I had a friendly discussion about racism and it got me thinking.
I believe that racism ONLY exists institutionally if it exists at all. This as opposed to the accusation that an individual can be considered racist because of thoughts ASSUMED to be his based on his culture or his race. By institutional I mean formal as in segregation or club rules or church doctrine or business practice in direct violation of civil rights or police policy in violation of civil rights. In other words something tangible.
You can't legitimately say a person is racist because he's white or a white cop or laughs at ethnic humor or moves out of a black neighborhood or avoids black neighborhoods or thinks hip hop music has no artistic value or writes about black crime statistics. But the left DOES in each of those cases. They seem almost desperate to start a race war. I think I know why.
Their "civil rights" policies have been a disaster for the black community. An unmitigated horror of epic proportions. They are rooted in true racism which is the belief that blacks are inferior intellectually and need assistance to survive in a mixed race society. The result of making them a dependent class of people is ghettos, crime, fatherless homes and drug dependency in unfathomable proportions compared to their numbers. Now the left is saying they're too stupid or lazy or whatever to get ID to vote.
The ONLY way to deflect from this abysmal and historic failure spanning generations is to put the blame elsewhere. So rather than accept responsibility for a policy gone wrong they blame it on white people. It's insanity really. It's sociopathic. What is appalling to me is that blacks keep falling for it. THAT in and of itself will not bode well for them. At some point in time it's too late for tough love.