Did you make it on your own?? You've got some skillz man.
Looks like an egg ball, but can be an egg of alien chicken that you're secretly rising, not sure.
I know I know.. it's a piece of Beef, layered with some dough.. then it's rolled into some cinnamon, brown sugar and..Fried. Then they add some beef stock and voila!
Hmmm I've got no idea what it is but it looks like some sort of pastry ball, coated in brown sugar and cinnamon maybe? :D
Topfenknödel in Marillensose
nope, that looks good though!
Did you make it on your own?? You've got some skillz man.
Looks like an egg ball, but can be an egg of alien chicken that you're secretly rising, not sure.
A scotch egg, floating in carrot juice, inside a clam.
an egg ball for sure !!

I know I know.. it's a piece of Beef, layered with some dough.. then it's rolled into some cinnamon, brown sugar and..Fried. Then they add some beef stock and voila!
It's clearly a Spicy ox cheek doughnut from Duck & Waffle