Week 2 of my return to blogging/Semana 2 de mi vuelta a los blogs

in #r2cornelllast year (edited)


Author: @r2cornell

Week 2 of my return to blogging/Semana 2 de mi vuelta a los blogs

I appreciate the support from my first publication in a couple of years. I continue to move forward with the plans I mentioned last week, although they change as I move forward. As I have stated in a previous post, I take care of two disabled adults in my home. My wife and I had been doing this for at least 30 years, and for the last five years, I was the primary caregiver. After I published last week's post, I decided to move one of the ladies out, even though she has been with us for 24 years. Before my wife died, she would get upset when she saw the impact on me from just one lady. She wanted to have her move out because of her behaviors. I knew we could not because of the high medical bills, and the fact in 2022, I experienced large paper losses with my retirement investments. I decided to take steps to move her out, hopefully by June or July.

Agradezco el apoyo de mi primera publicación en un par de años. Sigo adelante con los planes que mencioné la semana pasada, aunque cambian a medida que avanzo. Como he dicho en un post anterior, cuido de dos adultos discapacitados en mi casa. Mi mujer y yo llevábamos haciéndolo al menos 30 años y, durante los últimos cinco, yo era el cuidador principal. Después de publicar el post de la semana pasada, decidí trasladar a una de las señoras, aunque lleva 24 años con nosotros. Antes de que muriera mi mujer, se enfadaba cuando veía el impacto que me causaba una sola señora. Ella quería que se mudara debido a su comportamiento. Yo sabía que no podíamos debido a las altas facturas médicas, y el hecho de que en 2022, experimenté grandes pérdidas de papel con mis inversiones de jubilación. Decidí tomar medidas para mudarla, con suerte para junio o julio.

I am tired and worn out from all that has happened and the fact that I have worked with the sick and disabled for over 50 years. Also, I have ongoing issues with my lungs for the past two years secondary from Covid. I have been working on rebuilding my stamina and have started aerobic exercises and walking more. I found out that two years of limiting my activity it will take awhile to return to my normal condition.

Estoy cansada y agotada por todo lo que ha pasado y por el hecho de haber trabajado con enfermos y discapacitados durante más de 50 años. Además, desde hace dos años tengo problemas pulmonares secundarios al Covid. He estado trabajando para recuperar mi resistencia y he empezado a hacer ejercicios aeróbicos y a caminar más. He descubierto que después de dos años de limitar mi actividad tardaré un tiempo en volver a mi estado normal.

The remaining lady is not a problem to care for. She is also gone to a day program four days per week. That will give me a break during the day. She also can go with me places, unlike the other one. I will continue to care for her until at least next year. If all goes well and I am doing better I could continue caring for her longer.

La señora que queda no es un problema para cuidar. También va a un programa de día cuatro días a la semana. Eso me dará un descanso durante el día. También puede acompañarme a todas partes, a diferencia de la otra. Seguiré cuidándola al menos hasta el año que viene. Si todo va bien y me encuentro mejor, podría seguir cuidándola más tiempo.

Enough on that subject. I am looking forward to semi-retirement.

Basta ya de hablar de este tema. Estoy deseando jubilarme.

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Before I get to photographs, I want to discuss an issue I noticed while looking at different posts. Some users still publish a photograph or two without much narrative. Some even publish several photos with no narrative. This has been an ongoing issue on most if not all, the platforms. Some consider this spamming the blockchain. They are not aware of the quality of posts needed to grow on the platforms. For those who are doing it, if you expect to grow on the platform you are on and subsequently earn more, you will need to change this approach. I am not saying that these users need to be as open as I am in my posts, but they need to discuss their photographs. They also need to indicate what type of camera they are using, even if they use a smartphone.

Antes de pasar a las fotografías, quiero comentar una cuestión que he observado al mirar distintos posts. Algunos usuarios siguen publicando una o dos fotografías sin mucha narrativa. Algunos incluso publican varias fotos sin narración. Este ha sido un problema constante en la mayoría, si no en todas, las plataformas. Algunos lo consideran spam. No son conscientes de la calidad de las publicaciones necesarias para crecer en las plataformas. Para aquellos que lo están haciendo, si esperan crecer en la plataforma en la que están y posteriormente ganar más, tendrán que cambiar este enfoque. No digo que estos usuarios tengan que ser tan abiertos como yo en mis publicaciones, pero tienen que hablar de sus fotografías. También tienen que indicar qué tipo de cámara utilizan, incluso si usan un smartphone.

