby. Farrakhan's way is through the path of Islam. Sorry, but you can't empower someone through a religion of submission.

And just so we're clear, that applies to the women that support white supremacists/white racists in general. It's an act of submission, not empowerment. Generally speaking, white supremacists are threatened by a strong woman. Period. Women only have value to these men as baby making machines and raising kids.

And if anything goes wrong with that child rearing, guess who's going to bear the brunt of it? God help homosexual children in a white supremacist household. But then again, the Christian god apparently doesn't like f*ggots. Ah...the benevolent mercy and love of the Christian god. Truly remarkable.

One of the consequences of Muslim submission is that white people (and all rational people in general), are scared of it. Contrary to what the liberal trifecta wants you to believe, Muslims in general are cracked in the head.

Declaring jihad against anything and everyone, and killing civilians and children, are truly acts of scum. And Muslims that secretly endorse such actions are scum as well. They just lack the courage and conviction to get their hands dirty over their religious beliefs.

And all of this is taking place under the backdrop of liberal journalists trying to whitewash these horrible actions as having nothing to do with the peaceful religion of Islam. These liberals are definitely cracked in the head.

Oddly enough, the only credible person left in the black empowerment movement is Bill Cosby. While Cosby is still on trial for sexual assault (innocent until proven guilty), his work to empower black people to take responsibility for their lives is incontrovertible.

While some will criticize him for being a rich black man imposing his values on poor black people, Cosby is genuine and knows that empowerment equals success. It may not be financial success, but it's success nonetheless.

Cosby is not a black separatist, but he knows that integration has failed. His black liberal critics can criticize him all they want, but they'll never be the editor-in-chief, or the owner, or a board of director of the very same liberal institution they work for. And that's not accidental. That's intentional.

Why? Because there's a GSIG conspiracy to disempower visible minorities. It may sound unbelievable to you at first, but when you think it through, everything else makes sense. And once you have a decent grasp of the big picture, you can finally take genuine actions to change the situation.

Cosby's recommendations of taking responsibility for ones actions, proper parenting, and getting rid of black ghetto culture influences are excellent short term wins. But the long term wins will only become reality when visible minorities change their mindset to empower themselves via their purpose in life.

If you don't know where to begin in finding/creating your purpose in life, I recommend radical dualism (see Philosophy of Mind in Philosophy Reborn Part I: Purpose and Autoimmune Diseases for Everyone in Part IV: Naturally Unhealthy Big Pharma & Big Media).

And no, Jay-Z isn't empowering the black community. The issue of black rappers is an interesting one for the conspiracy theory movement. Some black conspiracy theorists see black rappers like Jay-Z as sellouts for being owned by Jews.

Again, most Jewish people today just want to help black people. On the one hand, Jewish people and white people in general see it as empowering black people. On the other hand, some black people and visible minorities in general see it as white men controlling visible minorities.

Aside from the fact that Jewish people today will never understand the issues that black people face due to their white privileged status, the relationship between visible minorities, especially black people and Jewish people is complicated in the 21st century.

Of course, individually speaking (without all the labels), it's just a human being trying to help another human being. It's a shame that all of our labels today are causing more pain than healing.

The reaction against BLM is interesting. The most famous reaction is the All Lives Matter movement by white racists (even if they don't see themselves as racists). Even as unarmed black people are still getting killed by police officers in 2017, the All Lives Matter movement is still going strong.

I don't need to tell you how bad it is to be born black in 2017. Aside from the overt racism by white supremacist, the indirect racism by others is worse. Knowing that a person is racist is one thing. But thinking that person isn't racist when they really are but hide it is moving into sociopath levels.

And that's where we are today. We have closet racists denying visible minorities jobs, housing, and services all because of their race/ethnicity. What's worse? Being killed directly by white people in the past because of race? Or, being killed emotionally, mentally, socially, and financially by white people today on a chronic basis, at all levels of society?

You can easily Google "police kill unarmed black man" or "discrimination against black people" and you'll get your evidence.

I don't need to show you references of the FBI actively trying to destroy the black empowerment movement in the past.

I don't need to show you references of all the unarmed black men who have died at the hands of police/in their custody.

I don't need to tell you that mass incarcerations of black people turn one-time petty criminals into lifelong thugs.

I don't need to tell you that the current WE justice system/police give chances to white people if they make a mistake but don't give any meaningful ones to black people.

I don't need to tell you any of this because you should already know it. If you don't know this, then you choose not to know about it for whatever reason. But what you may not know is that all of this is part of a broader GSIG conspiracy against visible minorities.

