Vaccines mandates are racist...Going cashless is racism...Is America run by "Tall White" NAZI space alien doctors who are racists?
BLM Organizer Calls Vaccine Mandates ‘Racist’
Column: As coronavirus surges, more stores are going cashless. The price tag is racism
"3. Tall Whites aka ”doctors” (executives)"
"Snowden, who has been given asylum in Russia, leaked documents that a race of extraterestrial “tall whites” arrived on Earth, helped Nazi Germany build a fleet of advanced submarines in the 1930s, and then met in 1954 with President Dwight Eisenhower “where the ‘secret regime’ currently ruling over America was established.”"
"Another inevitable development in postwar conspiracy subculture was the rise of a belief in secret Nazi bases underneath Antarctica. The idea of a “hollow” or “inner” earth was a key tenet of nineteenth-century occultism, and in the postwar years it reemerged as a setting for escaped Nazi scientists working in secret technology and weapons labs."
"The Nazis may have “officially” lost World War 2, but the top ones escaped – and their influence continues to this day. In addition to infiltrating the ranks of the CIA, NASA and other US Government agencies (by invitation), in-exile Nazis set up a massive economic network comprised of 750 corporations in neutral countries."
"Anticipating the defeat of the Third Reich, Reichsleiter Martin Bormann set up 750 corporations in neutral countries, primed as vehicles to receive the liquid wealth of Germany in addition to patents and other proprietary industrial information."
"The 1952 UFO White House overflight was a Nazi saucer squad explaining who’s boss."
"Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party ascribed to the concept of the “Master Race”. This ideology held that the Aryan Races, people of Northern European descent, represented a superior and “pure race”. An ideal member of the Master Race was referred to as an “Übermensch”, or literally, a “Super Man”. Any person not of pure, Aryan descent was considered an “Untermensch”, or literally, a “Sub-Human”."