I doubt my curators would curate such posts. I know I would not. Each of my curation projects can only curate so many publications given the voting power they have to work with, and they will be looking for some of the best they can find. Study how others are putting together their publications and you may get some ideas. Review those posts in our curation reports and you can get some good ideas on how to improve your own work.

Dudo que mis comisarios se encargaran de este tipo de publicaciones. Sé que yo no lo haría. Cada uno de mis proyectos de comisariado sólo puede comisariar un número limitado de publicaciones dado el poder de voto con el que cuentan, y buscarán algunas de las mejores que puedan encontrar. Estudie otras publicaciones y podrá obtener algunas ideas. Revise esas publicaciones en nuestros informes de "curation" y podrá obtener algunas buenas ideas sobre cómo mejorar su propio trabajo.

I am hoping as I get back into blogging, I can offer information that may be helpful to some. In my next posts, I am working on a list of comments related to my posts (and even those who direct message me on Discord) and what I am experiencing. There will be some do's and don'ts.

Espero que al volver a escribir en el blog, pueda ofrecer información que pueda ser útil para algunos. En mis próximos posts, estoy trabajando en una lista de comentarios relacionados con mis posts (e incluso con aquellos que me envían mensajes directos en Discord) y lo que estoy experimentando. Habrá algunas cosas que hacer y otras que no.

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The above photograph may have been taken in the last year and appears to be a bloom on a Geranium plant I was growing in a container. I love the bright cheerfulness of the flower. This photo may have been taken with my Galaxy Note 9 Smartphone.

La fotografía de arriba puede haber sido tomada el año pasado y parece ser una floración en una planta de Geranio que estaba cultivando en una maceta. Me encanta la alegría brillante de la flor. Esta foto puede haber sido tomada con mi Galaxy Note 9 Smartphone.

This next photograph is a macro-photo of a beautiful rose. I may have used similar photos in the past, but this photo does not appear to be used. I am making plans this summer to visit some rose gardens in hopes of adding to my portfolio of rose photos. I also purchased 2 roses that I will be planting in memory of my wife. She told me numerous times she wanted her ashes to be placed under a rose bush. I am holding those roses in pots until the weather warms up. I am looking forward to getting some photographs of these new roses.

La siguiente fotografía es una macrofoto de una hermosa rosa. Es posible que haya utilizado fotos similares en el pasado, pero esta foto no parece haber sido utilizada. Estoy haciendo planes este verano para visitar algunos jardines de rosas con la esperanza de aumentar mi colección de fotos de rosas. También he comprado dos rosas que plantaré en memoria de mi esposa. Ella me dijo muchas veces que quería que sus cenizas estuvieran bajo un rosal. Estoy guardando esas rosas en macetas hasta que haga buen tiempo. Estoy deseando sacar fotos de estas nuevas rosas.


Spring is late in arriving this year. I found the first wildflower this week and am sharing it with you today. More are moving to bud, so I should be able to take more wildflower photos soon.

La primavera está llegando lentamente este año. Esta semana he encontrado la primera flor silvestre y hoy la comparto con vosotros. Más se están moviendo a brotar, así que debería ser capaz de tomar más fotos de flores silvestres pronto.


The following photograph is of a red Geranium that I purchased and grew in my greenhouse until the weather improves. Some years I am able to winter Geraniums in my garage, but I was sick last year when i would have brought the plants indoors.

La siguiente fotografía es de un geranio rojo que compré y cultivé en mi invernadero hasta que pueda trasladarlo al exterior. Algunos años puedo invernar los geranios en mi garaje, pero el año pasado estaba enferma cuando hubiera llevado las plantas al interior.


My final photograph is from last winter or the winter before. It is of a young deer in a snowy scene. This photo was taken by a stationary camera I have positioned in the forest along a game trail. The camera does not take quality photos. I have other cameras set up that take much better photos and plan on buying a couple more to replace some of my older cameras.

Mi última fotografía es del invierno pasado o del anterior. Es de un ciervo joven en una escena nevada. Esta foto fue tomada por una cámara fija que he colocado en el bosque a lo largo de un sendero de caza. La cámara no hace fotos de calidad. Tengo otras cámaras instaladas que hacen fotos mucho mejores y planeo comprar un par más para reemplazar algunas de mis cámaras más antiguas.