The evidence is already in front of you in the previous subsections. You can see the appearance of equality vs. actual equality. You can see the equality policy on paper and the opposite in reality.

You're not blind. You just choose not to make the overarching GSIG conspiracy conclusion because you don't want to be seen/see yourself as a crackpot conspiracy theorist. I understand. You don't need to tell others that you're a conspiracy theorist.

You don't need to go public with that stigmatized label. I can do that. Though you don't have to go public with the conspiracy theorist label, you need to be aware of the GSIG conspiracies if you want to make the world a better place for others.

Again, BLM is an attempt at justice and to fill the void in the black community leadership. BLM is NOT a black separatist movement. While I support BLM, sadly, it won't succeed. Why not? Because most white people don't care if black people die.

In fact, most white people would dance for joy if all black people on the planet dies or disappears tomorrow. Why? Because they're racist and don't want black people to be a drain on WE society via welfare and Medicaid (which is taxpayer funded).

And not only white people, but many non-black visible minorities are also racist to black people. And don't think that black people don't already know this. They know it. They know that a large amount of non-blacks (white and visible minorities) don't give a f*ck about them.

And that's a tough cross to bear. Can you imagine walking to the store knowing that the person walking towards you doesn't really care if you live or die? For the sake of appearances, they'll care. But you know that they don't really care.

While it's noble for BLM to want the US justice system to be just towards black's a pipe dream. Generally speaking, if you're wronged in the US, you'll get your justice. But only at the cost of your reputation, health, finances, and social status.

If you're a visible minority, you'll be lucky if you get any justice at all. And even if you do, it'll be token justice. Just for the sake of appearances.

Visible Minorities Who Want to be White

And now we can finally get to the last touchy and dicey issue, visible minorities who want to be white. Sound unbelievable? See for yourself:

But her vehement denial hasn't stopped the conversation around her skin colour, mainly because she has gone from someone many Indian women could identify with, to just another pale-skinned Bollywood star.

...A 2014 Morgan Stanley report found that for nearly half of Indian consumers who took part in a survey, the most important attribute in a skin cream is its ability to lighten skin colour.

While superstars like Shar Rukh Khan and Hrithik Roshan have been endorsing fairness creams for nearly a decade now, several younger actors have started speaking out against India's obsession with fair skin. [118]

She uses skin lightening creams which are popular with many Afro-Caribbean, African and Asian people, despite repeated health warnings.

Some of the products contain toxic chemicals, such as hydroquinone, which may cause skin irritation, bleaching, or even infection, when applied in excessive quantities.

...I didn't really want to destroy my skin.

But if you ask me: 'Would you still have stopped, if it hadn't done any harm?'

Trust me, no! Why would I stop? [119]

Since his retirement from baseball in 2009, Sammy Sosa skin color lightening to a whiter shade has been keeping him relevant in the news.

...Time Magazine spoke with a dermatologist in Chicago who speculated that some of the stark differences in the lightened color occurred because Sosa was overcompensating. WebMD warns that an overcompensation of changes to Sammy Sosa skin pigmentation can result in mercury poisoning and permanent "liver" spots.

While Sosa defended the vampire look by stating that photos made him look lighter, and in person the difference would not be as noticeable, he continued to appear whiter as months went on. [120]

While we have debated whether other celebrities like Beyonce and Rihanna have actually lightened their skin or if the magazines that featured their images had photoshopped their complexions, with Kim, there surely can be little question.

It looks as though she has lightened her once black-girl-brown complexion to one that’s not so brown at all. Her hair is longer, straighter, blonder. Her once round nose now thin. Even her eyes sit differently on her face. She’s changed, in ways that words can’t even begin to capture. And it hurts.

...And all over that world, people of color use a variety of chemicals to lighten the complexion of their skin. In fact, wherever there are people of color—Southeast Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, and the United States—there is skin bleaching.

In places where the majority of the population has browner or darker skin, wearing relatively lighter skin provides social advantage; and for women particularly, the social advantage that comes with having lighter skin is being seen, and thus treated, as more beautiful and attractive. [121]

Bleaching, whitening, lightening. Whatever you call it, the business of cosmetic enhancement to make dark skin look paler continues. Creams, pills and surgical treatments are used across continents by darker-skinned ethnicities hoping for a whiter complexion. But the problem, like most of those thrown up by the cosmetic industry, is often seen as largely as the concern of women.

