Autocomplete for Python Coding in Sublime Text (ST3)
Wanted to be able to do AUTOCOMPLETE when editing my python codes
I search the Internet for resource and sublimed on this which gave me recommendation on what to get
So I looked for SublimeJEDI here.
Following the instruction, I installed the package in my ST3.
Now to the configuration part. To configure ST3 for SublimeJEDI integration, I went to Preference (MAC) -> Package Settings -> Jedi -> Settings -Default
Add your Virtual Environment and also the path any additional Python package
// You can set a path to your python virtualenv,
// for example/home/user/.virtualenvs/myenv)
// Note: Interpreter path would be found automaticaly
"python_virtualenv": "/Users/macbookpro/environments",// You can set a path to your python interpreter, // for example `/home/user/.virtualenvs/myenv/bin/python)`. "python_interpreter": "/Users/macbookpro/environments/bin/python3", // Additional python package paths. "python_package_paths": ["/Users/macbookpro/Documents/projects/autotask-python/autotask-Env/"],
Add how you would want Jedi to handle the autocompletting task. My example below makes sure that Jedi provides autocomplete suggestions after a DOT and not during typing.
// When to modifiy
"only_complete_after_regex": "\.",
The final step is to add the settings to User.Preference Settings. Preferences.sublime-settings - User
// ........// Added my settings here // Modify Python on DOT //# User/Preferences.sublime-settings or User/Python.sublime-settings "auto_complete_triggers": [ { "selector": "source.python", "characters": "." }], // Auto-completion ONLY on dot and not while typing, // you can set (additionally to the trigger above): "auto_complete_selector": "-", // Jedi auto-completion only after the . character // but don't want to affect auto-completion from other packages "only_complete_after_regex": "\\.",