Quote of the day [engl/срп] Мисао дана

in #quote7 years ago

Kosovka devojka - Uroš Predić

Painting Kosovka devojka by Uroš Predić, 1919.

Нек' немамо ништа до једно зрно соли, ал' нек' све буде њиме осољено. И кад нам све однесу воде и ватре, то једно зрно нека нам буде све. [...] Питам се како да опстанемо ако немамо неко зрно, не знам чега, које се ни у реци ни у мору, које се ни у отрову ни у крви неће растворити и променити, kоје ће и у рају остати оно што је било у паклу. И маслине, и лоза, и пшеница, све би нам никло из тога зрна да га имамо.Let us have nothing else than a grain of salt, but let everything be salted with it. When water and fire take everything from us, let that grain be our everything. [...] I ask myself how do we survive if we have no grain, a grain of something, that wouldn't melt or change nor in the river nor in the sea, nor in the poison, nor in the blood, which will also stay in haven, what it was in hell. Olive tree, vineyard, wheat, everything would sprout from that grain if we had it.
  • These are the words from Serbian movie Battle of Kosovo from 1989.
  • Today, on June 28 (Gregorian calendar), we remember Kosovo battle from 1389, between Serbian and Ottoman army.
  • Today we celebrate national and religious holiday Vidovdan.

Regards people. :)

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