BakerAnon QAnon Leak Full Text | QAnon Baker Leaks to Lift The Veil

in #qanon7 years ago

BakerAnon Leak Email: Full Text

This is the full text of the unverified email sent to @lifttheveil411 which he redacted from his post. An archive of that post can be seen here:


I’m writing you to set the record straight. I’ve already written to Unirock to clarify things but he never responded and I no longer have access to the burner email that I set up to email him. I also sent him details and facts about how this was accomplished. I won’t get into too much of this now. You can follow up with him on this. I’ve tried many times to set the record straight on the chans but they are quick to delete the posts.

I was once part of the CBTS group of “bakers/mods/admins,” whatever you want to call us. I’ve been feeling so much guilt over all this BS that’s gone on all this time revolving around “Q.” People are following blindly and many have become the sheep that they are now, and yes, it’s partly my fault too. I want to make things right. There are a few other members that bailed out and who also feel the same as me. They too are trying to set the record straight in their own way.

This “Q” movement was never supposed to be how it is now. We, I, never intended things to go the way they have. We wanted to promote a movement of true patriots gathered for a common cause to better our country but it’s all turned into shit! People involved have turned this into a money and fame thing! They are famefags as we call them! They are misleading so many people and all for personal gain. They are even fighting each other in the process for the money and fame!

What I am admitting to you is that “Q” is fake. The real people behind “Q” are those that are affiliated with CBTS, as well as some from 4chan and 8chan, and some from reddit. It’s a big group and yes I was a part of it. That’s all it is, one big research group with skill sets to make this all believable. I have no reason to lie. The main ones behind all of this are Baruch the scribe, Pamphlet Anon and his wife, code monkey, Farmer funk, Obobo, reign, several others, and to a big extent Tracybeanz, and Dr corsi (I’ll explain in more detail about these two people). They’re all famefags! They are in it for all the fucking wrong reasons! This is why several of us left CBTS.

I recently seen some updates that Unirock provided, and your recent vid with the Cicada group. I grouped up with the CBTS guys a bit later after the initial “Q” drops, but looking back at things now, and taking in to account what I know, it’s all making a lot more sense now. I was always under the impression that Baruch and Pamphlet started all this with “Q” but now I see that it is more likely that they banned the Cicada group off the chans to rip off the “Q” posts for themselves. Baruch had always implied they created this Q movement to us. They made it sound like a noble cause – “to serve at the pleasure of the president.” Many of us were approached to help the “plan.” This is how it came about. Many of us provided some form of expertise to aid the “Q” research. Many of us are techy, hackers, extensive knowledge in government, esoteric, etc., from various backgrounds. What we didn’t know, we obtained in many other ways. There is no real inside intel. Yes, we "obtained" some intel to find out that there is internal government investigations going on but no, we don’t know how deep it all goes. We got lucky! That’s it! We expanded on this! We all provided in some way to the crumbs, especially to create the idea of this dark deep state imbedded within our government. Yes we believe this is true, but no we could never really confirm it; that didn’t stop us from red pilling you normies though.

Ultimately this is where Pamphlets wife came in, along with Dr. Corsi and Tracybeanz. I can’t say for sure that Dr. Corsi knows that “Q” is fake but I’m pretty sure he does [80%]. Pamphlet idolizes Dr. Corsi and would often get lots of “deep state” details from him and would incorporate this in the crumbs. Baruch was covering the chans along with his counterparts. Pamphet’s wife provided details about the occult/esoteric details or things regarding illuminati and such. Tracybeanz helped in so many ways… government insight, getting members the right connected with others; getting the word out on her channel, but also in the research. I can’t say for sure that Tracybeanz was involved early on but I do know that she was involved just prior to us moving over to 8chan. I always had the impression that Defango was involved too to some extent through Tracy, but I and several others that thought the same never did confirmed this. Baruch and Pamphlet were smart to compartmentalize the group. We realized this was intentional to keep a lot of us out of the know. They still do this even on the discord servers. It serves a purpose! There were many members in the group. Not many of us had actually every met one another in person but we still collaborated regardless of that. We were told we should keep it that way too. The agreement early on is that we would "never dox Q,” and each other, or we’d be doxed and outed. Baruch and Pamphlet were very clear about this. They are the biggest Famefags in the group! They are doing this all now for financial gain. It doesn’t take a genius to see the direction they are taking this but they have everyone so brainwashed to see it and it sickens me to know that I helped them do this for a long time. I’ve tried to set the record straight several times but no matter what proof I give people, people are just too brainwashed.

Please understand that I have nothing to gain from exposing the truth. I’m only doing this because I feel so bad that I helped to mislead so many people and because I’m sick and tired of seeing Baruch and Pamphlet continue to lie to people the way they are. Yes, Baruch is still very much involved but now in the background! Please just get the word out that I’m am sorry for misleading them.

Ask yourselves why hasn’t anyone been tried or jailed yet? It’s because you’re being lied to! There is no “plan” other than to make money off of this. I’m sorry but that’s all there is too this.

BakerAnon. (not my real name of course)

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