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RE: America seriously considering trump. The world is going to shit.

in #racism8 years ago

have no visited the poor area's and heard how he talks about different races? or the fact he wants to build a giant wall and give mexico the bill? or the fact he makes a big deal out of a women judge taking her oath with her hand on HER holy book. Just because she happens to be muslim. This man would cause wars and he has no respect for paying his fair share. While the normal man suffers he is avoiding millions. I can't honestly see how anyone who is struggling in any way could give their vote to a man who has never had to worry about a bill being paid but not just that has never had to worry about anything. He has no political experience and countries should not be run like business as it usually ends up with the little give getting shit on.

White privilege is the luxury of having a bag of weed in your pocket walking past cops and nothing happening. I promise you not a single upper class white kid is stopped for drugs. People are denied homes based on race. Race doesn't cause the crime. Situation does. People like trump make that situation far worse and will do nothing but harm. He is driven by green and no one can tell the UK about a bad fucking world leader. We have a long history of either having one or going to war with one.... Hitler was only one of many. Trump is not hitler but he has the same level of hate towards those he does not understand.