Are we heading for a Quantum Financial System in the Great Reset? What are the tells? What has happened historically with President Lincoln and JFK? How QFS is part of the Space Force. Will it be the Great Equalizer?
If people were presented with a financial system they would like to use. ..what would the private and Central Banks do?
They would try to convince you the system isn't good, it's not safe. ..they would try to steer you away from said new system because it challenges their Profits and Control!
The MSM would support them.
The corrupt politicians would try to steer you away as they always made money from the old system!
Just because it wasn't working for the common man was No Concern of theirs. . .it was Working for them and they are after all, Quite Egocentric and Singularly Focused!
As more people Move Towards the new system the only recourse the banks have is to try to badmouth and suppress it.
Once people realize the benefits to the people. ..Not just the elitists at the top of the heap, Not just the career politicians and Globalists, but All the people, they will not be tuning into what the false mainstream media says, they won't be listening to what the predatory banks say. DONE. ..FINISHED by the Awakened Crowd!
We the People take charge.
It doesn't happen overnight.
With the fiat system we were on a gold standard for years!
Then in the 60's with the Petro Dollar system they were able to switch everyone.
Years ago the People didn't have access to all of the information so the Overlords and Gatekeepers could control it.
Now We the People have different avenues to get our information and have been archiving much of what they try to scrub and withhold.
Mainstream Media is No Longer the Big Game in town.
The big bankers are losing control every day because we have waged an information war now to allow the People, Not just the elitist and people at the top of every industry and sector to Also have access to the information so they can make Informed decisions.
Remember the elitists and globalists are Very Afraid of an Informed Citizenry!
Are the Central Bankers Undoing everything PreZ Trump did as he had also got the economy back up in Spite of the pandemic the globalists and bankers Hoped would cripple it because people around the world Told us straight out. ..the elite globalists were coming After America and we were the Last stand. They needed to topple us in order to have Full Control over the entire world.
Oh how they have tried! There are those at the top of the heap in every corporation, sector and industry that aid them because they enjoy and value the power structure. They don't want to lose Their control, though they are also Under the Top of the Globalist Empire. Doesn't phase the bottom rung elitists because they still feel superior to the general population and they don't want to give up their place on their perch.
They enjoy. . .
- lording it over everyone else
- their position of power
- Looking down at everyone else and telling them what they can or cannot do
When Obama criticized PreZ Trump for saying he could things Obama couldn't as Obama had crippled the economy, increased unemployment, had taken manufacturing offshore to other countries taking away more industry and jobs for America. ..remember how Obama mocked PreZ Trump about the magic wand?
Here is a refresher inside of here,
PreZ Trump. ..
- Got rid of some of the taxes
- Got rid of tariffs where possible
- Renegotiated trade deals to bring manufacturing back to home base for the American people
- People took Notice of how Great the Economy can be
And Great Health Care at a Much Reduced Price.
A monetary regime shift was done quietly in the 70's.
Now we are seeing the country fall apart with Obama's lips in Biden's ear.
It appears Biden's slipped up with tells at times.
Gas prices are up now with Biden in office across the country
Banks are talking about Raising Interest rates.
How will this make the economy better?
When they raise the rates everything will start to fall apart.
History of the Financial System in the United States
President Andrew Jackson announces that the government will no longer use the Second Bank of the United States, the country’s national bank, on September 10, 1833.
He then used his executive power to remove all federal funds from the bank, in the final salvo of what is referred to as the “Bank War."
- A national bank had first been created by George Washington and Alexander Hamilton in 1791 to serve as a central repository for federal funds.
- The Second Bank of the United States was founded in 1816; five years after this first bank’s charter had expired.
Traditionally, the bank had been run by a board of directors with ties to industry and manufacturing, and therefore was biased toward the urban and industrial northern states.
Jackson, the epitome of the frontiersman, resented the bank’s lack of funding for expansion into the unsettled Western territories.
Jackson also objected to the bank’s unusual political and economic power and to the lack of congressional oversight over its business dealings.
The Above is the kicker as many of the Establishment are Never Held Accountable for their actions!
Jackson, known as obstinate and brutish but a man of the common people,
- called for an investigation into the bank’s policies and political agenda as soon as he settled in to the White House in March 1829.
- To Jackson, the bank symbolized how a privileged class of businessmen oppressed the will of the common people of America.
