Q: The Second American Revolution is Upon Us

in #q7 years ago

by SGT, SGT Report.com:

I got a really crappy email from someone I have supported in the past because he thinks President Donald Trump is just playing his role in the grand globalist scheme. I'm tired of the pessimists who have no skin in the game. Those of us who are part of the SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION have all our chips in the Constitutional basket - and anyone who thinks we're not far better off with President Trump in the White House is either delusional, or... worse. Oh, and by the way, according to Q, Obama lawyered up today. None of this would be happening if the wicked witch was in the White House.

LUKE 8:17
For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.


If there is no more room for pessimists, does that mean you want to kill them? Is anyone who doesn't think Trump is a Messiah a pessimist that needs killed? Or are you just saying you want to kick them out?

Trump and Clinton may not be in cahoots, but I think they are. Even if they aren't, Trump isn't going to restore the US to a Constitutional Republic because that would mean Constitutional money, no wars without a Congressional declaration of war, no illegal incarcerations of US citizens for possession of "controlled substances," no standing army, etc. Trump isn't going to support any of those things.

Now, I'm all for encouraging actions I think are good, like arresting pedo's and Clintons. However, the whole idea of turning Trump into an American Messiah is at best misguided, and IMO destructive to the end of a free society.

One more thing, it isn't pessimism to distrust known liars and crooks. For my entire life, every President has been a crook and liar, and I remain unconvinced this current one is any different. All you Super Trumpers refuse to challenge your new god no matter what he says or does. It would be a little easier to take if every once in a while you said, "Hey, Trump is screwing up here." If you have, I missed it because every time I tune in to your show it's all about how Trump can do no wrong. Can you really not see how big of a problem it is to make a hero out of the President?

I was born here in the US, and there is plenty of room for opinions that aren't yours. If you don't like it, tough, because that's what freedom means. You can call people who disagree with you all the names in the dictionary but that is hardly an answer to legitimate challenges.


Perhaps it's more cowardly to jump on the bandwagon and support the next "savior" you are presented. Perhaps there is courage in remaining principled despite social pressure to conform to idol worship. Perhaps blindly following a billionaire into a civil war, where it will be your kids and not his who die, isn't such a great idea...

Even if Trump was only the lesser evil, let's support him with all we have! We are already blessed with no TPP, TTIP, Paris CA etc.

The lesser of two evils is still evil. Support evil at your own peril.

Its better to die upon your feet than live upon your knees.

Tough talk. It's easy to speak platitudes when nobody is pointing a gun at your head.

Been there Garth, and what a feeling it was. Glad to be here.

What did the elite in Davos were planning for #wethepeople?

dude, you're the one that's fooled or part of the psy op.

you buy into this idiotic and false clinton/trump dichotomy.

it was only the clinton/trump dichotomy because clinton cheated just as much as trump does and they are both equally corrupt, do i need to show you the epstein trump pic where they are both smiling? do i need to show you how they were both accused of gang raping teen models in their new york penthouses and issues death threats to end the lawsuit?

Bernie Sanders was the popular choice of the american people and the world, a real american(and politican unlike the other two) and now the evidence comes out that despite the entire fbi/cia/whatnotia going after trump and then the counterattack you are talking about now with this totally unverified assertion, like dozens about the memo, about the warrants issued, is totally irrelevant to the rights of the american people or the constitution.

the whole establishment allowed bernie sanders to be suppressed despite his rallies being huge, silenced by giving actually unpopular candidates like trump/clinton tons of cnn airtime, and the billions spent on them, all of corporate and foreign money. Compared to Bernie's actual legit contributions.

And don't forget before the election even both Clinton and Trump scurried to Las Vegas to kiss the ring and who knows what other body parts of Sheldeon Adelson, Haim Saban, Netanyahu and all of the other insane zionists bent on world domination.

Im inclined to think you aren't for real at all mr sgt report, or that you were born yesterday.

I wonder whether you are a veteran or if you are active military getting paid to promote trump.

Because whatever else you are talking about, if you are somehow thinking trump is defending the constition, is uttterly, beyond doubt, delusional.

Or a psyop. Like the TCR and antimedia.

You are right, there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, but also, by their fruits ye shall know them.

And your fruits are batshit.

You are on the wrong channel, dude.

I am on all channels, you're the one with the lowest possible credibiliity score.

so you gtfo

"Bernie Sanders was the popular choice of the american people and the world, a real american(and politican unlike the other two"

You actually believe that statement?
Didn't Bernie S. get scammed by the DNC? Debbie W.S. did a number on Bernie pooling all the Democratic funds through blackmail etc. Isn't he a Socialist? Doesn't Bernie S. tow the Mainstream propaganda narrative , wherever and whenever he gets a platform? He's a sellout just like the rest.
Barry Satora set him straight by shutting him up and making him propagate.
Around the world LOL. Who is Bernie Sanders around the world? Popular choice?
"Unlike the other two" So your suggesting Bernie would lead the U.S.A in a better direction than Trump?
I agree with you on H.C.
Your casting shade on SGT report. Its obviously clear you do not know who and what SGT is about.
You may want to do some research before you rant on with your BOZO opinion. Sure your entitled to your own opinion, but "aren't for real" and "born yesterday". Your way off and out of line.
"Your inclined" , Well how about that.
"I wonder whether you are a veteran or if you are active military getting paid to promote trump."
You really wonder this inane statement you made? So an old guy or active military member can't promote their Prez? Does that make them Evil?
"You are right, there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, but also, by their fruits ye shall know them."
Matthew 10:26.
So JC's your guy? Would he like the way you flex your opinions? He'd throw you over like a money table.