I am using a Canon EOS Rebel T5 for most photographs, except where noted. I do have an older PowerShot Canon camera that I use from time to time. I have been using my phone camera for photos of plants in the plant room at times. Wildlife is usually taken by a stationary trail camera that takes photos based on motion.

Estoy usando una Canon EOS Rebel T5 para la mayoría de las fotografías, excepto donde se indique. Tengo una vieja cámara PowerShot Canon que uso de vez en cuando. He estado usando la cámara de mi teléfono para fotos de plantas en la sala de plantas a veces. La vida silvestre es generalmente tomada por una cámara estacionaria de senderos que toma fotos basadas en el movimiento.

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This brings us to the end of this publication. I trust you will find something in it that you enjoy. I am not going to set a schedule for publishing content. I will try to update you as I move toward my semi-retirement, which will lead to more blogging.

Con esto llegamos al final de esta publicación. Confío en que encuentren en ella algo que les guste. No voy a establecer un calendario de publicación de contenidos. Intentaré ponerles al día a medida que avance hacia mi semiretiro, lo que me llevará a escribir más en el blog.

I will try to return to publishing in both English and Spanish. This is in view of a large Spanish speaking following on some of the platforms. At one time this demographic was much larger than those with other languages as their primary language. Hope to see you here soon.

Intentaré volver a publicar tanto en inglés como en español. Esto se debe al gran número de hispanohablantes que siguen algunas de las plataformas. En su día, este grupo demográfico era mucho mayor que el de los que tienen otros idiomas como lengua principal. Espero verte pronto por aquí.

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I am often inspired by your articles. Especially about how you love others.

I often find that "emotion" in the paragraphs you write.

Thanks for sharing. Hopefully your health will improve soon. Hopefully your finances will run smoothly soon.
Have a nice day.

Thank you. I am happy to read you are "often inspired" by my posts. It is heartwarming to hear.


Two years is not a short time, I think there will definitely be many people who miss your inspiring post, even me who just joined a while ago feel happy and motivated by your words, and by the way it's a beautiful picture

Welcome back and wish you good health always

Hola amigo, las fotografías de la naturaleza son hermosas, sobretodo las flores, bellas.
Son excelentes los consejos acerca de las publicaciones y la calidad, eso nos ayuda a mejorar.
No debe ser nada facil cuidar de personas enfermas que no forman parte de la familia, es una labor muy noble, Dios le de salud y bienestar para que continue ayudando a otros.
Saludos, te deseo mucho éxito y salud plena.

Muchas gracias.

Two years without blogging? Wow. I'm so sorry that you have to suffer covid but happy that you survived. About the ladies.. Enough is enough sometimes.

Thank you. I missed blogging, and with that, I missed photography. Today my daughter and I took a walk on a piece of land I gave her and found more wildflowers in bloom. We had received rain recently, and the temperatures were warmer. Everything was perfect for the wildflowers.

Yes, regarding the ladies... it is time I took care of myself. It wasn't easy to come to that conclusion, but I feel better about moving the one out and giving me some rest. The other person functions at a 2-year-old level, but she is happy most all the time. Plus, my daughter can care for her if I want to go away for a few days. The other one was too difficult.

I can't live without photography. I move really far from the city and this is a paradise of landscapes and open spaces, I fell you 💕

Welcome back to posting.

Two years of not posting is a very long time, especially for those who always follow in your footsteps here, it's very sad because they can't see the works that you always show here.
And now that you are back here with us, it is something that makes us all happy to see you again with great enthusiasm.
Your work and all the activities you do to help others can make it the best example for all of us.
I always wish you to maintain health.

Pue ta komen teuman

Yes, two years is a long time. I intended to return to publishing my work when I retired. I had hoped it would be sooner, but at least I am on the way.

Yeah, we hope you can always republish it to entertain us all.

Expecting yourself in blogging. Hope you will do so.

All the pictures are very beautiful and you had shared many information with us. It is very useful for us .

Thank you

hearing that you have stopped blogging for a very long time is indeed very sad due to covid and finally now you are fine and I am happy to hear that. congratulations, sir, I hope you are always healthy

Thank you very much

You are such a good and strong person, for taking care of two disabled adults, wow, over 30-50years,you try seriously, is not an easy thing, Weldon, please I will advice that your health is also important, is time to concentrate on yourself sir, you really try for them.
Thanks for this inspirational article and do have a lovely day

Thank you for your kind words.

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