Analysis of Jack Posobiec Thinking he has background information on Qanon and Posobiec trying to spread disnfo. It will intensify!

in #qanon7 years ago (edited)

This in response of a comment and video shared giving Jack Posobiecs reasons for why he has turned against Q

A lot of red flags.

Here is the commenters response,
Why would anyone take Jack serious after this?

Ooooh people are trying to make money on a scam! Ooooh fmr intel officer Jack is doing this for DaPeePull so dey don't give money to q decoders. Ooooh we're so indebted to Jack.

He criticizes those people for not donating to political candidates. I guess he watches where they spend their ill gotten q commentary gains. At least Corsi hocks books right?

But first, here's a commercial plug (you're welcome Jack, no one here is against buying vitamins or books) You can buy InfoWars products from the OpenMind link to Amazon ;)

Jack shows clips from Q decoders that are q opportunists, they add in a drop Q never made. Maybe he knows them from AJ circle of youtube friends.

Yeah... we know about people who take advantage of Q phenom to make videos and get attention, clearly Jack's not above that. Thanks Jack Posobiec for exposing your status as controlled opposition. What a lazy presentation however. Could you make a more lame video?

I wholeheartedly agree with the commenter who said "You just totally embarrassed yourself..."

Note to Jack, I do my own research, I'm not a blind follower of any Q related youtube commentators. I can see, however, where some of them who aren't like AJ etc. and might cut into other peoples profit, and that must be sad. Maybe instead of insulting Q supporters as if they are mindless idiots, ask those youtubers to post a link to where they can buy AJ's vitamins.

Towards the end, Jack really gets into a crock of BS shtick of playing big brother talking to little brother advice... go out and plant trees? Really? What a novel idea to feel like a 'true patriot'.

Wow, what a transparent maggot. Or maybe as a former intel officer he's purposely coming across like one casual Q watcher remarked:

better go plant some trees and mull this over. . .

My response as follows, I star the name in case the commenter does not want to be known.

Thank you for sharing this video ****!

Difficult to wade through all that boasting and self promotion, mind you, as he is criticizing others for What He Is Doing! I hope you don't mind, I am going to share this all over and do a synopsis! Was turned off by the glaring lack of his study of the drops, but forced myself to watch it so I would know what it all contained. I would say unbelievable, but it bears the mark of someone set up to discount and divide! Huge Red Flags abound!

So much truth in what you state!

I like the comment you mentioned and this one from a commenter,
"Does it matter what/who q is? More people looking into the corruption in government world wide. Surley its a good thing that people want to know the truth & are actively seeking out facts. I don't understand why all q bashing & in house fighting..fact finding hurts no one except those that have secrets they don't want the world to know about.!?!"

Notice where he claims he sees behind the scenes where a Q group is talking and one asks please update the trip code.

Number one, he hasn't listened to enough decoders or those who Aren't just decoding (people can do Much of that themselves) but those who are Going Deeper doing in depth research of information that has been out there for years and is verifiable, which is the intent.

Q wasn't requesting like some god or celebrity to just sit around and talk about his or their drops. The idea is to get out there and start searching through information and corruption that is there for the viewing and analyzing with your very own, two eyes!

Number two he starts to talk about trip code where someone asks about updating trip code. He actually says, "right there"as if he has stumbled onto something.

It is not a big deal to want the trip code updated as that has been done several times due to infiltrators. So whatever exposure he thinks his doing. . .he needs to be reading All drops himself before using his slush fund money to try and debunk a quality group who has done nothing wrong. Their only crime as far as his overseeing cabal leaders realize, would be not drinking their poison every day, in the form of accepting without searching what they tell us or try to lead us believe. In other words we seek out truth ourselves and try to verify All not just the controllers words, but Everyone! This makes us a threat to their organization and over all agenda of "dumbing down" the population and controlling us.* We are not easily controlled.. .we are an anomaly to them and they can't have that

Jack starts to state, "and trip code is. . ." . then he pauses, doesn't tell you what it is, and says, "this is just stuff I'm seeing today, this isn't even this isn't even stuff that I've that I've completed yet! . He even gestures to himself, stated I've with emphasis placing himself in a place of importance above others!

So in other words, he realized he didn't know Exactly what he was talking about, so tried to distract by boasting about some other information he Claims he has! MSM and Globalist distraction tactic!

Q whether a group or individual, NEVER has done this! He puts all on equal footing. . .attempts to make us team mates and working for the Good together as We thePeople!

