Truth about the emails what's really inside, how those fired and other corruptors kept it hidden. Evidence leadership like Comey and McCabe lied, caught in the Act!
Truth about the emails what's really inside, how those fired and other corruptors kept it hidden
This covers why the Actions by the FBI and
DOJ in Advance of the 2016 Election were Key to the corruption we are seeing take place then and now.
Goes over What they were Really trying to hide and it is far more than laws broken concerning Classified Info. That is the narrative msm wanted people to focus on.
The evidence including that of the people in these institutions not adhering to the laws We the People keep, one law of justifying all of their criminal activity for them and another set of laws for us.
Is there any True Justice anymore?
Covers the connections between the U1 deal and the Clinton Foundation.
Information on the roots of what makes the Clinton Foundation so seedy. Who and what they truly subscribe too with verified information and sources.
That letter the DOJ had found ordering the scrutiny of U1.
The Conflict of Interest with Rod Rosenstein's wife, who represented the Clintons and many people in the DOJ, FBI concerning FOIA requests.
Connecting Q drops.
What was really on that Weiner laptop. This is part 1.
Please let me know your thoughts on this in the comments below. Godspeed Fine Patriots!
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