Better than the other 2 and you.

some pretty typical lvl 25 rep trolling here

you can tell by the incoherence and cheap hyperbole

my main point is that some accounts have a super vigilant incredibly critical eye that they turn on for one side and then turn off for the other, that is indication of either a robot, mind-controlled person or, what is more normally the case, someone who is being paid to express and opinion.

Which pattern you, and the 'SGT' fit perfectly.

Is the SGT. a real sergeant? Was he ever? That would be a question a smart person would ask, yours are really uninformed.

Any american who compares Trumps silver spoon mass media bullshit to Bernie's lifelong commitment to his principles is no one whose opinion I would respect on any matter whatsoever.

I would expect such a person to eat shit for breakfast and think it was bacon, or to stick his whole hand up his butt if someone paid him to, or, more likely, who would betray his country for money or, maybe even more likely, isn't even an american at all....

Lot of that sort of thing going around lately....

bye! come back when you get your rep over 0


I'm back!

Yes, your 50 is bigger than my 25.
Noticed you did not make reference to a single point. You have eyes but you do not see. You have ears but you not hear.
Your talking points are accusatory and frivolous. "Which pattern you?" are you ok?
What is incoherent? Is it the fact that you cannot debate a potentially mind using subject?

"Any American who compares Trumps silver spoon mass media bullshit to Bernie's lifelong commitment to his principles is no one whose opinion I would respect on any matter whatsoever."

Your statement above proves you cannot go any farther on your talking points due to fact that you cannot respect other peoples opinions other than your own. Who's the Troll?

"I would expect such a person to eat shit for breakfast and think it was bacon, or to stick his whole hand up his butt if someone paid him to, or, more likely, who would betray his country for money or, maybe even more likely, isn't even an american at all."

You actually believe what you stated in the above paragraph?
Betraying your country for money has been going on since the dawn of time.
What about Barry Satora? American? Uh oh did you vote for him? Maybe twice? Got fooled?
Still fooled?

"Lot of that sort of thing going around lately..."
There sure is Mr. or Mrs. (50)


That's a blatant falsehood, I addressed your stupid points and shreded them.


oh, I didn't even read this last thing of yours, I already know what you are so I don't need to waste any more of my time.

Rethink your life, you are doing it wrong.

You addressed nothing but your ignorance that has spilled all over the internet and STEEM.
Whats with "bye"?
Shredded what? Your immense ineptitude towards debate is unfathomable.
You even admitted you don't read, and your spelling is suspect.

I love my life and my family and think about them constantly and will rethink life everyday.

The revolution is upon us and we need to be at peace with our decision to support it.

While pessimism about our current condition is to be expected from most, we cannot afford to be pessimistic about our goal to restore our country to a condition our children would be proud to inherit.

Keep up the good work!

I am sorry for what i did here:
and here...
although it was experimental.

I upvote now every comment under this post.
Good luck and a healthy future!

No worries!

my power gets weaker. should take a breathe...

I hope to be privileged enough to be a part of this revolution!

this is very informative blog .thanks to you for sharing..i praise
Carry on

its good information of american revulation, thanks share


Been listening to you for over 2 years and haven't missed a single video.

What you have to realize is that people are beyond fed up. And, waiting for a savior like Trump to really change things is something that most people, however positive, are not expecting.

Also, many of your viewers, including myself are healthily skeptical of relying on statements from this Qanon person/entity. You are a journalist. This is a completely anonymous source. It may or may not be a Psyop. But at the end of the day, none of us really know and it would thus be quite naive for us to think beyond that. All this, though, is beside the point.

The best people can do (apart from those like you who unswervingly and generously inform the rest of us) is to take A-C-T-I-O-N.

While it is nearly impossible for us to individually take on an evil entity such as the Deep State and a corrupt and lawless Police State, collectively we can do a lot.

Have a look at 3 steps every single individual can take in the following free manifesto entitled Restoring the Lost Republic.


Want a REAL revolution? Get as many Americans to follow the simple three steps found therein!

It really begins with the looting of the banksters who then fund their nefarious activities. Cut them off at the head, and you cut off the Deep State and all other tentacles.

My 2 cents.

agree with the sentiment here, Sean. I am new to steemit, but not new to sgt report. I have a new way called the knew weigh. Let's talk about something earth shaking positive for a change of pace. Follow me and let's chat.

I respect your bluntness Sean, and I respect your work. I am sooo very thankful that that Killary did not get in. It would have been the end of the US as we know it.

I hope that swift Justice is served upon all of those who abuse these little ones. I don't know how all of this will play out, but Indeed all that is hidden will be brought to light.

Keep Fighting Brother.

Your voice is very important, please go on informing the world about what is happening!
A big THANK YOU from Japan!
God bless you!

Enjoyed seeing you on Quite Frankly -- keep up the good fight brother.