Jack won't be able to turn people so easily who adhere to truth and see through such ploys to sway based on celebrity status!

These tactics are exactly what has been exposed for the many months we have been researching and studying those drops. Not just meant to be read . but Studied!

What exposes him further is where he states, "people are saying this is new, here's stuff going back to February and to January!* . Really, so he hasn't read the drops himself and just because MSM now catches wind of it, doesn't mean it hasn't been going on for some time! MSM isn't aware or at least they don't portray to the people that they really know much of what is going on around the world! They stay in their own marked out area and give their talking Points! Points people towards what their controllers want us to see and hear. . .nothing more!

If Jack would Read the drops for himself and he truly is a truth searcher, he would see there is nothing wrong in them. ..they are Only exposing corruption. The only ones they are doing harm to is the corruptors! . Anyone awake can see how they are fighting against Qarmy like the Gates of Hell because they stand to shine a Light on their Evil doing which is VAST! Their tactics and intensifying of their disinfo only embolden and strengthen We the People! How is that a bad thing again?

BTW Jack, been going on since October 2017. Jack will learn as he already should have if he is a prior "intel agent," you need to have your facts Before you do the video!
I get making errors or misspeaking at times, I have done it myself as none of us are infallible, but those who seek truth, must strive for seeking out the matter fully and effectively prior to speaking or relaying info.

This takes a great deal of work, research, reading and analyzing as all Qarmy knows.

The army Jack and the others don't see are not as widely recognized because truth isn't flashy, it doesn't rush to be told without All Facts, it takes dedication, perseverance, consistency, time and then your reward isn't of this world we live in right now! We live in a monetary or even prestige, recognition based society where that is what many feel they need or should seek!

Not so with Qarmy. The core group knows there are not just lives. . .souls at stake!

It will be easy to spot the stalwarts because they present and operate on a different level than attention seekers. Generally Not known or popular.

Many times true Qarmy are ridiculed, mocked and despised even by those claiming to be on the same side!!

Dangerous individuals because they can't be bought or enticed by the usual methods of slush funds, monetary gain and social credit!

We don't care if it is written in the same manner All People write and they find out they were mistaken. This happens All the Time in this flawed world!

What matters is do the drops, information, encouragement adhere to Truth!

Q is all about encouraging Truth and seeking it yourself!

If Jack's only collected drops over past few days, he's in trouble. He will have to Lie if he doesn't see the truth if he were to Actually read and study for himself the drops!

We don't care who the people are nor their past if they are about exposing Truth in the Here and Now!

God doesn't Call the Equipped, He Calls those Who Obey Whom He Equips!

I am not one of the people who mind people making some sort of money. That is between them and God if they are spreading truth!

Nothing wrong with Q merch, nothing wrong with decoders. . .I don't believe people are saying they are the only ones who can decode, . most realize many can and do decode!

People can search for themselves without any outside help if they choose.

It is a lie that those adhering to truth are scamming even if they receive income. Jack Posobiec receives income and no one questions that except for the possible Slush fund set up for this exact type of paid controlled opposition.

Just because Jack knows what he says was the original Q password doesn't mean he knows Everything about Q.

The Real part is the work and study Jack himself should be doing as should Anyone else whether they listen to decoders or not, they should be going to links and verifying the info themselves!

Jack gives himself too much credit for the website Qanonpub going down as if it is some new revelation or All About Him because he has placed himself in such a Place of Importance!

What was it Q said, "no one is greater than another!"

I'm not sure how bitcoin addresses prove anything! People have links up on their pages who decode.

I do not, but have no problem for those who are upfront about links to take donations. These people have expenses, so they have the same right anyone else on youtube or other platforms to attempt to pay expenses. Why is that wrong just because they tell Truth instead of entertainment?

Odd, I think it once again exposes the wickedness of this world. Entertainers and luciferians are allowed to make extreme amounts of money, have multiple homes, lavish trips, etc, but attacking people making money for telling Truth. ..what gives?

At the end of the day, it is Not Q taking money from people. Q is Not authoritative in whether people can take donations of money or crypto. Q has however; called out those who are "profiting from the cause." Likely those who aren't genuinely trying to help and are Only there to be greedy or make money. I don't see this happening with Most who are dedicated to spreading the Truth message. Some. . .likely, we all live in a fallible place where everyone is subjected to enticements, that doesn't mean All are corrupt or have selfish motives.

