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RE: Who is #Qanon?

in #qanon6 years ago

This is the same disinformation that AIM 4 TRUTH dribbles out. Douglas Gabriel is clearly not ex-NSA and never provides any substantial evidence instead relying on "anonymous sources" (Remind you of CNN). Douglas Gabriel on one hand claims to have written code for the NSA and then in the next breath says he cant operate his PC properly and hasnt even been on the Chan boards.

All of that is ad hominem and wrong. You can prove Gabriel is not ex NSA? Let's see your evidence. Let's see you explain how he along with others have developed the most advanced cryptology via music composition on the internet?

As for Defango, how solving etheral puzzles helps anything is beyond me. Check out the symbology in Cicada, clearly occult. Even the puppet who made this video is spouting on about Q with no research.

The Cicada puzzles are meant as a recruiting tool, and Defango is far more intelligent than you clearly.

Controlled opposition is the teqhnique used to emulate opposition, purposefully twisting the narrative away from the true purpose.

Lolz, thanks for the definition as if I didn't know that already. I show my face, Defango shows his. How are we "controlled Op" you have 0 evidence to suggest this.

I have researched Q extensively(check out my steemit blog) and find the information very interesting. The information from Q is clearly intelligence from sources very close to President Trump.

I said it was likely Jared Kushner, how is that not exactly what you said? Did you even watch the video? Or did you watch half, click off and leave a comment?

We knew nearly 2 months ago North Korea was going to peacefully de-nuclearize.

That is such a load of bullshit. You didn't know jack shit two months ago.

My advise is do not belive what I or anyone else says on this matter, go and do your own research.

Once again I need to ask if you watched the whole video as I stated this.

Finally if this ignoramous did his research he would know that Monsanto is currently being bought out by Bayer.

Yeah I am organizing and have organized the March Against MONSANTO for years. Bayer has not even completed the deal yet "being bought", and the name of the march is Monsanto. We have been protesting ALL GMO companies including Bayer AG. To assume I did not know this and to lob some insult at me is ridiculous. I have covered the Bayer purchase of Monsanto more times than I can count. Clearly you are the "ignoramus" leaving a bullshit comment on my post that I have now thoroughly ripped apart.

Nice try, come again.


NIce argument. Now I have your attention we are all on the same side fighting to get rid of the corrupt filth who have ruled us for over 100 years. How we go about this is immaterial. I will not abide anyone causing division which is the tool they use to divide us. I am with you, we have the same goals. I only ask that the rediculous Q controversy ends and we get on with weeding out these traitors. Look at what my people do, we expose the lies and report the truth. UNITE dont DIVIDE.

Regarding North Korea. Heres one of the posts that led us to know that North Korea was going to come to the table peacefully. There was far more information that led us to this conclusion but this is the best example. Note March 5 2018


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