...I was shocked to learn that the dancehall artist Vybz Kartel – never one to shy away from a commercial venture – is launching a range of cosmetics this month, including his own brand of skin lightener. It's something of an (un)natural progression from the musician's decision earlier this year to lighten his own skin and the launch of his own "cake soap", a traditional Jamaican product intended for white clothes but which is reportedly misused to alter skin colour. [122]

For some visible minorities, they believe that by lightening their skin they'll have a better chance at succeeding in a white man's world. And they would be correct. Hollywood actors/actresses, and music celebrities are under enormous pressure to lighten their skin.

Obviously, Hollywood producers don't say it outright, but the message is clear. If you want more lead roles, you're going to have to lighten your skin. You know, something we can market, sell, and make a profit on.

In theory, all visible minorities face discrimination. In reality, light skinned visible minorities that can pass for WE white people (like Dwayne Johnson/The Rock), don't experience racial discrimination.

Their genotype is one of a visible minority, but their phenotype can pass for a white person. The racial discrimination that light skinned black people experience is very different from the racial discrimination that dark skinned black people experience:

Juanita [Judy Juanita, former Black Panther]: Colorism—meaning one's color affected one's destiny within the black community, and people of lighter complexion received preferential treatment...

I would say I don't think it was a mistake that Kathleen, Elaine, Ericka Huggins—and even Angela Davis, if you want to go that far—were all fairer-skinned. They were beautiful in a more acceptable way. And when I say acceptable, I don't even mean acceptable just to a white mainstream society, but maybe, at that point, more acceptable to blacks also. [123]

The racial discrimination that brown people experience is very different from the racial discrimination that Asians experience. The racial discrimination that Aboriginals experience is very different from the racial discrimination that Metis experience (if they experience it at all).

But let me explain that last one. Oh dear god. I hope I still have Aboriginal friends after this article goes online...but I doubt it. But that's what happens when you strive to be genuine in your words and actions.

The term Metis is a term that means mixed ancestry, white and Aboriginal. Until a few years ago, Aboriginal women in Canada lost their official Aboriginal status if they married a white man. By doing so, they gained the status of Metis.

Today, Aboriginal women no longer lose their official Aboriginal status when marrying non-Aboriginals. Hence, the term Metis is a dead term. In one sense, there's no more Metis because the laws change.

But in another sense, there will always be more Metis being born because Metis people will continue to have Metis children. In 2016 the Supreme Court of Canada recognized Metis as a legitimate "Indian" along with Aboriginal, Inuit, and non-status Indians. [124]

In theory, there's no bad blood between Aboriginal (full Aboriginal ancestry) and Metis (mixed). In reality, there is. Allow me to explain why. If a white man and Aboriginal woman have a child, the child will undoubtedly look Aboriginal. So that's the first generation.

If the first generation child has a child with another non-Aboriginal partner, they'll more or less still look Aboriginal. That's the second generation. But if the second generation child has a child with another non-Aboriginal partner, that's when it gets fuzzy.

While the genotype definitely has Aboriginal elements, the phenotype may not express those and cause the child to look completely non-Aboriginal. This is the third generation child.

And let's pretend that this third generation child, now an adult, definitely doesn't look Aboriginal but has Aboriginal genetics regardless. They fill out a job application and checkmark the visible minority box. Is that a problem? Yes. To who? To Aboriginals who look Aboriginal. And it's a dicey argument.

On the one hand, in this example, there's no doubt about Aboriginal ancestry. You could even use a fourth generation child instead of the third if you want, but the results would be the same. The third generation child definitely has Aboriginal ancestry (that's not in question). But the child doesn't look Aboriginal.

In this example, the public/average person perceives the third generation adult to be non-Aboriginal. If the adult continues to advocate for their visible minority status, full Aboriginals would start to resent them. And the resentment is understandable.

The third generation adult doesn't face any racial discrimination because of their non-Aboriginal appearance, while full Aboriginals do face the discrimination on a regular basis. And that's a problem.

Both are genuinely Aboriginal and advocate for their Aboriginal heritage, but only one faces racial discrimination. Which one is in the right? Like I said, it's a touchy issue. Both sides have genuine arguments, but only one is looked at favorably in the eyes of the public. Should we be checking visible minority boxes based on genotype or phenotype? Ancestry vs. the perception of appearance.

There are many light skinned/white visible minorities. Mexicans/Latinos have very light skin. Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and such) have skin whiter than WE white people. Even with that light skin, there are very few famous Asian actors/actresses/celebrities in Hollywood. That's not accidental. That's intentional.

