DAVID HOGG: Content Analysis

in #qanon7 years ago (edited)

What is Content Analysis?

It is a research technique used to make replicable and valid inferences by interpreting and coding textual material. By systematically evaluating texts (e.g., documents, oral communication, and graphics), qualitative data can be converted into quantitative data.

Now we have that out of the way. let us turn to...

Who is David Hogg (As if you did not know)

Short and not so sweet version;

An egotistical little man-boy who clearly has connections in all the wrong places to be trusted to say anything he has not been told to (or wants to). Mainly about the Florida shooting and gun control.

Now let us take a look at a slightly different aspect of this man-boys OWN WORDS.

I am going to take a few of David Hogg's quotes "verbatim" and run them through "content Analysis and see what we come up with. Some may ask if I am qualified to do this. I say ask that when you get to the end in the comments.

In a recently released excerpt of a CBS video documentary with the students behind the March For Our Lives movement, David Hogg candidly admits [he wasn’t] at Marjory Douglas Stoneman High School during the shooting.

He explains that he was at home????, and adds that he grabbed his camera so he could get footage of the events to advance his aspiring future career in journalism.

Below is his first quote...

"On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and rode as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting."

How would anyone know this was a "mass-shooting" at this point?

Was he not at school that day? Why?

  1. By the time he heard about the shooting, to the time he got there let's take a closer look...
    Cruz arrives

2:06 p.m. Uber picks up Cruz.

2:19 p.m. Uber drops Cruz off at Stoneman Douglas High School, just before the school day ends when gates are open and it’s easy to enter the campus.

Cruz starts shooting

2:21 p.m. Cruz enters the east stairwell of Building 12 with an AR-15 rifle in a black case.

2:28:35 p.m. Cruz exits Building 12 and runs west towards the tennis courts and then heads south.

2:29:51 p.m. Cruz crosses the field and runs west with others who are fleeing the area.

I think it important we pause here for a moment. Take careful note of the official times here. By 2:30 The shooting had stopped and Cruz had LEFT THE BUILDING.

Let me remind you...

" On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and rode as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school."

Let us assume he got a text, call or whatever (Remains to be seen).

The ACTUAL SHOTS that Hogg says he was informed of were between 2:21 & 2:28. According to official sources, this is the shooting timeline.

In that case, when EXACTLY was Hogg informed, according to him he found out before emergency services?(See below @ 2:51)

The earliest he could possibly have known was around 2:25 if he actually got a message.

So he Jumps on his bike and rides three miles average speed would take him around 5 - 7 mins to reach the school. This would place him there around 2:31at the absolute earliest According to his own words.

AT 2:33 as you can clearly see is Cruz is way over in the field fleeing with other students. Which means NO OTHER GUNSHOTS!

The area is now sealed off and Hogg has just arrived. He manages to get right into the thick of the action, passed all the swat lines and for some reason (remember the shooters halfway across a field) so there are NO SHOTS being heard now ends up in a classroom in a normal lesson??? (See quote below).

But here we find Man-Boy hiding with other students as if he was in the actual shooting, which as you now know stopped before he even got there. (More on why they were hiding later).

2:50 p.m. Cruz arrives at Walmart, enters the store and buys a drink at the interior Subway, then leaves on foot.
2:51 p.m. First notice of shootings to Broward Health North.
2:55 p.m. First victim arrives at ER at Broward Health North.
3:01 p.m. Cruz goes to nearby McDonalds, sits down for a short time and then leaves on foot.
3:33 p.m. First patient arrives at Broward Health Medical Center.

A while after the shooting, 2:38 p.m. Parent Howard S. Krooks: receives a shocking text from his son, Noah, a freshman saying they are safe and its all over.

But as far as Hogg is concerned, the drama continues...

Here is the MAJOR problem with the whole Hogg story and the fact it was even aired!

That famous video interview BY HIS OWN PHONE clearly shows he was recording this interview...wait for it...Yes, he was recording at 9:32.


No wonder he was calm...

See image below.contra2.jpg

Let's take a closer look at another level of content analysis;

Speech patterns you will recognise.

"Three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting"

So video and interviews are first on his mind, even though he has a little sister there.

Up until that point, no one knew or said anything about a "Mass-Shooting"

The emphasis here on getting good video's here: Hence the "interview" that went viral where they were hiding in a cupboard. I had always mused over the fact he had the presence of mind to hold an interview in such a perilous situation.

But then having looked at the timeline and this man-boys ego to get the "scoop" it starts to reveal itself...
Take a look at the quote below and then you will understand why they were hiding and why man-boy was calm enough to hold an interview.

