Qanon- Public Forum Tomorrow! New 4/20/18 material!

in #qanon7 years ago (edited)

Q is an alleged military insider that appears to be working quite closely with the President of the United States. There's a chance Q is a LARP and I have seen some evidence that at least part of this may be a LARP, but there's so much correlation it's difficult to dismiss. Q is working to inform the US public on how the Deep State battle is unfolding and to direct researchers to expose pedos/criminals/drug dealers/malfeasance and a bunch of other criminal activity. Q has thousands of active researchers and millions of followers. it's a fun time to live through the apocalypse aka great unveiling.

here's teh forum recording!

Forum Logistics

Tomorrow 4/21/18 in the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network Discord Channel.



Relevant News



Pedos, traffickers, drug dealers, and banksters

Notice the timing. They are all following a script



This seems like a fake


Trump Tweets

Abel Danger


We have a rabid bid bot problem on this platform and you are one of the top witnesses here. Instead of lead by example and try and promote content without the use of bid bots you go the opposite direction and use over $300 to promote this post. Good enough reason to take my witness vote away. This is the type of behaviour that really detracts from the platform. I know its not just you doing it, I recently removed my Banfield witness vote for similar actions. This is both a user problem and a bot creator problem. Just joining in on the fun. The new users coming to the platform see this activity and learn that the only way to succeed here is through vote purchasing. We (the steem community) will never reach our full potential without certain restraints on bid bots, and you, as witness number 12 need to lead by example.

You understand I own half of the website? I did that early on because I thought then as I do now that as long as we're in HF 19 that's the reality of how the platform works. More importantly the bid bots are a transparent way for anyone to receive advertising and a way for investors to be rewarded without having to scroll through content they don't give a shit about.

It makes it so that the price of steem is elevated and now anyone on the platform has the ability to get attention to their posts not just a handful of connected whales that were circle jerking and vote selling on just a handful of people.

I fought HF19. I launched posts calling it a circle jerk and a clusterfuck. No one listened, and I don't think that Steem is going back to exponential rewards. So, the best thing to do is work with bot owners to implement white lists, blacklists, and try to take away shit posts.

I have a right to spend my money to buy votes which supports this platform as a whole and makes it so that people want to own steem. You can't simply make bid bots vanish and even if you could you'd simply shove vote selling into backrooms again.

I agree things should be done like making a separate pool for downvoting to make it easier for price discovery without costing anyone any curation rewards and for adding a down vote button which would impact rewards but not rep so you're not threatening the livlihood of an author when you flag.

Overall, these are good suggestions that will help, but they aren't as important as what Steemit is workin on now, namely velocity, communities, and SMTs, so I support their plan and will wait till those other projects are done to fix curation.

In the meantime, if you're pissed about spammers taking advantage of the bots, which hasn't really been possib;le for the last month, then I suggest you use bid bots on good posts otherwise the terrorist will win and can more easily purchase votes.

I have a radio show on Sunday night at 9pm EST. Come on air and talk to me about this and i'll publish the recording. Show's in PALnet. Maybe I'll see you there.

Steembottracker is a solid website and a good tool for users to try and make an investment on some of their posts. Glad you're involved over there. That however does nothing to address the problem of bid bot abuse. I personally hate bid bots and I think they detract from the overall quality of the platform. It allows people to produce lower quality content without even blinking an eye because they are just going to pay large sums of money to have it reach the trending page anyway. When you have deep pockets you have the ability to push your agenda here, which is terrible for the growth of Steem.

Having said that, I understand that getting rid of bid bots is not likely to happen and are part of the capitalist system, however it shouldn't be too hard to limit the amount users are allowed to spend on bid bots. There is a big difference between someone who uses $25-30 to promote a post and someone who uses $250-300. By using bid bots to the tune of a couple hundred dollars, you are pushing your agenda and which sets a terrible example for a lot of steemians that follow and look up to you.

I don't like bid bots but I am not above using them. I use them to gain a few extra dollars for my posts, don't think I've ever bid more than $20 on a post because it sets a bad example. Additionally, bot owners need to be held more accountable for these massive accounts. They are just raking in the profits and turning a blind eye to the problem, not acceptable

You are a high ranking witness and as such need to be held accountable. Like I said in my previous post, when @jerrybanfield turned his account into a bid bot I removed my witness vote for him and seeing you abuse the bid bots has forced me to remove my vote for you.

