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RE: Is this Kavanaugh case a joke?

in #q6 years ago

I can tell you are young by your simple logic "Besides...who would even want to sexually assault her anyway...?

I'm not sure how to take this, but that was projected as a joke. But implying that i'm some young ignorant simple minded person is a slap to the face. Kavanaugh has come back with his angry and emotional response because he see's how stupid the whole thing is, and quite frankly, most people with a brain can see through this whole lie of a case. Dr. ford has ZERO aboslutely ZERO evidence that he has done shit to her, and she let alone can't even remember basic facts of what happened 36 years ago, yet you, and the rest of the leftist america is automatically claiming he's quilty or a liar, with no proof or evidence. What happened to the saying "innocent until proven guilty" factor? They proved nothing, and can't prove ANYTHING because he is innocent. Enough said, but the leftist america has a way of twisting truths and bending over and screwing the constitution and the bill of rights. This whole thing will be unraveled soon enough, and the left america will be proven to be the evil of america. Red october is coming, and you better believe it. Where we go one, we go all.


Well your youth shows because joking about Sexual Assault shows either A. you are a cold hearted calloused person joking about sexual assault or B. are just that, Young and don't fully comprehend the pain your joking words can have on those who have truly been sexually assaulted. I said you are young, and your logic simple, anything else is your conjecture.

And Kavanaugh has lied about his drinking if not about his sexual assault of Dr. Ford. He claims they were just cool college kids that would occasionally drink and have a good time, never mentioning that in one of his drunken stupors he caused an altercation that led to one of his Yale college friends to then assault someone else and then go to jail. He failed to mention that, and I believe for those that are religious, that is as good as a lie. That my young friend is a proven fact.

Liar for Supreme Court Justice???

This has nothing to do with the left or the right, for me at least. I just call it like I see it, and Kavanaugh is an over privileged spoiled rich white guy that was not forth coming, who currently upholds the law, and yet when asked if he would approve of an FBI investigation, could not simply answer YES or NO.

The reason he didn't want to answer "yes" or "No" is because he knows that is a bait question. First of all if you understand anything at all, FBI can't decide outcome of a case. All FBI can do is gather evidence and present facts which they have already done. Read this : This is the left-wing's tactic to cause delay. Liberals understand if Kavanaugh gets confirmed they are all going to jail. All these Democrats are criminals. How do you think China got a better trade deal than the United States? Who is getting paid behind the doors? Look into pedophilia ring a.k.a : Pizza Gate? I think you have no the slightly clue as to what is really going on. Why are all these illegal immigrants coming into the country without being vetted? Have you ever wonder why? Is this good for America?? All of our tax dollars goes to subsidize illegals for their free healthcare and free college education? How does any of this make any sense? Again, have you ask yourself why this is happening? I think you are just a liberal sheep who can't think on their own and have your head buried in MSM for too long.

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