Rage Quitters Annoy Me, Because They Never Actually Leave.

in #quitter7 years ago (edited)

THIS IS SO STUPID, Y'ALL don't recognize my greatness and it is just plain wrong.

(Insert all the ways the quitter feels everyone else is wrong)

Rage quitters also never say...

"I could have done better at this, and this" it is always what everyone else should have done.  :)

I think most of them mean it when they say it.  It shows how they resolve feelings and internal conflict.  With threats and temper.  We've all considered it...

That's it I quit!!!  

Usually supporters rush around and try to talk the quitter down.  Which often works because what they are really looking for is validation.  

If the quiter is angry, it just reveals the passion that remains and shows that the quitter hasn't yet resolved their feeling state on the issue.  I get annoyed, at these "quitters" but not angry.  Now that I don't work in the corporate world it is kind of fun to have an unresolved emotion and let it spill over once in a while.  The same thing happens to me when I do my occasional rant.

Have you ever watched a really angry couple try to get divorced, they still spend all of their attention on the relationship, because when you are angry, you are not yet done.  Beware when the anger goes away.

The real quitters, lose interest, make a choice to go elsewhere or quietly go off and do something else.

Go ahead and write your "Quitter Post", maybe you will blow off some Steem, but I'm not fooled.  You'll be back. 

It's the quiet, lack of interest quitters that actually go away.

Yes, I am mocking you.



Express your annoyance in song.

Haha, I love this song. I haven't heard it in forever. I like to listen to it with the "Asshole" song.

That's a good one as well.



So true - you write some OK shit you know?

I'm giving you some positive feedback here so you won't quit because you don't sound very angry...

I kind of enjoy some of your shit too! :) Thanks for hanging in there. Not like with a noose or anything..

I'm with you, I want to leave something @whatsup will be encouraged by too:


Rage quitters never quit!

One of my favorite things rage quitters like to do is start their goodbye missive with "I don't want to get into some lengthy explanation about why I am leaving, but..." and then a dissertation length manifesto follows, citing every semi-colon in every comment that felt like a slight or an "example" of why everyone is doomed...

"I'm tired of this because clearly nothing I say ever seems to matter..."

Which is often followed by something like "But for those few who DO care, I started a Facebook/G+/message board group as an alternative to this bullshit..."

Umm-huh... which will last for about three weeks, till you finally determine that you're basically talking to yourself, which happens after the four people who actually followed you determine that you're really all about listening to yourself blabber on...

So much FUN! Pass the popcorn....

The best one ever, came from a guy who was ranting about how he had written 12 articles in 5 days and he even skipped going to the gym. He was super duper sad nobody had discovered him yet.

I replied... Your time would have been better spent at the gym. haha. Drama is fun, I hate drama. :) I can never decide.

Do a steemit search for "why I quit steemit and you should too". The cringe is delicious!

Whenever i hear someone post about quitting I encourage it. I even encourage it if they are just complaining all the time.

It’s one thing to critique or even vent but when its a constsant stream of negativity I think its better for their mental health that they just leave.

Yep, lately I feel the negativity is the worst part of the site. Worse than the bots, the payouts, the low prices, it is the constant drum of negativity.

I agree with you that this kind of behavior is annoying. Sort of seems like the perfect storm of short-term thinking, unhealthy huge ego, lack of empathy and emotional volatility. It appears simple enough for anyone to avoid this trap, maybe read the book "all I need to know I learned in kindergarten". Or, most common sense community rules, which usually boil down to "don't be an ass".

Thanks for mocking the foolhardy, and giving us all more food for thought and more reasons to think before we say dumb things.

How dare you!!!


I need you to write a retraction and validate every rage quitter's feelings because darn it they just needed some attention!

I almost rage quit Minecraft once. My daughter switched the control settings and I couldn't figure it out and it was so frustrating, call me a whaaaambulance! Hahaha!

Seriously though I'm with you. Let them go. If they come back they come back. If not, well ✌migo!

haha, out of love, we shall set them free!

I know one of them you are talking about, and while I will admit to not wanting him to leave as I enjoy his posts, I am wondering how many "this is my last post" posts I am going to read from him. I agree most people who have enough don't talk about it, they just quietly do it. Back when I went through my divorce from my sons mother, I was in a dark place and no way was I talking to anyone about the ideas roaming around in my head. Those close to me worried, because I did the opposite of seeking their attention and shut them out.

In the case of the one I believe is one of them you are mentioning, I know he has friends who have been on the receiving end of whale flags, but never his account from what I have seen. He has actually done what for me would make my day in terms of followers/votes, so not sure exactly why he is so fed up. Shrugs...we all walk our own paths.

Yeah, sounds like the same case. Yep I agree. I refrain from saying it is a purposeful manipulation, but at best it is kind of embarrassing.

This one... eh.. This one, is my last post. hahaha. Dude, your moody and mad. That's okay, but don't burn your bridges.

Okay, I can't resist, I have to do it:
The sentence on the chalkboard should be: "unless you multiply yourself by the speed of light squared..."

(Also we definitely need the mass of an object to determine the energy of it, so "matter" is not sufficient for it. The equation couldn't care less about what it actually is. But that's pretty minor.)

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