White Nationalists of Colour

in #race7 years ago

Are people of colour being manipulated by far-right organisations that are trying to achieve credibility within mainstream politics? Numerous right-wing groups court support from individuals of ethnic minority backgrounds. However, it would seem that the ultimate goals of those political parties are directly opposed to the ideals one might imagine people of colour to be striving for. Could it be possible that minorities within right-wing white nationalist organisations are little more than shields to deflect accusations of racism at this point in time? Would it be a reasonable prediction that the ethnic minorities supporting these political viewpoints could very well find themselves on the receiving end of discrimination from their supposed 'allies' if they were ever to take power?

Britain First, is a right-wing political party on the fringes of UK politics. A prominent section of their website is entitled 'BRITAIN FIRST AND RACISM - THE TRUTH!' The page informs readers that 'Britain First rejects racial hatred in all its forms.' If this is true, why is Britain First so opposed to non-white European immigration to the UK? Why are only small numbers of non-white immigrants welcome into Britain according to the party's platform? Britain First would respond that they wish for the UK to preserve what they perceive to be its racial and cultural heritage. However, in order to achieve their desired white British future, they have to discriminate against immigrants and do so on a racial basis. Therefore, are the ethnic minorities pictured on Britain First's website merely 'necessary evils' to be tolerated whilst a true agenda of 'Whitopia' is being pursued?

Britain First appears to support the idea of limited non-white skilled immigration. However, one cannot help but wonder how many of Britain First's supporters who are people of colour come from highly educated backgrounds? Are the non-white individuals photographed on their website celebrating a political entity that would actually have them banned from immigration because of their educational background? This strange alliance of ethnic minorities supporting far-right groups is not restricted to the UK.

The far-right and second most popular political party in Germany, the Alternative for Deutschland (AfD) also accepts membership from persons of colour. The policies of organisations such as Britain First, the AfD, France's National Front and a host of other far-right political parties can only conclude with white ethnocentric states. So why do some people of colour support organisations that could one day strip away their freedoms and the freedoms of their families? One theory put forward is that some people of colour may wish they were of white northern European descent. Therefore, they view support of white nationalist groups as an affirmation that they could be accepted into the fold if their loyalty is sufficiently demonstrated. This 'self-loathing' could be the result of colonial subjugation of numerous people groups of colour. The oppressed are made to feel inferior to their oppressors and could potentially come to see those responsible for their injustice as a source of power to be desired. Whatever the reason, some elements of the far-right certainly have a use for non-white supporters within their ranks at this point in time.

What future do people of colour who support far-right political organisations see for themselves and their families? When the Nazi Party took control of Germany they stripped the nation's Jewish population of their rights in progressive waves. It's possible to read bulletins written by Jews for their communities in the 1930s outlining new discriminatory policies enacted by the NSDAP and concluded with the words 'Heil Hitler!'. Were these Jews doing their best to appease their tyrannical government or did they truly believe they were a part of Hitler's Germany? Do people of colour who join far-right nationalist parties with ethnocentric policies believe they are genuinely part of an organisation with their best interests at heart? Many ethnic minority members do believe this and are possibly casting their vote for the very groups that could see them forcibly deported should they ever form a government.

If a European White Nationalist government ever rose to power and somehow managed to purge its nation of almost all non-white citizens and residents, how could the remaining insignificant fraction of people of colour possibly live without facing discrimination? Government positions would be filled with pure-blood white Europeans. The law would almost certainly no longer permit marriage between whites and non-whites and the educational system would indoctrinate students with white nationalist ideals. Those children would live out their white supremacist worldview as adults. Surely, anyone of colour whom they crossed paths with would automatically become a target for discrimination. Do ethnic minorities who support radical right-wing groups honestly believe they would hold positions of equality within a society dominated by white nationalist politicians?

There needs to be more discussion in relation to the place of people of colour within the ranks of far-right organisations. Many such groups do openly reject any affiliation with non-white people. However, there are political parties in many nations that openly court ethnic minorities in an attempt to hide their radical white nationalist agendas. People of colour who believe they have a future in Whitopia need only look in the mirror to see how deluded they truly are. It is the responsibility of those who are educating themselves on this topic to sound the alarm for their friends of colour and warn them to avoid the far-right. White supremacists like Richard Spencer sum up the position of the entire white nationalist movement when they declare there is no future for people of colour within 'their' nations.

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