Making a Blanket Statement is incorrect and uninformed. It discounts the hard work and dedication of the true Qarmy and those they attempt to defend from evil doers!

Underneath all of this looms pizzagate which is actually pedogate and I find it interesting Posobiec pays it No Mind! It is part of the keystone of corruption, power, money and all out vile wickedness!

Jack trying to focus on individual people will do nothing to harm this cause in the eyes of the stalwarts and unknown soldiers of Qarmy.

You will find many who make mistakes, who in some cases aren't true to the truth and shills. What Jack misses is the dedicated group who See through all of this including him.

He is telling people to try harder, yet, he has not gone in and researched the drops himself!

What really sticks out is he blankets a movement of a group, within which many belonging to have Verified and researched genuine facts out there Q has pointed to, but We gather the info ourselves and I Do Not ask for money.

Jack set up a Patreon page, doesn't matter if he says he didn't use it!

Why should He be the appointed one to tell Us what we need to be about? The real Qarmy is about seeking truth as God told us to do! Seek a matter out, be discerning!

I believe We the People have every right to ask Anyone where they are coming from because Truth and those truly seeking it will stand on it's own. . .without bragging and boasting!

James 3:14 But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth

I Corinthians 3:21 Therefore let no man glory in men. For all things are yours

It's not about Christianity. . .it's about a relationship with our Creator, the one true God!

After Bashing all of these decoders. . .Jack actually mentions His Book! Citizens for Trump! How in the world has he missed the Fact that Trump has validated Q on numerous occasions?

He is part of the "Party" divide! Boasts about working for the Republicans! We are not about Party, but We the People!

Jack needs to stop reading just his own work and get out there and Seek a Matter Out BEFORE you speak!

Qarmy, keep doing what you are doing and Waking People Up!

Those indictments cannot take place until next year. Already covered!

Keep searching for truth. . .the Goal is to expose the luciferians and not be taken in by them and turning wherever the wind blows you!

Matthew 13:24-30
24 Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; 25 but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. 26 But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared. 27 So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ 28 He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ 29 But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.”

At the end of the day, it is Not Q taking money from people. Q is Not authoritative in whether people can take donations of money or crypto. Q has however; called out those who are "profiting from the cause." Likely those who aren't genuinely trying to help and are Only there to be greedy or make money. I don't see this happening with Most who are dedicated to spreading the Truth message. Some. . .likely, we we live in a fallible place where everyone is subjected to enticements, that doesn't mean All are corrupt or have selfish motives.

Making a Blanket Statement is incorrect and uninformed. It discounts the hard work and dedication of the true Qarmy and those they attempt to defend from evil doers!

Underneath all of this looms pizzagate which is actually pedogate and I find it interesting Posobiec pays it No Mind! It is part of the keystone of corruption, power, money and all out vile wickedness!

I never knew much about Jack Posobiec before, but I am disappointed in some of the things demonstrated in his speech, lack of seeking and attitude of Boasting! Arrogance wreaks of the entitled Globalists, Financiers, Elitists, Politicians, News providers and Journalists Qarmy is tired of being under and we seek to expose them for exactly Who They Are!

Trying to control the narrative! I encourage you as does Q. . .Get out there and Test That Narrative!

Video clip of Jack speaking at the bottom.

What are your thoughts about Jack going back on what he has said about Q in tweets prior to Q going mainstream? What do you think about what he states in his video? Please let me know in the comments below.

Massive “Q Group” Data Leak ahead of Posobiec Report | Jack Posobiec Periscope


It is amazing; I'm watching all these people just start making declarations. Is it hubris, stupidity, or do they just think everyone else is stupider than they are?

Jack, Alex Jones, and a few others who I had respected for some time are just now betraying these years of built up trust. Sure they might fool their listeners, but especially for those following Q, these types of statements become a real red flag.

I suppose I can deal with these people, who I might otherwise have continued to trust, feeling like they are losing relevance and fighting to keep it. Far better than them being included in all that pedo shit that's coming up lately.

You are right about that! This is why I don't completely discount the character of AJ. He has always been against the pedos from the get go.

I don't know much about Posobiec, knew he was supposed to be conservative, but him not searching a matter out fully prior to making such accusations baffles me. . .especially with a background in intelligence.

All we can do is Keep #FightingTheGoodFight! Sadly, as Q stated these attacks will only intensify!

Just makes sense the cabal will entice people to turn on the Good side as that Is the Best way to cause division! Why Q said to be unified! Godspeed Fellow Patriot! Stay Strong!

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