Why I started this blog.

in #qanon7 years ago (edited)

So this is my introduction post. This blog is going to be about my political views and a call for help to fight against the many issues such as MSM, corruption in the world, as well as many other posts about the going on in the world. (Yes I am a Trump supporter)

I am a 38 year old man who recently graduated from college. Yes I know, I did everything backwards. Truth is, I had some pretty traumatic experiences that should have left me in worse shape than it it did. In another blog, I will go into my story more if anyone is interested in another post.

Whenever I told my story, the constant reaction was disbelief that I was not locked away in an institution or living on disability drugged out ofmy mind. These reactions got me interested in the concept of resiliency. I began to study it and came to the conclusion that some people are just more resilient than others.

So what do I do with this knowledge. I feel I have been blessed with the ability to keep fighting regardless of the damage because I feel there is something better. So I decided to go back to school and get a degree in social work. This way I could help others that are struggling and possibly inspire some resiliency in them.

My college days were hard. I had two kids at the time, and one of them has a disability. This disability made it difficult for my wife to work, so I was the sole source of income coming in. This meant that my college would have to be completed while I worked full time. It was hard. I was fortunate to find a job that coincided with what I was learning in school. I learned quick that it was going to require some sacrifices and hard work. Finally I graduated with a 4.0 GPA.

Now during my college days I learned that I was going to be working in liberal hell . The Social work program is based in liberal ideology. The courses were full of anti-capitalist and pro-socialist propoganda. I quickly learned that every attrocity in history was blamed on me, a "white male." Naturally I began to speak out against this. The dean of our program threatened to throw me out of the Social Work program saying that she doesn't feel that my values line up with the SW profession. I was told that my southern accent makes me more likely to be perceived as a racist, and that it is time for "white males" to sit down and out their opinions up. We need to let other races and gender have a chance to speak.

All this occurred my senior year. It was also the year of my the 2016 election. I knew I was already 60k in debt and a semester away from graduating. My family has suffered for four years me so I could get this degree, and I couldn't possibly start over in another field. I also really wanted to work in this field. In my state, Social workers are the boots on the ground in the mental health field. We are able to make diagnosis and also able to coordinate care for people. This was what I wanted.

So after some soul searching, I decided to apologize for my views and admit that I was wrong. (Fighting my urge to vomit the whole time.) I was forced to take an extra course about black/white history that further demonized white males. I had to pay for the course and it wasn't counted as a credit. (Irony on the black/white racism thing is that the expected me to be racist because of my southern accent. What they didn't know was that I have a biracial daughter.)

So after that was completed I was allowed to graduate. I bit my lip and took what they gave me, just so I could get that degree. When I got off the stage after getting the diploma, I embraced my family and quickly went to my car. I had four bumper stickers that we're pro Trump that I quickly slapped all over the back of my car. ( My way of flicking my teachers the bird) I purposefully parked right next to the dean of my program and waited on her to walk to her car. As she got to my car she looked disgusted. I stuck head out the window and thanked her for the wonderful education she gave me, and promised to make sure that I will Make America Great Again.

( The image below isn't my car but the stickers were the exact same. I no longer have the car to prove it)33929540703_049438f174_z.jpg


I am so happy that you are here, rightleaningsw! Wish you a great journey here in this loving and caring community :) Life is good

By the way, there are several groups you as a newcomer can join. They will stay with you for your journey, helping and mentoring along the way.

@greetersguild invite link https://discord.gg/AkzNSKx
@newbieresteemday invite link https://discord.gg/2ZcAxsU

Free Tommy Robinson and thanks for sharing your stickers here. I dealt with some college debt. I'm from Oregon and lived in Vietnam. I support making federal government smaller.

Hey @rightleaningsw. Welcome to the community!!!

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