visit to the GOLD PYRAMID in illinois
a guy built a pyramid house that he lives in and he is trying to capitalize on it.
kind of an anoyying sight to behold but since it was only 15 minutes from the illinois beach state park we were camping at, we decided it was worth it to stop by.
the pyramid was not open at the time, around noon when we showed up, but we got to see it through the fence.
I guess there was a fire there. the pyramid caught on fire and they have to repair it.
I have heard that the scalar energy that the pyramid generates can cause problems to humans who are not spiritually ready for all that energy.
This can cause bad things to happen. Like the flooding around the pyramid and the fire.
Here are the photos from it.
really? midget wrestling.

I wonder what kind of materials they used to build that?
It looks more like a tourist trap than a serious thing...
thats what it felt like. looked kind of cheap
Woah, what part of illi is that at?
its just about an hour north of chicago