Quote of the Day: Your Image

Do you care about your image?
Should you actually care about your image?

What if you're trying to maintain an image that you just don't give a fuck?
What if by not giving a fuck you're maintaining exactly that image?

I'm not sure anymore.... :D

Do you have an image?


Nice quote. Here is another quote about image. Behavior is the mirror in which everyone shows their image. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

its sooo fucking true i see it on my hole life these fagid assholes and cant belive why other people belive that shit by there fake image

I think everybody does in different levels.

I dont give a f, love me or leave me :P

Fake people sounds really bad, I think most of them are just insecure and might need a little help from the "real people" that's what I experience most of the time

I have a conscience and a heart and I am a soul. I am a sentient and I'm aware that people profile us and judge us by our image. I "feel" a persons soul first and as I get to know them the "superficial" image comes into focus but that is not who we are. A friend is someone who does not judge us by our appearance they know us by the content of our character and integrity, if we are lucky we have 3 great friends but unfortunately society is hyper competitive and alienated and many people are in the habit of judging people by an image ethnicity and a status. We need to protect ourselves but look deeper to discern the superficial from the real. Mostly we need to know ourselves and define ourselves or else others (such as governments) will take the liberty to do that for us. And btw I like your provocative question!! And may I ask why you don't have a picture? The eyes tell a lot about the soul of a person.

great post, as usual!

Hahaha! I guess i just don't give a fuck then! : p

🙋🏻 I'm 5 days late on "quote of the day !"
I have not spent 5 days worrying about my image thank goodness! - I do struggle with egotistical and fake people - on meeting one, just take a deep breath and be thankful that you have found strength to be yourself and fulfilment and don't need to be fake to be accepted. Another day - onwards. ... and the sun is shining x