Bible quote: How appropriate is wisdom in the aged, understanding and counsel in the venerable! Ben Sira 25:5
The master Ben Sira taught us in his sapiential book the importance and necessity of wisdom in men. The wisdom is common sense, empathy, equanimity, and assertiveness (precision and accuracy) in decision-making.
And he started with this teaching by explaining three despicable things:
"Three kinds of people I hate,
and I loathe their manner of life:
A proud pauper, a rich liar,
and a lecherous old fool" Ben Sira 25:2.
There is nothing worse than a proud man, a liar, and a foolish old man, explained in a few words this wise man. Can be expected something good from people like that? Living calmly means avoiding problematic people, that is why these are people who should be avoided at any cost. Continuing this idea the Bible gives us a beautiful quote to live by: "Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm" Proverbs 13:20.
The Wisdom, the master Ben Sira taught us, beautifies man in every way, and according to the sapiential books, the man reaches spiritual perfection when wisdom unites with the long experience and the gift of immortality.
It could be said that wisdom is in every sense the crown of the elderly, because when the strength and beauty of youth in man fade, what stands out is the beauty of the soul; with those words the Master of Wisdom Ben Sira expressed this spiritual truth:
"How appropriate is sound judgment in the gray-haired,
and good counsel in the elderly!
How appropriate is wisdom in the aged,
understanding and counsel in the venerable!
The crown of the elderly, wide experience;
their glory, the fear of the Lord" Ben Sira 25:4-6.
A simple example of these teachings was the personage of Job, a god-fearing man, who was tested by God, and having endured all hardships by the accusing angel, was awarded with the long life (immortality) and wisdom. Job in the last days of his life reached that true beauty that is the product of God's gifts.
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