Meteor Impact Indigo Style

in #qanon6 years ago (edited)

Its time for me to do another one of these. In fact, I wish I could be doing more of them. Updates on 'the happenings' of New Earth.

I write and speak of New Earth. The truth is that there are TWO distinct planets, New Earth and Old. Since late August 2017. My Solar Return birthchart from my last birthday shows Gemini on the lowest point of the chart, which I interpret that as having one foot in each of two worlds. I think we are still resolving the split and sorting things out. There is still a dimensional overlap.

Something amazing happened recently. More so than the usual amazing stuff I guess. But it went unrealized at first. When it happened it was just a few seconds of spontaneous focus and concentration on my part and then it was over.

What am I talking about?

There was a meteor strike in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Was it New Earth or Old Earth? I'm not totally sure. My perspective is a mix of the two and I'm thinking this is true for everyone 'here' on New Earth. Why? Because here, we are all connected through the planetary energy grid. Its up to all of us to sort what is left out, together.

Of course, very little of this event was revealed by the media. But this is my account:

Here's the original post. From February 11, 2019:

"All right then, I promised to come back and explain the chart I pulled yesterday. But first I have to tell you my story, and why the chart triggered me for an interpretation.

February 7, this was last Thursday. I've spoken about my Indigo abilities before so this shouldn't come as a shock to anyone although I do have some new Facebook friends who might not know. Last Thursday I sat down to have a smoke (MJ) and clear my thoughts. It was about 6-6:30 pm. I was sitting there and all of a sudden this ripping scary wind came up. We get high wind here but this was something else... I wondered if it was tornado strength... scary! I've been practicing a bit with putting up a shield and calming the wind. Yes I am familiar with my own shield ... but sometimes this works and sometimes not. I think sometimes it has had a mind of its own or an automatic function. More lately, it is working with me directing it. Also. Over the two days before Thursday I had noticed some really big noises around that sounded like big machinery or the vibration of a car engine, only so much bigger than anything I've ever noticed! Earth sounds. I'm thinking there's a connection.

So. I'm sitting there and this huge wind comes up. I went into my prayer routine and activated a shield for protection and I could SEE it. It looked like a dome of thick glass, miles thick. Well, I'm sitting there keeping my focus and there were some really loud boom sounds that came up. My room is on the second floor of my house, and I could clearly feel something that felt like an impact in the ground! Something hit my shield, crashed into it I think. It easily absorbed the impact and didn't get through. From the south east. The wind stopped.

I have two posts below on my feed, the original release from CSAS/Colorado Springs Astronomical Society on this and another post the next day (Feb 8) talking about reporters looking for information and people to interview for the sighting. The times line up exactly.

Here's the chart I pulled. Yesterday. I pulled it on Sunday and this event happened on Thursday. But its here. In the chart.


Moon, Mars, Uranus in Aries ... tight conjunction in the 12th house. This (explosive) event is in the past from Sunday... it already happened. 4 days prior! As for my shield. There it is, Pluto, Saturn and Venus in Capricorn all there at the top of the chart. A WALL. Or a shield. Jupiter there in Sagittarius in the 8th house... I think this describes the fireball. Only secret and hidden from public view.

I'm not sure I understand the Sun in this chart - it is in the 10th house of authority and control, only in Aquarius it means change. ??

Maybe this is it. There is an interception in the 11th house of the future. With Neptune right in the middle. I feel that this is the usual deception, you know. Cover up, fake news. lies, etc. Mercury is in this house and Chiron also. Chiron at 29 degrees may still be deciding how this is going to be played, like ... from the media and the authority that knows about what happened and also what they are going to report or not. The North Node of the Moon implies a "landing" of some kind, in the third house of location and PLACE.

Something just occurs to me. NORAD is in Colorado Springs. Was it the intended target? I am SURE they were tracking this thing.

Q post today, February 11. "You are the news now." "
(Same day that I made this facebook post).

That night! Just about an hour later.

Original post from Colorado Astronomical Society, from my Facebook feed. February 7, 7:26 pm:

"We've had reports of a fireball over town; did anyone observe it?"

To which, I responded. "Wow... really!? I noticed extreme sharp wind and I felt some kind of boom or something. Felt like it was in the ground!"

I didn't explain. The post showing up on my feed was a total surprise! I wasn't exactly sure what had happened but it happened to me, the same time that these reports were coming in. Colorado Springs is directly south south east from here. About two hours away, driving through the mountains.

Follow up post from Colorado Astronomical Society in Colorado Springs, the next day. February 8, 2:52 pm.

"CSASTRO was contacted by KKTV 11 News for a quick interview about last night's fireball, and we were happy to assist! Tune in to the 5:30 news tonight to hear CSASTRO PR Director George White give an explanation and show off a few meteorites! Stardom Rocky Mountain Star Stare."

That's all I saw on it. But I've been watching for anything showing up in the news or posts from local Colorado Facebook groups.

This photo was posted February 18, credit to Fox21 News. It was taken on Pikes Peak, the 14k mountain, otherwise known as TAVA to the locals and the Ute Indians from the area, above the Springs:


Snow is usually a representation or symbol of safety, when it shows up in dreams and visions. We get a lot of snow like this in places in the Rockies. Trail Ridge Road above Mount Evans often looks a LOT like this photo. But the road is only open from Memorial Day to Labor Day every year and those photos have been taken after an entire winter of snow accumulation. I've seen photos of the snow many feet deep like this, and I lived on the backside of Pikes Peak in Cripple Creek, Colorado. But I've never seen it like this before. It seems logical to me that such an event would affect weather patterns. Evidence?

This one I saw a few days later, posted February 22 on Colorado Photography Group. We get mist in valleys all the time here. One of the most awesome sights is to be in just the right spot and to see what I call, "the cloud sea." For some reason I found myself triggered by this one. Could it be more evidence of a meteor strike? An aftermath of the immediate area?


Stay tuned. If I have more to share on this I will.

LR 2/26/2019

Photos collected from Facebook, Colorado Photography Group.
Astrology chart printed from my personal Solar Fire software.

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