What's missing? The perception of being white. Having white skin but having the appearance of an Asian person isn't good enough to succeed in a white man's world. Having light skin and looking Mexican doesn’t change a person's view about Mexican culture. You can't just have white skin. You have to look like a WE white person to get ahead in this world.

Of course, this can only be done by people with money. Michael Jackson is the perfect example. Jackson is born with the genotype and phenotype of a black man. Jackson dies with the genotype of a black man but with the phenotype of a white man. Allow me to be clear. Jackson is definitely ashamed of being black. Don't believe me? listen to his longtime friend and music producer Quincy Jones:

It's ridiculous, man! Chemical peels and all of it. And I don't understand it. But he [Jackson] obviously didn't want to be black. [125]

All of Jackson's children (regardless of what they say) are most likely not his biological children. [126] [127] [128] A child of a black man and white woman will have features (phenotype) that looks black. None of his children have features that show his black ancestry.

Of course, there are many good reasons for using sperm donors and surrogates. But one reason that can hide behind the more rational reason is that Jackson doesn't want to be the father of child who looks black.

I don't have any direct evidence for this claim so it's just a conspiracy theory. But if you want to add more fuel to the fire, you can say that the white music producers that manage Jackson advise him to use a surrogate. See how easy it is to create a conspiracy theory?

Again, there's no direct evidence for this, but it's not impossible considering what Jackson does to look white. I don't mean his vitiligo condition. I mean the work he has done to his hair, nose, and facial structure:

He started out modestly enough — by just wanting a different nose. In the end, after up to 100 procedures, he was desperately trying to repair the damage done by reckless and botched operations and injections.

Michael Jackson, surely the most infamous example of the perils of cosmetic surgery, spent 30 years trying to achieve his idea of perfection.

...After Erhardt's new chin was revealed, Jackson went on to have this operation several times.

Despite his initial nerves, Michael also had Botox, fillers, bleached his skin, had cheek implants and lip augmentation. He changed the shape of his nose to the point that it was so narrow the airways were blocked. [129]

None of that facial surgery is necessary due to the burn accident in 1984. But he does it nonetheless. For Jackson, the natural ethnic black look isn't perfect enough for him. And if it's not good enough for him, why should it be good enough for young black youth?

Don't misunderstand though. I believe that Michael Jackson is the single greatest performer on the planet. But he was cracked in the head in his quest for perfection and beauty. Let me give you one final example of visible minorities who want to be white. Asians.

While Asians have white skin even whiter than most WE white people, they don't exactly look white. What's their solution? Marry into a white family so their kids look WE white:

There is really so much more to be said about why "white privilege" is actually quite advantageous and should be respected. As an ethnic minority individual, I'll never really know what it is like to be white, so I can only posit my own conjectures based on my personal experiences and observations of white people. I suppose any of my criticisms would be invalid anyway, as they likely stem from deep-seated jealousy of the white race and an inner longing to be white. I can only hope that my future generations can embrace and perpetuate this "white privilege" by marrying into the race until all traces of my Chinese descent have been dissolved.[7]

If that doesn't work, you can always give allegiance to white supremacists and neo-Nazis:

...the Donald Trump-loving Tequila has gone on to become a conspiracy theory-embracing Nazi, unapologetically calling herself an "alt-reich queen!" on her Twitter bio and appearing at the white nationalist National Policy Institute conference this past weekend.

...Along with penning her massively misguided manifesto "Why I Sympathize With Hitler: Part 1," the reality TV star shocked fans by posting a photo of herself holding a gun and wearing a Nazi armband while posing in front of Auschwitz in 2013. [130]

If that doesn't work, you can admire white people for their beauty and pretend that you're white on the inside:

When Wang Ge, a business school student, wakes up, she often asks herself, "What would Ivanka do?"

That would be Ivanka Trump, the eldest daughter of President Trump, a woman Ms. Wang has never met but worships.

...But in China, Ms. Trump is widely adored.

...She is called a "goddess" on social media. A video of her daughter singing in Chinese went viral, attracting tens of millions of viewers. Working mothers have latched onto Ms. Trump's brand of have-it-all feminism. [131]

And then we get to Japanese people who want to be white. Oh dear god. I don't think I'll ever have any Japanese friends after this article goes online. And that's tough considering the fact that I love Japanese anime. But if I strive to be genuine in my actions and words, I have to say it.