I would love to discuss this with you, unfortunately I am in the Shanghai time zone and 9pm EST is 9am monday morning here and I'll be at work. If there are other times available I am happy to take part

"When you have deep pockets you have the ability to push your agenda here"

So true - and the deepest pockets have an agenda!

You are the one advocating for bidbot abuse. Apparently, you want people that listen to you to not use bots, thereby foregoing their share of their stake-generated rewards.

I guess you want all your "adherents" to be the bagholders, while they give away all their stake?

Do you advise people to also purchase bonds, then reject the coupon payments, rendering them the dumbest bond investors in the market?

This is what your anti-bot, reality ignoring, utopian tirade accomplishes.

Would you suggest someone go into the 100M Olympic Sprints, or US Baseball Homerun Derby, without using steorids? Where they realistically have no chance of success?

This is what you are doing by hating on the player, not the game. There is no lead by example here except to get yours or be gotten. The ship sailed on that when we all told them NOT to pull this linear horseshit that enables nothing but abuse in HF19.

Code is law.

Please read my actual post before commenting, a lot of your arguments are just not things I said. For example, hating on the player not the game, I clearly said this is both a user and a bot owner problem.

The fact that you are promoting cheating pretty much sums it up for me. If you want to have an actual discussion then let's have a live discussion about it, you can reach me on discord. My guess is that you just enjoy slinging insults behind the safety of your keyboard.

p.s. this is @jasonshick speaking, didnt realize I was posting from my alt account

"Would you suggest someone go into the 100M Olympic Sprints, or US Baseball Homerun Derby, without using steorids? Where they realistically have no chance of success?"

Many years ago I was into cycle racing, the most drugged up of all sports. You are 100% right - without drugs nobody could ever win a race. BUT - with drugs you will very likely get cancer 5 to 30 years down the track. The choices are do it for fun, walk away, or win with a 50/50 chance of cancer later.

Here is one who won - unlike most he admitted the drug use before he died of cancer - Laurent Fignon


"When you have deep pockets you have the ability to push your agenda here, which is terrible for the growth of Steem."

Demonstrate this with fact, instead of just assuming it. We'll wait.

Hint: The opposite would seem obvious. If deep pockets can push an agenda here, that would give a reason to buy Steem with deep pockets.

"I understand that getting rid of bid bots is not likely to happen and are part of the capitalist system"

Instead of using this to take a dig at capitalism (what are you, a commie? or socialist, which is also a commie?), maybe you should try not being intellectually dishonest and give the real reason why you can't stop bots - it's fucking TECHNOLOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE.

"There is a big difference between someone who uses $25-30 to promote a post and someone who uses $250-300. "

Oh look, arbitrary numbers (decided by you) that render all of your usage benign and acceptable, yet allows you to be a hypocrite to anyone else above a random number that you pick.

Color me unconvinced.

Somehow, I'm not surprised that you support Heimin's moronic, arbitrary initiative.

Don't wait too long! - this post just did a perfect demo of paying to promote a deep state agenda while claiming to be exposing one...

They took down A suspected 70% off human trafficking was going through it. how is that helping the deep state that runs off of drugs, pedophilia, war, and human trafficking?

This is all getting weird to me - I've never been in this position on Steemit before - I'm not trying to get into an argument with you, but I do strongly disagree about the vote bots, and I think Qanon is a deep state propaganda set up.

Researching some of your followers/commenters, they look like fake accounts to me.

I only unfollowed you because I really don't want to see Qanon posts, but I've been following you since the dark ages and have often enjoyed your posts, so it all sucks.

Is human trafficking for real or just this years distraction from murdering Palestinians?

Come on air sometime. Sunday's 9-11pm. We'll have a civil discussion about these points of contention.

first thing I complained about with steemit was that its greatest flaw is mob rules and mob pays meaning good content cant exist when most people are idiots and they drive payments.

BUT I am new here not sure I fully understand the dynamics but I don't think a down vote should remove payment from an up vote.

I also think if votes push views than of corse you should be able to buy votes.

I have fakebook accounts over 5k and a few pages over 50k a pretty good reach I wish I could reach same here but I cant even get videos to upload.

