Qanon- 4/10/18 Syria at the forefront.

in #qanon6 years ago

Ok, so Qanon. Hopefully you've heard of this by now, but if not I'm happy to introduce you. Q is claimed military insider (or team of them) that is bringing forth critical information to help expose the Deep State and root them out. He/They have been accused of being bogus by multiple groups (including mainstream media), but also appears to be involved in slightly veiled conversations with the President through Twitter (where the president posts) and 8chan (where Q posts).

I'm not an insider. I can't confirm this, but it certainly seems worth following. One of the best parts of following this thing is that the news feed provided by the 20Million followers is nothing short of extraordinary. Through twitter and facebook I have a killer news feed again simply by following those that are doing Qanon research posts.

If anything convinces me more than anything else that Q is the real deal it's that Q spends time exposing satanism, canabilism, pedophilia, and some other dark shit that the Truth movement has concluded the deep state assholes are involved in.

I'm not suggesting all of the following is true. I'm simply aggregating some of the news and interpretations I've found that I thought other researchers would be interested in seeing and hearing.

Qanon posts here-



Useful cheatsheet of abbreviations

News events regarding Q posts

China changes tariffs on car imports
Syrian Missile attacks
CIA stages Syria Poison attack
May won't join in on Syria attack

Fucking Dangerous

Useful posts and links

Looks like a fake sex video of HRC is coming out before a real sex video

Senior Iranian Offical- Israel attack on Syria gets a response](

Epstein sex slave ties to Prince Andrew
Congressman proposes return to gold standard


Cohen stuff

what did they know?

team seems important

Guy Next to Trump who isn't in military garb


Another map


CNN showed all those sick videos and pictures of dead, frothing-at-the-mouth Syrian children while the news-actors had contrived sad looks on their faces. What was Trump supposed to tweet?

Check out my page, have daily interactive newspaper Quniverse and are doing Q drop analysis

Thanks for these updates - the qanon stuff is confusing, but I appreciate these posts. Definitely worth wading through

I thought Q was that guy on James Bond that went about inventing shit like watches that are lasers and tie clips that are cameras. this is all too confusing.

Syria is just another false flag for the deep state warmongers. Why did Trump appoint John Bolton? I don't understand that one. That dude is swamp.

There's no way Assad would gas his own people as we were about to pull out. It makes absolutely no sense. I will not believe that he or anyone is that stupid.

Your post is very much like me. Thank you very much for you.

This was definitely a good post, you pot a lot an effort in it! I didn't know a lot about Qanon before this post, but I will definitely look into it. cheers @aggroed

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