If you look at Japanese anime, you'll find that all of the main characters look like WE white people instead of Asian white:

Uzumaki Naruto – Naruto series

Uchiha Sasuke – Naruto series

Uchiha Madara – Naruto series

Hatake Kakashi – Naruto series

Uchiha Itachi – Naruto series

Jiraiya – Naruto series

Tsunade - Naruto series

Orochimaru - Naruto series

Kurosaki Ichigo - Bleach

Kuchiki Rukia - Bleach

Urahara Kisuke - Bleach

Zaraki Kenpachi - Bleach

Hitsugaya Toshiro - Bleach

Sosuke Aizen – Bleach

Kuchiki Byakuya – Bleach

Abarai Renji – Bleach

Monkey D. Luffy – One Piece

Roronoa Zoro – One Piece

Gon Freecss - Hunter × Hunter

Killua Zoldyck - Hunter × Hunter

Kurapika - Hunter × Hunter

Re-l Mayer – Ergo Proxy

Vincent Law – Ergo Proxy

Major Mira Killian – Ghost in the Shell

Batou – Ghost in the Shell

Eren Yeager - Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin

Mikasa Ackerman - Attack on Titan

Armin Arlert - Attack on Titan

Jean Kirschtein - Attack on Titan

Levi - Attack on Titan

Edward Elric - Full Metal Alchemist

Yugi Mutou - Yu-Gi-Oh!

Seto Kaiba - Yu-Gi-Oh!

Goku – Dragonball series

Vegeta - Dragonball series

Gohan - Dragonball series

Yagami Light – Death Note

L – Death Note

Amane Misa – Death Note

Not a single main character looks Asian/Japanese. Not one. And that's not accidental. That's intentional. Why? Because Japanese animators/people in general like to see themselves as WE white people. What they can't achieve in reality, they create in fiction.

This is why the whitewashing of live-action anime (Ghost in the Shell and Death Note) has no argument. It's not that Hollywood only wants to cast white actors/actresses in these live actions (though they do). It's that the character themselves already look like WE white people. It only makes sense for WE white actors/actresses to play the roles.

But then again, maybe all of this is a big misunderstanding. Perhaps Asians don't really want to be like WE white people. Rather, they see themselves as the original and true white people, while WE white people are merely imitations of them.

In this theory, the Asian white (instead of WE white) represents the highest rung on the evolutionary ladder. Asian white, not WE white is supposed to be the dominant ruler of the planet with people imitating them, not the other way around. An interesting theory.

Global Aid

And last but not least, we finally get to global aid. White people giving money to poor visible minorities in developing countries. We're so compassionate with our money. As you should know by now, giving massive amounts of money to poor people won't solve the main issues.

Money (especially debt) has zero power in being able to solve any significant problems. The aid money is just for the sake of appearances. To be fair, it's not just a lot of money. It's a f*ckload of money. It's over $60 billion of aid money in 2000, increasing to over $140 billion in 2016. [132]

That's over a trillion dollars just from the last decade. And that's the point. Even a trillion dollars isn't enough to end poverty. Why not? Because money has zero power in being able to solve inequality, poverty, racism, or sexism. Zero power.

Significant change can only come from ideologies of empowerment and purpose. That's where it begins. If you don't have empowerment and purpose, you have nothing of value in this life (aside from eternal love of course).

In August 2017 Bill Gates donates $4.6 billion (USD) to charitable causes. [133] While liberals praise his actions, it won't cause any significant change in developing nations. If trillions of dollars can't lift people in developing nations out of poverty, a few billion won't either.

Gates' push for GMOs and family planning on people in the developing world, isn't one of compassion. It's one of profit and serving the interests of GSIGs. Nothing more.

The claims of compassion and ending poverty are just cover reasons for the sake of appearances. If you learn nothing at all from reading this series I would be happy if you understand the difference between reality and the perception of reality, and genuine actions vs. disingenuous actions even when the end results look the same.

Allow me to be clear. Liberal philanthropists, the World Bank, the IMF, and the UN aren't solving any significant problems in the 21st century. 70 years later and it's (more or less) the same old sh*t.

It's the same ads/commercials of starving people in developing nations. The attempt to transform visible minority developing nations into developed ones is merely for the sake of appearances. There's no genuine intent to do so.

The manipulation exists in order for you to believe the lie. To believe that the current system works. To believe that you live in a democracy. And while you foolishly believe such things, rich and powerful white people and GSIGs will continue to dominate the planet through an ideology of disempowerment.

How long will it take for you to realize this?

How long will it take for you to change your ideologies?

How long will it take for you to finally take significant actions to change the GSIG script of disempowerment?


[1] To Seek Political Power: A Fool's Errand. YouTube video. Posted by: The Alex Jones Channel, May 10, 2017.

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[132] Net ODA, constant 2015 USD millions. OECD.

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