- He made clear that he planned to challenge the constitutionality of the bank, much to the horror of its supporters.
In response, the director of the bank, Nicholas Biddle, flexed his own political power, turning to members of Congress, including the powerful Kentucky Senator Henry Clay and leading businessmen sympathetic to the bank, to fight Jackson.
Does this remind you of a few Other presidents who took on the Establishment and they Hated, despised and wished to assassinate them for being a People's President?
Later that year, Jackson presented his case against the bank in a speech to Congress; to his chagrin, its members generally agreed that the bank was indeed constitutional.
Still, controversy over the bank lingered for the next three years.
In 1832, the divisiveness led to a split in Jackson’s cabinet and, that same year, the obstinate president vetoed an attempt by Congress to draw up a new charter for the bank.
All of this took place during Jackson’s bid for re-election; the bank’s future was the focal point of a bitter political campaign between the Democratic incumbent Jackson and his opponent Henry Clay.
Jackson’s promises to empower the “common man” of America appealed to the voters and paved the way for his victory.
He felt he had received a mandate from the public to close the bank once and for all, despite Congress’ objections. Biddle vowed to continue to fight the president, saying that “just because he has scalped Indians and imprisoned Judges [does not mean] he is to have his way with the bank.”
On September 10, 1833, Jackson removed all federal funds from the Second Bank of the U.S., redistributing them to various state banks, which were popularly known as “pet banks.”
In addition, he announced that deposits to the bank would not be accepted after October 1. Finally, Jackson had succeeded in destroying the bank; its charter officially expired in 1836.
Jackson did not emerge unscathed from the scandal. In 1834, Congress censured Jackson for what they viewed as his abuse of presidential power during the Bank War.
I wonder WHY? He went up against the Money, Money, Money!
มณี & มินา - Price tag - Blind Auditions - The Voice Kids Thailand - 15 Apr 2019
President Kennedy's Executive Order 11110 [the full text is displayed further below] gave the Treasury Department the explicit authority: "to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury." This means that for every ounce of silver in the U.S. Treasury's vault, the government could introduce new money into circulation based on the silver bullion physically held there. As a result, more than $4 billion in United States Notes were brought into circulation in $2 and $5 denominations. $10 and $20 United States Notes were never circulated but were being printed by the Treasury Department when Kennedy was assassinated. It appears obvious that President Kennedy knew the Federal Reserve Notes being used as the purported legal currency were contrary to the Constitution of the United States of America.
See more in Sources below.
According to Dinar Recaps
Quantum Financial System (QFS) is building a Virtual Private Network (VPN) for the Cross-Border Interbank Payment System (CIPS). It's a network based on Sovereignty and Commerce.
To coordinate a national research effort encompassing Federal agencies the academic community, and industry leaders already underway, The White House National Quantum Coordination Office has released A Strategic Vision for America’s Quantum Financial System Networks. February 2020
Quantum Financial System (QFS) provides pristine clean integrity in the movement of funds from Central Banking sources to destination accounts.
The QFS will cover the new global network for the transfer of asset backed funds and can replace the US- Centrally Controlled SWIFT System.
A key benefit of QFS is to protect all parties from corruption, usury, and manipulation within the banking system and ensure banks are monitored and protected with regard to the agreed upon contract of the transfer fund process.
QFS is completely independent from the existing centralized system and makes all other transfer systems obsolete die to its advanced capabilities.
QFS is NOT crypto currency but instead it is asset-backed digital currency.
QFS reigns supreme in the photonic technology at 3.5 trillion frames per second.. It replaces obsolete IP dynamic routing with the true physical GPS authentication between sender and receiver routing while upholding 100% financial security and transparency of all currency holders.
Protocols will be instituted with QFS so that Artificial Intelligence will control the transfers and independently be allowed to control the global financial network unless the highest level of approval is given . Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) program will handle instant settlements in real time without delays!
The A.I. assigns a “digital” number to every fiat Dollar/Euro/Yen in every bank account all over the world. “Digital” numbers are monitored in real time. The physical GPS location between sender and receiver will be set up to provide unbreakable security when it was ledger-ed with regard to who sent it, and what account received it.
Sovereign Currency of the United States is USN
Patent The P versus NP Problem Space
Building an Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) confronts a serious problem called the “P” versus ‘NP’ question According to the Wiki, this is a major unsolved problem in computer science and is one of the seven Millennium Prize problems, solutions to which will net somebody a cool billion dollars.
