How To Flow your QI more freely using Qigong

in #qigong6 years ago (edited)

How to Flow your Qi more freely using Qigong
by:Nathan Chi Lam

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1.Movement- In qigong we use soft easy movements that to the spectator looks boring, like something only old people do, but many young people have started to practice this as a form of Chinese yoga. When you move in this manner the blood and lymph system starts to move more freely and the practitioner starts to feel more and more relaxed. Energy channels start to open up and pain starts to decrease.

2.Standing Meditation- Standing meditation(Wuji Neigong) is an important part of qigong as it helps to re balance the central nervous system while opening up major energy gates and centers helping you receive and stabilize the qi within you. In Standing meditation you start with 5 minutes a day and add more time until you can meditate in the tree holding position for 2 hours.

3.Heart Techniques- Heat techniques is called (xinfa) in Chinese and is basically using the mind do control the flow of qi through out the body. An example would be imagining a small flame in the belly region starting to get bigger and also hotter warming up your body from the inside. using different meditation techniques helps to cultivate goodness, love, joy and confidence. This is used frequently to gather more energy into your body through visualization.

4.Sound Healing- In sound healing we use various types of sound for example music. Soft slow and relaxing spa type of music is one way of helping to relax the body mind and spirit. It has a way of bringing you back to balance and forget the problems of the world. the other type of sound we use is through your own voice, using words like "haaaa" and "ohmmm" is a powerful way to release emotional blockages and stagnant energy around the body. In the 6 healing sounds each movement has a different sound that correlates to the different organs.



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