Quitting Smoking... Plan To Succeed
These an old adage that says if you fail to plan then you plan to fail. Of course no one really plans or wants to fail. That is no one who really wants to quit that is.
So let's assume that you are 100% committed to quitting. What is your plan?
What is your first step? Here's my suggestions, having helped thousands of clients quit smoking then just maybe my suggestions might be of use to you.
The official quit smoking successfully plan.
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1.Quickly move from should quit to must quit. This in not negotiable!
2.Make a strong commitment to yourself and those close to you. Some accountability is vital.
Identify those who will support you to quit and ask them to have your back.
Identify those who won't support you and create some space between you and them for at least the first two weeks. If you cannot distance yourself from them, then you may need to ask yourself how important they are to you in your life. Also ask why they wouldn't support you.
It could be that they will miss smoking with you, it could be that they see your success as their failure, or it could be that they are inconsiderate morons who don't really care for you.
Decide exactly when you will quit. There is never a perfect time, so delaying it until all the planets line up and all your ducks are in a row is just a lame excuse.
Decide how you want to quit. If patches help then great, if you can suck it up going cold turkey then well done.
However I am biased but in my experience quitting smoking is a head game. So you need a method that addresses the mental and emotional habits and beliefs and fears.
Book you appointment to quit. Mark it on your calendar and tell friends.
Do anything to prepare that your quit therapist asks of you, and prepare yourself. Start to think of cigarettes as just a stinking money wasting health sucking waste of your life.
Turn up for your online or in person quit appointment, on time and with a feeling of excitement.
Be willing to participate, fully engage the process and just go with it. Over thinking it won't help a bit.
Do your homework. Stick to the plan and believe in yourself. Ask friends for help and contact your therapist if you need to.
Don't smoke, it's simple, if you never have a smoke then you will never be a smoker again.
Believe in yourself. I thought it was so important that I'd mention it again!