QFS Patent solves all seven Millennium Prize problems. At question is whether every problem whose solution can be quickly verified by a computer can also be quickly solved by a computer. Some problems can be solved quickly (this is P). Other problems, which cannot be solved quickly but which, if shown the answer, can be verified quickly )this is NP). P is shorthand for solved in (polynomial) time (polynomial..P) NP is shorthand for verified in (polynomial) time (nondeterministic polynomial time…NP).
The planned 56 Data Center units in the USA and territories and the planned 192 Data Center units planned abroad will increase the overall power, speed and efficiency of our QFS in a parallel processing environment. The ultimate QFS Cloud System
Once entered, you will be prompted by the A.I. to create a “New Security ID” Once that occurs your “old bank account” will be debited of “Fiat” funds and then credited with asset backed funds (one to one).
You will be prompted to the next window, at which point your existing funds show as asset backed as well as the “ledger” balance of asset backed funds you anticipated.
There is no “co-mingling”
The system is totally secure, and your accounts are totally under your control. As a process of return to sovereignty, “you” must initiate the ledger – a “photonic” transaction occurs from “sender” account to “recipient” account through physical GPS authentication. No other person can access the accounts
Banks are now obsolete!!!!!
Real Time Data – CIPS provides a real time data feed for all applications attached to it. This means your clients will receive live data directly to the desktops, web and mobile client all at once.
You have the sovereignty of your funds, since all are photonic and digital. All funds are “GPS trackable” forever. Banks are no longer in control – there are no more Deposits, they are now “Posits” as deposit means separation from the person and their funds.
In this new financial world, the “person” has NO footprint in the QFS. This is groundbreaking historical security in the truest sense!!
Separation of the Person and their Funds
No more strawman?
The planned 56 Data Center units in the USA and territories and the planned 192 Data Center units planned abroad will increase the overall power, speed and efficiency of our QFS in a parallel processing environment. The ultimate QFS Cloud System
Once entered, you will be prompted by the A.I. to create a “New Security ID” Once that occurs your “old bank account” will be debited of “Fiat” funds and then credited with asset backed funds (one to one).
You will be prompted to the next window, at which point your existing funds show as asset backed as well as the “ledger” balance of asset backed funds you anticipated.
There is no “co-mingling”
The system is totally secure, and your accounts are totally under your control. As a process of return to sovereignty, “you” must initiate the ledger – a “photonic” transaction occurs from “sender” account to “recipient” account through physical GPS authentication. No other person can access the accounts
Banks are now obsolete!!!!!
Real Time Data – CIPS provides a real time data feed for all applications attached to it. This means your clients will receive live data directly to the desktops, web and mobile client all at once.
Will this combat the RTGS dollar as was used in Zimbabwe in an attempt to fix their currency issues?
You have the sovereignty of your funds, since all are photonic and digital. All funds are “GPS trackable” forever. Banks are no longer in control – there are no more Deposits, they are now “Posits” as deposit means separation from the person and their funds.
In this new financial world, the “person” has NO footprint in the QFS. This is groundbreaking historical security in the truest sense!!
Quantum Financial System (QFS)
QFS ends corruption that could currently exist with regard to Central Banking. The QFS will cover the new global network for the transfer of asset backed funds. It Replaces the US - Centrally Controlled SWIFT system with a Global – Decentralized Controlled CIPS (Cross Border Interbank Payment System). QFS runs on a new Photonic Computer / based on “24 GPS orbiting” satellites, (protected by the new “Space Force”)
Purpose of QFS is to put an end to corruption, usury, and manipulation within the banking system. “Banks” no longer will need to generate significant profits from transactions of funds transfers.
QFS completely independent from existing “centralized” system; makes all other transfer systems obsolete.
QFS is NOT crypto currency. After REVAL (reevaluation) all sovereign currencies will be asset backed ensuring stable value which makes the need for unbacked cryptos outdated (the process simply digests the information on computer memory banks)
QFS activation ends the “Central Banking System” that perpetuates what some refer to as “Debt Slavery”
QFS reigns supreme in the technology it applies and creates / 100% financial security and transparency for all currency holders to individual currency holders
This is after all what President Lincoln sought to do when he issued Greenbacks. Remember?
