Qanon- At war with the Deep State

in #qanon6 years ago

I'm of the opinion that governments all over the world have been infiltrated by a highly orchestrated and coordinated power that has been attempting to concentrate global power to a narrow few. I currently believe that the US military is in fact fighting those people at this very moment with guns, arrests, psyops, cyber, and weather warfare. We are seeing attacks play out on a number of levels.

There is an alleged group of military insiders that go by the name Q or Qanon. They allegedly communicate through coded messages with the President and also with public through psuedoanonymous communication on 8chan. There are roughly 20 million people believed to be following Qanon and many choose to investigate questions and people brought up by Q.

I spend hours trolling the internet every day to see what those groups are talking about and see how things that Q talks about manifest in the world. Here are some of the things I'm finding. I'm not necessarily a proponent of everything below so much as aggregating thoughts and research done by anons all over.

Q code


Q interpretation

Q says War is upon us

Qanon in the minds of the people

Q March

Hannity got that Q?

Vatican News

Murder of JFK Jr.

Syria Attack

Trump Condemns attack- BBC

To help you understand

Talking about US involvement in Syria before this latest attack

McCain- Human Trafficking

BackPage, payoffs, and Nancy Pelosi


Hunting People

Eric Holder (EH) in California

Useful Deck of Cards

Earthquakes can be man made now

Don't trust the news

US Trade War and how it's designed to work

Poisoning is "theater of absurd"

A lot of Q types call him Barry Soetoro

Epstein raid

Vatican politics

Press shot in Gaza


I have always seen how you have a keen eye on somethings that most of us take for granted.
The don't trust news thing is a serious one, interesting enough you have always brought it up and to me i have always had questions about alot of information.
Seriously check those
Two years after , and the same family dresses exactly in the same outfit.
Probably CNN too had questions, and that tweet was a just a joke.

Ahhhhh @aggroed this is truly fantastic info and so happy to see someone really hit the nail on the head concerning the clear criminal insanity going on all around the world right now ! That list you cite of subjects of Qposts reads like a complete list of the most evil people on this planet no ? But strangely no mention of the Bilderbergers, but then they are basically one and the same with the trilateral commision ! great post buddy and thanks for speaking up with this powerful post to this community !! We all need to b e doing the research and spreading the word on this Evil !! SteemOn2Truth )

Q is a larp. enough said about that fella.

as for the idea "that governments all over the world have been infiltrated by a highly orchestrated and coordinated power " - well that part is true.

problem is every single government, media groups, economic interest is completely controlled and the people can't even begin to fathom that is has ALWAYS been this way.. sure isn't a recent development and not a single government organization is able to fight them. They are too entrenched.

So where is your proof of him being a larp @cubitknot ?? So do you with this "name" or " buzzword " introduced rather like " CONSPIRACY THEORIST " come here to discount all @aggrored has taken the time and conviction to write and present with a ,excuse me rather simplist and stupid stupid label fed to us by the very people which are the ones that choose the words we use to talk on things ! I would prefer you if you say that, then give us your reason for believing this ! whatsmore i seem to recall you pulling this same sort of line on a post i made awhile back, using practically the same wording to discount the info provided to others that do take the time to read the comments !! I shall try to find the comment for you to see, but then maybe you dont need to see it, as you know already )

it's ok to be skeptical. That's actually really healthy. I don't take offense. it's a public wall. If I didn't want it available to anyone to read there are other places to post.

Yeah i totally agree with that aggroed ) I was just overreacting I guess ! But it does certainly seem that @cubitknot is coming from a good place and the info he has released here on your thread is very important, so all good by me )) Great post again @aggroed, we all need to keep pushing this old bus called humanity and knowledge up the hill they built to keep us down ! Your post here helps and I shall be sharing it to my other social media sites so that people outside of steemit may read it ))

I followed the q postings for a few months and lots of 'booms' suggested with absolutely no real booms happening so i ran a psy op of my own upon the q fella... took a few weeks, i started suggesting in open channel that q was breaking various laws including the 3rd amendment which carries steep penalties and guaranteed jail time and it wasn't long before i was approached openly telling me they were not breaking the law as it was a larp. shortly after he got all paranoid about the fbi.... laugh.. i pulled his chain so tight he didn't know what way was up.. turns out q is posting as many different people on the channel..

as for the secret world government - they follow hermetic understanding and throughout history have left their fingerprints all over the history books and once you understand the numerology associated with hermetism and their symbolism's you can easily trace a single world governing authority that dates back past ancient greece.. the reason why most public people don't know about the numerology and associated hermetic understanding is due to the simple fact it take years to understand and few today outside of the secret societies and associated church groups take the time to learn.

to make a point about a secret language you don't understand - find attached a picture of a conversation i had with a criminal who was taught the understanding.. i am the second paragraph.


If one were interested in learning about numerology, where would you recommend one start? Hebrew, Greek,English, Genesis Cipher? Thanks in advance for any feedback.


Well, I have been feeling like an idiot, for all I read about Q - plus many other bits and pieces I read, did not make sense and I also could not understand President Trump having the smarts to see through so many lies, but believing the gas in Syria nonsense - plus the expulsion of Russian diplomats because of a father and daughter eating rotten fish!

I've even been posting comments about my bewliderment, for I was angry to read about Putin coming to agreements with Turkey as allies, when it should have been the USA making such agreements, so that Trump has Putin at his side as they fight the 'globalist' cabal.

At least I am now starting to see a bit clearer.

Thank you very much for the post - but even more, for not just assuming everyone knows what you are talking about. Explanations are never superfluous, as there is always somebody being flipped over to our side and they need help for understanding what they read.

Just curious, but do their search engines work the same way when red flag words are used on the blockchain? When I did this research years ago, I know my PC was lit up.


so help full post..keep it up

Wow ! very interesting indeed @aggroed ! upped earlier by my auto voter , now resteemed !👍👍👍

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