Quarkchain ICO
Quarkchain is a very adaptable decentralized, secure public(permissionless) blockchain that utilizations PoW(proof-of-work).Quarkchain basically does this-it offers an exceedingly versatile blockchain that can take care of the worldwide business demand/standard without trading off on security or decentralization.
QuarkChain uses sharding to give a high-limit distributed value-based framework. It will comprise of two principle layers – the sharding layer, which takes into consideration high throughput by successfully disseminating information, and the Root layer, which serves to affirm the pieces of the first.
Fundamental Features of Quarkchain:
• a high limit distributed transactioanl framework
• Anti-concentrated Horizontal versatility Expansion.
• In-shard Transactions.
*combine horiontal and vertical versatile arrangements
• Cross-shard exchanges
• Simple account administration (just a single private key for all shards Quarkchain ..its a novel element)
• EVM contracts.
• right now bolster 2 billion shards in framework
• Smart wallet.
• Guaranteed security
• Solves adaptability issue for DAPPS
• Reshardable two-layered blockchain-Quarkchain comprises of 2 layers
• clustering and shrewd contracts
• QRkchain caters for versatile tecch and clients
At first they will issue an ERC-20 token which will be swapped for QuarkChain token once mainnet dispatches.
• Hardcap = 20 Million USD
• Private deal = 16 Million USD (Price : 1 ETH = 39416 QKC) 25% reward
• Public Sale = 4 Million USD (Price : 1 ETH = 31533 QKC)
• Price : 1 ETH = 39416 QKC
• Total supply 10 billion (20% accessible available to be purchased private/open)
The task is still a work in progress, as of now they have accomplished ~2,000 exchanges every second (TPS) on their test. The group is searching for volunteers to attempt the testnet, which ought to go live around an indistinguishable time from the crowdsale.
• Q2 2018 - TestNet 0.2 discharge which will bolster the vast majority of QuarkChain's highlights, for example, shrewd contract, reshard, et cetera
*Q4 2018 - QuarkChain Core 1.0 discharge, Mainnet 1.0. (target ~ 100,000 tps)
*Q2 2019 - QuarkChain Core 2.0 discharge, Smart Wallet 2..( 1 million tps)
Qi Zhou, Founder – PhD in Electric and Computer designing with 5 years' involvement in building and programming building with the latest being with Facebook as a product design.
Software Engineer: Zhaoguang Wang, Education: Soft Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Master's of Comp Science&Engineering at University of Michigan (21st World).
Yaodong Yang, Research Scientist – PhD in designing, and a Tenure Track Professor at Xi'an Jiaotong University, and fellow benefactor of Demo++ Technological Incubator.
Also, other Noteable colleagues.
Also, keep in mind the counselors like Bill Moore, Chief Engineer for Storage at Sun Microsystems, Arun G. Phadke, Virginia Tech Professor, Zhiyun Qian, digital security master.
Message Almost 84k
• ASIC safe POW mixture algo.
• Massive buildup and group bolster.
• Low hard top
• Fair token deal terms
• World Class group
• All star consultants
• Test officially running
• CRoss shard exchanges
• ROI for speculators :p (as it's been said "To the moon")
• 1 million exchange isn't a stroll in the recreation center (I trust the group is competant)
• Managing the shards won't be simple
• Very driven cases
• Not much tokens left for open deal (just 4 million USD)
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