From The Duran
Putting this economic policy into action during the height of the war occurred in a 3-step operation which began with Banking and Currency Acts in 1862 and 1863. These acts established placed the thousands of local state banks under a federal charter with federal supervision for the first time in decades. By imposing a 10% tax on state bank notes, private independent state banks shrank from 1466 in 1861 to only 297 by 1865 and over 1630 national banks took their place.
The Bank Act of 1863 established reserve requirements for the first time, and also capped the interest rates in order to destroy usury within the nation itself. In order to eliminate international interference and manipulation from Wall Street financiers, the Bank Act also forced 75% of all bank directors to reside in the state in which the bank was located and all directors had to be American citizens.
The most important step in this fight was the sovereign control of credit issuance which according to Article 1 section 8 of the U.S. constitution can only be affected through the U.S. treasury (an important lesson for anyone serious about ending the privately run Federal Reserve controls over national finance today). Following this constitutional principle, Lincoln issued a new form of currency called Greenbacks which could only be issued against U.S. government bonds. These began being issued with the 1862 Legal Tender Act.
Nationally-chartered banks were now obliged to deposit into the federal treasury totalling at least one third of their capital in exchange for government notes issued by the Mint and Treasury (in order to qualify for federal charters needed to avoid the tax on state bank activities, banks found themselves lending to the government which gave Lincoln an ability to avoid the usurious loans from London and Wall Street.)
New bonds were issued under this scheme called 5:20 bonds (due to their 5-20 year maturation), which citizens purchased as investments into their nations’ survival. These bonds which united “personal self interest” with the general welfare of the nation provided loans to manufacturing as well as served as the basis for the issuance of more Greenbacks. Organized by Lincoln’s ally Jay Cooke (a patriotic Philadelphia banker), the 5-20 bonds were sold in small denominations to average citizens who then had a vested interest in directly participating in saving their nation. Between 1862-1865 these bonds accounted for $1.3 billion. Lincoln described the success of this new approach to finance saying:
By the beginning of 1865, $450 million in Greenbacks were issued making up over half of all currency in circulation. Greenbacks and 5-20 bonds financed not only the arming, feeding and payments to soldiers, but also the often-overlooked large scale industrial and rail programs begun during the peak of the war itself… namely the trans continental railway (started in 1863 and completed in 1869 linking for the first time in history a continent from east to west). This was financed through grants and subsidies made possible by the greenbacks which increased government spending power by 300%!
In his 1865 essay How to Outdo England Without Fighting Her, Lincoln’s economic advisor Henry C Carey stated: “The ‘greenback’ has fallen on the country as the dew falls, bringing with it good to all and doing injury to none.”
Unfortunately, the subversion of Lincoln’s American System began quickly with Lincoln’s murder (carried out from Confederate intelligence operations run through British Canada). Rather than impose full reconstruction of the defeated south after the war as Lincoln planned, a new war was waged against Greenbacks led by the City of London and its American agents in Wall Street which ultimately subverted American productive credit with the 1871 Specie Resumption Act.
This act killed the greenbacks and tied the republic’s currency to gold submitting the nation to London’s speculative controls while contracting the means of credit from large scale long term infrastructure projects.
Contemplating the international scope of the Civil War, Lincoln stated in 1862:
Like Lincoln, President Trump faces many threats today both within his own neocon-infested administration as well as within the British run deep state that has taken over the Democratic party since the murder of JFK.
But in spite of these problems, he is the first president to publicly invoke the American System of Lincoln by name since the assassinated President McKinley in 1901. His recent Republican party convention speech of August 27 repeatedly invoked Lincoln’s name while calling for a newly reconstituted party without the Bush dynasty poison (the Bush family completely boycotted the convention). During the speech Trump stated:
In an earlier 2017 Kentucky speech Trump invoked the “American model” and said “this is the system our Founders wanted. Our greatest American leaders — including George Washington, Hamilton, Jackson, Lincoln — they all agreed that for America to be a strong nation it must also be a great manufacturing nation.”
FULL SPEECH: President Trump Rally Louisville, Kentucky- FNN
In the book Kid by the Side of the Road by Juan O Savin (Well worth the read btw) he states,
As a country, one thing people forget in this modern era is that we’ve been in a national crisis numerous times; far more than people care to recall. We do remember 9/11 and some of us were around during President Kennedy’s assassination. Then there was Abraham Lincoln’s assassination 150 years ago.
But there’s a common theme that’s been going on through all of those crises that I think we need to revisit today. And that is about who is actually behind the scene orchestrating these events that we are continually put into.
