Super Quotes #89 : Fyodor Dostoyevsky

If the spirit has passed through a great many sensations, possibly it can no longer be sated with them, but grows more excited, and demands more sensations, and stronger and stronger ones, until at length it falls exhausted.
Do you think, you who sold it, that this bottom of yours has been sweet to me?
Affliction, I sought affliction at the bottom of it, tears and affliction, and I found them, I tasted them.
هناكـ عنصران
الوسط حين يكون
انهـ ليحدث في الحياة العادية أن توجد الحقيقة في
يمكن أن يكذب كذبا
تكذب كذبا صادقا: فالمرء
ولقد أحسست بأنها كانت تكذب،