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in #qanon6 years ago

Being blessed with a gift to see the truth in all things, I am always in the presence of insights into many things I will post these insights on this pinned thread for those who are able to read between the lines and grasp the light of truth. #DarkToLight #awakenedsouls #truth

If the secret societies and that exist today communicate through symbols and hidden messages that are only understood to those that have been initiated, then it reasonable to assume the ritcheous good of this world has been secretly communicating through the #spiritoftruth
#thebible In Paul's letter it speaks on the concept of vegan/vegitarian and the sense that there is no "sin" to eat an animal as a human for man in ruler of this plain and as long as he is pure in his heart there shall be no sin. that the habits of diet shall be dictated Based on body type aslong as food it's self is not corrupted and is used simply to nourish.

: obidience to "God" and strict practices to be a good upright ritcheous human only seem outrages to those that do not have the light/spark of life. For those that do walk with the light it is not a strain because once own discovery and instinctual guidence has already made These practices and expectation a natural state of being. They no longer have the ego to content with. The ego that always tries to argue against the way of truth. Laws are for those that do not have natural law flowing through their essence.

;Those thatr gifted with pre_cog, are not nesserly seeing into the future or predicting based on past the future, rather they are vibration/frequency wise so in tune with the world around them and in tune with life that they are simply picking up with their concoiusness what The universe is manifesting and therefore they are able to visualise the fact of what's taking place. To the untrained eye it will appear as pre_cog. #intuition raise your consciousness (frequency) and the universe will open up to you.
When intellectuals are separated from the soldiers in society, then it is doomed to fail, for the soldiers act with guidance of those that don't truly know the essence of warfare. In these current times be intellectual warriors for humanity and know the spirit will guide you.

Society wants less ppl that can see truth infront of their eyes and more ppl who are lead by platitudes identity politics and virtue signalling lol you can answer the forgotten children why you allowed it to happen. You wear u're ignorance as a badge of virtue. It's quite embarrassing.
That's a bold claim, that not allowing gay is un Christian... According to what exactly? This is a fallen humanity that thinks sex is the loving connection between two ppl thus think being gay has anything to do with who or what they are. It's ignorance like this that has Eradicated real Christianity, almost like that what the infiltrators had planned. The light is waking up the lama, the deceptive ways of the synagogue of Satan is being removed.

One only views life from the understanding they have of them selves and their reality. I order to expand one self one must look inward and completly decode ones own programs. The truth shall set you free. #LightOverDark #TRUTHNEVERDIES
Oneness ; Yes but the times we are in now its more Inportant to know the rules of the game. Inward search is done to prepare your self to be able to see truth when it's infront of u're eyes and not view things as happening outside and you are just observing. Once u've reached that stage where u're intimately involved in life and not just going through the motions then the mind will be able to gather the truth More easily and put it into actionable intelligence Becuase to the mind it is the only real thing that matters. Some need chaos and death to stroke there life before they take life seriously, others are able to do spiritual and inward research to realize it before hand. It's up to u to realize which road ull be taking.

Speak truth even if your voice cracks. None of us are free until all of us are free. #WordsMatter #speaklife #QAnon the truth the way and the light @JohnFKennedy
Knowledge by words is useless. It is the reaction this knowledge gives you when you hear it, that has the greatest potential for self growth if one pays close enough attention too, without judgement or condemnation #WordsMatter #speaklife

It's thyme to put and end to corrupting the youth by liberals. We know their agenda m, they want to sexualised them to the point they normalize pedophilia. This has been the secret plan since gay ppl adopting kids and normalizing teaching it to kids. The ancient Jesuits and other Ancient schools have proved, what a child observes and learns in its first 7 yrs is how it will be guided for life. Plus they chemical sexualising of the entire population. Did you relly thing this explosion of gay humans and tranny humans was a natural thing. Either this evil is Stopped now or the same result of what happened in Germany, due to its disgusting demauchry that have rise to Hitler will happen or the 3 angels will visit the western world like they did babylon. We all know what group is behind it. #savethechildren #WordsCount #QAnon #WWG1WGA
Your essence assumes ppl think of you, what you think of u're self when listening to good music. It's all stems from an inward emptiness and need for belonging, which can be very easily manipulated

live life in a state, where one is inwardly supreme, and outwardly blissfully ignorant to everything not in ones direct perception. that is the state which is referred to as living in the here and the now. #WordsCount #speaklife #truthliberates #QAnon

Critical thinkers (conspiracy theorist) are the young minds that should be nurtured to become the socratees of society. Instead they have nothing but government evil so all the energy going into that instead of thinking through new things. This will be the new education system

Finding light and the essence of love within oneself is the only way to bring about peace to this world. No other form of power control subversion will accomplish. We must first become the humanity we hope to c in the world, or else how can we truly know its possible #wordscount
Some are more interested in stroking their own reaction dopamine hit then actual convo and arriving at the light of truth for them selves there fore finding peace within them selves. There is no other true purpose in life my friend. Try it out, truth liberates

When one walks with the light of truth, there is no brave or fear there is only the absolute truth of existance. Find the light within ones self and the frequency of fear is no more. #WordsCount #speaklife #jesusisthewayandthetruth

One does not need material wealth to strt the journey towards inward growth. Yes it make it comfortable and easy but the true visionaries were those of true hardships which used that energy to push the boundries inward.

what is important is to embody the frequency/vibration of love/compassion within once self.Once this has been achieved then 1 does not have to act lovingly by will and effort but one's essence it's self is the expression of the thing called love. #Peaceonearth

Love as society knows it today is a false idea. The word love is used to describe the frequency/vibration of the most powerful force of creation and compassion in existance.Once one tunes his own being with that frequency and starts emitting ones self, then all doors open for him

Most seek 2 get validation of what they have self programmed 2be their foundation. Those that have a genuine love for truth, do not seek based on a starting point but rather to the end result of absolute truth and that love brings out a certain Inate intelligence of God. #QAnon

Live life completly with the expression/frequency of love, moment by moment that you create enough ripples in the conciousness of humanity that the world around you has no choice but to be effected and change according to your sources will. #speaklife #WordsCount #Peaceonearth

The essence of love is the only way to bring peace on earth. It is the frequency that is creation, that is the building block of life as we know it

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