- Is it always unique players in new situations, or is there an underlying theme and a common group of perpetrators with these crimes against America and the world?
- Is there an organization of people trying to keep us enslaved?
Now, if you go back to the origins of our country, there were people who came to this continent and set up colonies, growing the population until it was eventually large enough that local jurisdictions were needed to manage and maintain the organization of streets, taxes, tariffs, property ownership, et cetera.
Then came the creation of a constitutional government from groups of states aligned and working together. But immediately upon signing the Declaration of Independence, that federal system we established, called the United States of America, essentially needed to declare war against its motherland of England and the ruler, King George. **We decided we were no longer going to be ruled from afar by foreign masters; we were not going to be their slaves here, helping to keep them prosperous there.
So, we declared our independence and had the Revolutionary War that went on for a very long time; much longer than most people realize. Through the course of many battles, people were forced to pick a side. The willingness to go against England and King George was not universal from the outset.
On numerous occasions, strategies and tactics were compromised by infiltrators and turn coats on both sides. But over time people’s true nature and alliances were revealed; just as is playing out once again before us today.
Even some of those closest to President Washington became traitors against him (and our newly formed country), for the gains they would earn from their British partners.
And even after we won the Revolutionary War, when the Brits had retreated, we then needed to win a second war against England.
The War of 1812 was foisted upon us by people trying to get control of America again through our money and banking systems.
That was a very extensive battle and bad situation that we had to again fight our way out of.
- By most accounts, it was a banker’s war to gain control of our banking and monetary systems.
- They wanted to control our currency, even though the constitution would only allow for our own government to create our money.
As we move forward in time, what happened during Abraham Lincoln’s presidency? Early on in his administration, and instigated by monarchy agents out of Europe, a rift was accentuated between the Northern and Southern U.S. With that, another variation of the same old bankers’ wars was created.
In order to get money to fight that war, Lincoln needed loans from the European banks that held monarchy money; the bloodline families’ money.
Those thirteen bloodline families were represented in the colonies that had to pursue funds to fight this war
against the South.
But the bankers wanted 24% to 36% interest. So, Lincoln declined that extortion and used his presidential powers to issue interest-free money, having no indebtedness to foreign bankers. This currency was based on the good faith and credit of the American people and their government. It was not backed with silver or gold but worked for all debts, whether public with government entities, or private individuals and their businesses. With green printing on the back, that money Lincoln issued became known as “greenbacks,” which is where we get that same term used today.
One of the interesting things about those greenbacks, is that they were hated by the foreign banks. In fact, I want to give you part of an article from the London Times that came out after President Lincoln issued that America-owned currency:
The bankers obviously got it! Those thirteen royal-bloodline families, of which the Rothschilds sit at the head of the table there in the City of London, understood that the only real threats to their power are sovereign governments like ours that are able to print their interest-free and debt-free paper money.
Those bankers knew it would break their power over people in the U.S. and then spread to the rest of the world. Think about what Lincoln did there, after which he also fought the Civil War and won. A decade after that war ended, greenbacks had become worth as much as gold, and had even been moving higher.
Read far more in Kid by the Side of the Road by Juan O Savin
Link here for digital or hard copy or get both at a discount!
These would make Stellar Gifts!
Too Late to Apologize: A Declaration
It's too late to apologize with Juan O Savin in Dallas. Bringing this in at exact moment right where JFK is speaking then kicks into drive through Dallas. Classic!
Back to the QFS
QFS assigns a digital number to every fiat dollar / euro/yen in every bank account all over the world. Digital numbers are monitored and updated in real time: showing where it went (GPS authentication) when it was ledger-ed who sent it and what account received it
QFS is alive with Artificial Intelligence that interacts with every financial transaction anywhere in the world of finance to ensure that it is legal, power intended, and transparent.
ONLY gold or asset backed currencies that have a digital gold or asset certificate will be transferred through the QFS. All gold/asset backed currency reference back to the piece of gold or asset backing it !!
Asset backed currency is based on assets within the country of origin. Assets are the justification to establish the amount of currency available in each country
NO FIAT CURRENCY IS LEGAL IN QFS as it cannot be designated as “clean, clear, non-terroristic, or originating from legal activities”
FIAT currencies in “possession” at time of implementation of QFS and deemed “legal” will be exchanged for gold backed currency on a one to one basis. “Reconciliation” process
Without the ability to reconcile old FIAT money into the new QFS, ALL CENTRAL BANKS ACTIVITIES WILL CEASE.