I think it's unbecoming for a witness to do this and taking up space in trending when you sing about helping others. And this post looks like spam mail from the 90s, with the look of some crazy dude sticking pins, strings, and magazine cutouts in the basement if I'm being honest. Just consider what new users will think looking at this. Come on.

This is a bad look for witness! Thank u for pointing/calling it out

This post, with over $50.00 in bidbot payouts, has received votes from the following:

upme payout in the amount of $178 USD.
postpromoter payout in the amount of $137 USD.
smartsteem payout in the amount of $100 USD.

For a total calculated bidbot upvote value in the amount of $415 USD.

This information is being presented in the interest of transparency on our platform @aggroed and is by no means a judgement of your work.

Perhape Q is real, however it is all speculation. I don't believe there is any war going on against pedos, deep state, etc. It all a mirage. A fraud. They are all one big gang using our tax money against us to create their own ivory towers. BHO signed pro gun legislation, despite losing the AWB. Under trump more anti 2nd legislation has been passed on the state level. We are still bombing foreign countries based on propaganda. Has anything changed? We may get some rhetoric and some fiery tweets, but that is it! It's all lies. I've read all of the emails regarding pizzagate. All one has to do is follow the puzzle with their words and they can be convicted and our country taken back. But nothing happens because they are all in on it. Yet you continue to pay your taxes and follow the script like a good sheeple and hope that someone named Q will save you. Good luck.

Yes - it's all a load of bollocks - anyone who thinks the fact that killary is evil is in some way news, or that chump is "exposing the deep state" needs to wake up!

Your photo choice is inappropriate. Please remove. Put him in a clown suit or something but keep my wall safe for work please.

All done

Apologies for being unsafe

this elites hidden secret will be revealed here in steemit, thanks @aggroed for sharing this memes, it's funny and provokable at the same time, this democrat is really a hypocrite party, they used it to gain the heart of the people. Assange is a truth teller that requires a brave human to challenge the government.

You guys ever heard of counter intelligence.

Right, well it's when the ruling class distribute false information, to mislead the public.

That's what this,"Q" thing is.

We are going live
Broadcast will predict recording
Other shows are FAKE
Think MSPW
TRUST the plan


DJT media attention 2016 election
Think Ron Paul.
Conservative losing faith in political.
Sleeping giant waking
Now all asleep
These people are stupid
Trust the scam
Past predicts future
Where weve been before we go again
18000000 sealed indictments
Think russian show trials
Pure Evil

Trust Aggroed
Trust Globocop
Trust Dylan
Trust our Clown

Meno is Fake News. BOOM!

Trump IS QAnon... I think

And WHERE are the real NEWS ???

Here it is:

Not in this Qanon crap...

Ah thx :)

hear hear

How do you tell if Q is legit? He claims Trump is saving us, but.....
Trump owes George Soros hundrends of millions for Trump Towers Chicago.
in the 90's when Trump Filed bankruptcy, it was the Rothschilds who helped him get on his feet again.
Trump has filled the "swamp" with memebers of the CFR.
Any one of those facts alone should prove he is either a shill. or counter intelligence, My vote, the latter.

This is exactly why Q can be both a larp and legit connected to Trump. Being unavailed of the counsel of persons with direct knowledge of the particular agendas of interest means being limited to reacting to the results after the fact, and that is my reality.

Given Trump's history, it is difficult to imagine that he is immune to the same blackmail that is applicable to most any person that has attained power in the extant government by brownstone we suffer. I find it difficult to believe that government will decrease it's power, and EO's issued by Trump do not seek to decrease the power of government.

Rather, the contrary. While US children have already been assassinated by USG without legal repercussions, and this is the state of power the USG wields, and the EO's do not (can not!) increase the power wielded by the USG, it is stated openly in the EO's that all US citizens are subject to military justice, martial law, and arbitrary detention without recourse.

This utterly abnegates the very concept of human rights.

It isn't lawful or just. It isn't coincidence.

When this assertion of power is reversed, then I will be satisfied that government isn't an existential threat to humanity, and those in control of it will no longer by the worst criminals alive. John Yoo (Yee?), Shrubs legal counsel, asserted that the President could crush the testicles of a child to interrogate the parents of the child, without any legal consequence.

This is the government we live under, and no criminal could claim worse, more evil power.

The Declaration of Independence asserts that unjust government is not lawful.

This is true.

Free men govern themselves, and always will, regardless of impediments to their sole agency.

I thought, Legit

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