When Hogg heard a “pop” while sitting in an AP environmental science class around 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, he told his teacher it sounded strangely like a gunshot. But there had been a fire drill that very morning and talk of a “Code Red” exercise to prepare for an active shooter. This must just be a surprise drill, he reasoned.

Ok, here is where Hogg's story starts to shatter...

Around 2:30 HOGG says he hears a "POP" while sitting in an AP class...WAIT UP!

Did he not say he was at home?

Got on his bike?

Rode three miles?

Not to actually do or say anything about the shooting but go sit in an AP class?


Please tell me if I am missing something here.

And now we learn from his own words ONLY HE heard a "Pop" had time to discuss it, so I can surmise it was HOGG who suggested they hide since it was the surprise drill.


But you see my problem here, you cannot be in two places at once.


In fact, according to HOGGS OWN WORDS, he must have a time machine. Take a look at the video capture below, it has subtitles (I have not added) that clearly show yet ANOTHER version of Hogg's events.


So Hogg is saying this is FIVE HOURS BEFORE any actual shooting, yet the "interview" shifts the narrative deliberately to make it look like they were victims of the REAL SHOOTING that took place FIVE HOURS LATER.

No doubt coached by CNN & Dad from the FBI (badly).

This would explain why Hogg and the rest were calm enough to have this BS interview, which I personally believe stinks of bad actors. There was never any threat to them and clearly scripted. Especially when the young girl starts talking about NRA funding, girl your ass is on the line, there is an active shooter and all you can think of is the NRA funding???

Of course, it was scripted and shot like a movie, out of sequence then splice the truth together as they want you to see it.

Hogg other quote continues...

"I didn’t know most of these people at a very personal level, but I wanted to make their voices heard and that’s what I’m really trying to do."

They are NOT his fellow students or buddies he refers to "these people."

Not only can it be derogatory in nature, but it firmly disassociates the speaker from the group. In other words, Hogg feels no affiliation with "these people."

Which helps reveal the next sentence for what it is...

but I wanted to make their voices heard and that’s what I’m really trying to do.

You see "but" then removes himself from that last derogatory statement and plants a selfless act (Yea right).
Making who's voice heard? And he still falls over by saying "Thier" voice instated of "Ours." and as always, "I" comes before anyone else in the sentence structure, dead giveaway.

And a half-hearted comment like trying to make their voices heard is exactly that. When you place the word "TRY" in there you are not really bothered. Ask YODA!

All in all, I firmly believe this Man-Boy is a distraction of MSM to move the narrative away from the truth. And the truth is this whole event stinks of bad actors.

BTW That does NOT include Hogg, He's just a bad actor in the actual sense of the meaning.

Clearly, MSM has not bothered interviewing the ACTUAL victims and yet this alone should tell you all you need to know. But Man-Boy get the headlines and they don't stack up, while reports of more than one shooter are ignored, footage of military men carrying black bags and throwing them into the back of a pick-up truck, all ignored.

I am going to give my own version of Hogg's movements based on his scattered and lying timeline.

They knew there was going to be a drill in the morning (fire drill / active shooter) and this is when the "interview was recorded, confirmed by his own phone and his own words asking "Alex" if it was ok to record him. (Why would you even ask in that situation?)

Step two, Hogg leaves school after the lesson and goes home (lunchtime?) Since he has to ride his bike back to school he must have left, right?

And the timeline he gave us would place his arrival back at school AFTER the shooting.

But here is THE MOST DISTURBING detail...

As Hogg is explaining the situation from inside the cupboard on the link below @ the 40sec mark not only does Hogg name Cruz as the shooter but has an image of Cruz nicely edited into this "impromptu" interview recording.

At the time of the shooting with the shooter not yet identified by anyone other than Hogg???

We have a description over the radio by a police officer at 3:41 spotting a man dress in the clothes of the suspect. At this time ID HAD NOT been released. And yet Hogg has all the information, including an IMAGE???

I say he knew BEFORE the event Cruz was going to be named and his (Hoggs) recall of events warrants an official investigation into the ACTUAL Florida shooting, not CNN and Hogg's version of it.

None of these will make it further than a blog post for obvious reasons but this charade of events should show people just how far some people will sink to in order to push their agenda.

Again that should clearly show you we live in an age of theatre and propaganda, not truth.

I would have thought his FBI father would have schooled him better on getting his story straight. But then as I have often heard on the internet grapevine...

They are stupid.


Until Next Time...!

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