Any country not GESARA compliant will be left out of the QFS thus eventually being left out of “International Trade”
Global Currency Reset (GCR) will use a specific quantitative formula to establish the amount of currency available “in a country” that is gold – backed in QFS. The formula will establish a fair value in each country’s assets as compared to another. “Price of Gold” becomes irrelevant once this is complete. Included in the formula are in-ground assets, economy of the country, its population (as an asset) and several other parameters. This formula is applied to each country so they can be on par with one another.
The application of the formula and the common value of all gold means that a country’s currency must have the same value as another country’s currency. This is referred to as the GLOBAL CURRENCY RESET
A Global Wealth distribution (GWD) based on Commerce and sovereignty, Each QFS account throughout the world will be solely owned by the account holders, not owned by banks or governments.
The Artificial Intelligence will be applied across the QFS (one instantiation in each data center) but the nodes will coordinate through parallel processing. The AI will work with the CIPS VPN in background by providing semantic analysis and natural language processing to understand what’s being said about banking products across the entire user base. It will facilitate adaptation and will evolve over time by recognizing new behavior and recommending appropriate bank-side responses.
2 The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem.
2 And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.
3 And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.
4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.
5 O house of Jacob, come ye, and let us walk in the light of the Lord.
The dinar (/ dɪˈnɑːr /) is the principal currency unit in several countries near the Mediterranean Sea, and its historical use is even more widespread. The modern dinar's historical antecedents are the gold dinar, the main coin of the medieval Islamic empires, first issued in AH 77 (696-697 CE) by Caliph Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan.
President Donald Trump On Currency Devaluations: We'll Level Playing Field | Power Lunch | CNBC
Shinzō Abe, the longest serving Prime Minister, holding office from 2006 to 2007 and again from 2012 to 2020. The Prime Minister of Japan is the chief of the executive branch of the government of Japan and leader of the Cabinet of Japan.
Currency devaluations?
President Trump said we would all be on a Level Playing Field!
Lynette Zang: The Currency Reset is Here
Chief Market Analyst at ITM trading
Trust the Plan
We were told there would be no Justice unless there was someone to fight in the name of those who didn't understand the realm they truly resided in.
Think Matrix
Think Battle Royale
Go back even to
Brave New World
Hunger Games Anyone?
Why was the arpanet developed?
As a weapon?
For whom?
Can a weapon formed against the Sons and Daughters of God prosper?
Did God raise up a generation to defeat the forces of darkness?
Never forget Gen. Flynn told us this was an insurgency! He wasn't talking about their war machine or the usual weapons. ..for he said Irregular warfare at it's finest!
It is Why the gun is Only used in Emergency!
Right now it is different than 1776 in that though we Fight for God, Family and the Restored Republic. . .weapon of choice has been pen (in our case here on the time continuum. ..key strokes).
Note in this gaming sim version of Silent Running they speak of bringing a Lance if there is going to be war. War finds the Sons and Daughters of God because God stated Very Clearly,
Ephesians 6:12
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
That Encodes how we use 666 to flip it on Them!
Warring Against those powers in high places!
The White Hats have done much of what was planned based upon one who was nicknamed by the secret service was Lancer. His son's nickname was the Lark.
Now consider the fact that the pen can be Mightier than the sword and we have been in the midst of an information war in which the self appointed Gatekeeprs, Overlords and Powers that be have done their best to silence Only one side.
The side that is in opposition to their Agenda. We are here in Agenda 21 and they are installing, laying the ground work for Agenda 30.
Silent Runners continue as we knew What was at stake when we heeded the call. We have been used to Silent Running now for years! Some who went before us for Decades due to Centuries old evil!
We will continue to Run through their unjust attempts to Silence.
What they despise Is More and More Are hearing and choosing the ways of their Creator rather than that of a pushed and flaunted agenda.
Who owns those airwaves the blind tune into?
Corporate owned media operates on the airwaves ultimately under the domain of the Prince and Power of the air.
Ephesians 2:2
“Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:”
That encodes 11 two times.
Who will use the numbers to rise to the ways of God's Awakening and who will choose to fall for the deception that leads to destruction?
The choice is theirs, we can't make it for them, but we have delivered the message Over and Over. Godspeed!
