Twenty mins. that will alter your perspective. GOOGLE and NASA use this Quantum Computing technology.

"Out there where the theory of the very large, and the very small connect; and out there where our thirteen point seven billion year old and expanding universe touches the void, you come upon mystery and the possibility of God."
- initial speaker

This is a youtube video posted by Ideacity that I believe more people need to see. Geordie Rose, founder of D-Wave (worlds first quantum computer), does an amazing job explaining what quantum computing is, and how he believes it will shape our universe. He explains what the D-Wave is and what his expectations for the future of computing are.

The physics and possibilities behind the future of computing is entrancing. Imagine being able to exploit the "Butterfly effect" down to the molecular level. This kind of thought can make the mind wander. Im very interested to see what readers opinions are on this topic so please comment and start a conversation.

Within a time frame of just two years, this is the growth speed of this technology. Imagine what tomorrow holds.
"My prediction is that within fifteen years, we will have machines that outpace humans in everything."
- Geordie Rose, Founder of D-Wave

To wrap this up I want to speak about the above quote. This quote from the narrator in the video sparked some interest for me. This along with the other guest speakers the narrator mentions, but you fail to see, gets my mental gears turning. I would not consider myself religious, however I have read multiple versions of the bible to include that of multiple cultures. I am also currently attending school focusing my studies around quantum mechanics. Normally these two internal perspectives on life disagree when juxtaposed. However, as of late I have been noticing connections that almost feel eerie to my normally very logical point of view.

If this post ignites response and conversation, I will expand my thoughts and bring more material to a future post. This is more just to see if anyone else shares an interest in this area of topic.

Take it easy everyone.

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