5.26.18 - Vegas, Broward County, Antifa, Tommy Robinson's Arrest, Censorship, Culture, and Weinstein
-Developments in vegas, broward county, Antifa, Tommy Robinson's arrest, censorship, culture, and weinstein.
Laura Loomer
New #LasVegasShooting documents reveal @LVMPD knew on Oct 1 that Stephen
Paddock’s girlfriend knew a person on Facebook who had imagery of ISIS
beheadings w/ Arabic text on their profile.
She immediately deleted her FB after the shooting.
russia to use crypto to get around US sanctions of IRAN. This is one major step forward for cryptos. Governments to begin using it to compete better against each other (free market) rather than teaming up to compete against their PEOPLES. (keynesian central bank and government control of fiat currencies)
"The Broward County diversionary school discipline program known as the
“Promise Program” has gained scrutiny since the Parkland shooting left
17 students dead. The unstable shooter was identified as a prior
benefactor of a county school district policy to reduced crime rates by
exchanging criminal punishment for school discipline."
"The case involved two 17-year-old students bullying a 14-year-old
freshman, with one holding down the younger boy by his ankles while the
other kicked the victim, grabbed his genitals and then took the victim’s
own baseball bat and began shoving it against his buttocks, simulating
rape, through the boy’s clothes.
One of those assailants, the boy who allegedly held down the
victim, was [Sheriff] Israel’s son"
Antifa Website Calls for Violence Against Upcoming Pro-Life Demo, Urges
Thugs Use ‘Same Force as at Nazi Rally’
Porn Star Lawyer Avenatti Accused by Courts of Acting “with Malice,
Fraud and Oppression” – Suddenly Disappears from CNN
ongoing protests over the arrest of Tommy Robinson
Candace Owens
In no way do I endorse Farrakhan’s views but holy crap this is a really
big deal. He has just aligned himself with Trump’s administration.
What is going on in the black community right now is unprecedented. Flag
this. It’s relevant.
gdpr rolls out, more control disguised as protection. China is exempt.
On Friday’s America’s Newsroom, Ronna McDaniel, chairwoman of the
Republican National Committee, told anchor Bill Hemmer that the RNC sent
a letter to Facebook and Twitter, asking them to respond by June 18. She
stated, “We just preemptively wanted to go to Facebook and say that we
want assurances that you are not going to suppress conservative voices.”
Trump JR tweeted about his analytics showing obvious shadowbanning.
The Book Harvey Weinstein Carried To His Arraignment May Have Been A Warning - little black book = I can rat on lots of people.
- show meme
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... and please do take GOOD care of that new Qute baby G_D gave ya' ...
and ya' know ... "mom" ... your soft legs PUREHEART GOOD WOMAN ...