❝ silent running ❞ | assassin's creed
QFS can be called the modern era Barter System in which you have to give valuable in order to receive valuable. The current world financial system is based on the principle in which your money is backed by debt which already been taken from you with high interest rates and in this way world economy is flowing which is serving only one purpose, filling pockets of handful families.
There are chances that if the QFS will launch then all the indebted countries will be able to reimburse all the debts by exporting their natural minerals and resources.
Key for countries like Africa, Iraq and India!
According to the Dinar Times,
If we have a look at the current situation of Iraq then beneath the ice, we will come to know that due to massive debts of Iraq, it is quite tough for them to launch RV because a country simply cannot revalue its currency when it is in debt. Contrary to that if you repay all you are owing with interest then it is quite possible to enhance you exports which will revalue your currency. Iraq is a land which have Natural Oil worth trillions of Dollars and do you know folks that due to this only reason, Iraq is still on 5th number in gold reserves despite of all odd.
Initiation of QFS is essential for investors of Recessive currencies as the QFS is the only solution which will ascertain that these recessive currencies will be Revalued without influence of Dominant currencies. In the due process of QFS, the world economies will be entered into a new era which will distinctly opt for the barter system and the countries which are backed by enough natural valuable assets will have a certain opportunity to make their currency dominant in the Financial markets.
There are two major reasons of rising index of US Dollar. First is Federal Reserve as it is pushing trillions of Dollars into the financial system in order to enhance liquidity in the foreign financial markets and central banks to vanquish Yuan and securing the place for its greenback.
Secondly the sanctions on Chinese products is starting to play its part in the demand of US Dollar.
It will surely be operated on a system which will be control by none of the Governments and Cabal. In the technology of QFS, the AI will be the one to operate all the trades and transactions whether it will be of currency investments or intercontinental transactions between the countries.
AI will act according to the balance of trades and will remain unbiased which is the major quality of QFS. From the last decade a US based economic think tank has stated.
Now if we discuss about the Quantum Financial System and its interrelation with Blockchain and future banking then we came to know that QFS is dealing in blockchain, shared ledgers and distributed ledger technologies, cryptocurrencies, virtual currencies and digital currencies. QFS is stored and operate on the satellite-based servers based on Quantum Computing.
The reason is Quantum Computing is more secure and advance, because of its pattern of processing, the quantum computing uses two or more quantum states together to create another state by firing electrons through semiconductors using configurable pulse of light which results fastest state of speed. That’s why Quantum Computers store far more information requiring less energy and deliver more speed than current state computers.
After the launch of QFS, the Gold backed era will emerge and will Revalue all the currencies which are in bottom state due to the debts. QFS will also impact global trade as it would alter the financial system of the world.
According to The Final Wake Up Call,
The false monetary system has blocked reasonable thinking
Humanity today is struggling to maintain itself, to further the industrial and commercial activity of the world that was established when gold was money. To realise; what we have today is deliberately total chaos. Look at real estate and share prices, these are completely loose from reality. This chaos prevails because humanity is no longer in contact with the realities of the physical world: rational human activity is disconnected from those realities, due to the false money numbers, that are between us and the physical world, upon which people must act accordingly to reason, which is an impossibility.
The only special characteristic of numbers is that they move about the Internet within a carefully controlled system, that prevents unauthorised access to it. Only the owner of e.g. a Crypto-digit, can dispose of it by sending it to someone else.
Humans are not behaving reasonably because the false monetary system has blocked their thinking. And when, gold should come back into use as the world’s money, we have to consider how a totally confused world might cope with that change: could it be, perhaps, by opting for a wholesale, suicidal destruction of the human race, rather than an adaptation to new habits, new employments and reordering of priorities, which the rational understanding of the world will require once the mental block of “numbers-money” is removed?
See the Facebook Frames and comments here along with Full sources and connectors throughout.
Was the QFS put into effect on Feb. 24, 2021 with platforms released in Zurich?
HOPR (pronounced 'hopper') is a privacy-preserving messaging protocol and a decentralized network with economic incentives on a blockchain. HOPR provides privacy by relaying messages through multiple "hops" via different relay nodes connected to the network.
NO, it doesn't escape me that Hopper is a Main Character on Stranger Things!
See her for multiple tie ins including Montauk said to be the Area 51 of the East Coast!
Sources, Connecting articles and reports