Red Triangle ARG Current Chapter 7 Solving Updates

in #puzzle7 years ago (edited)

First off we want to thank everyone with getting all this information together and trying to get more involved into this puzzle and others lately. I have just collected the information I'm sharing today as I have not solved the majority of this and I did not assist with the creation but I will give you my leads and my honest thoughts.


First off you can see Much of the progress with the Intro, and Chapter 1-6 At the wiki in full.

Below can see a few others solving methods here.

This is for the solving community to help understand more of this great mystery behind the puzzle and all as we start to show some more work into the 7th Chapter of the Red Triangle.


-- Numbers
L3 (1) - 1 - 1 - 11
L3 (2) - 1 - 1 - 14
L2 (4) - 1 - 11 - 2
L2 (5) - 1 - 17 - 5
L3 (6) - 1 - 20 - 12
L0 (7) - 1 - 12 - 13
4? (8) - 1 - 1 - 13
5? (9) - 1 - 22 - 16
L8 (10) - 1 - 20 - 5
L8 (11) - 1 - 32 - 7
3? (12) - 1 - 4 - 7
1? (13) - 1 - 7 - 3
L7 (14) - 1 - 1 - 2
L7 (15) - 1 - 20 - 19
L6 (16) - 1 - 4 - 9
-- Hashes
L1 49BCAFC91E4D4673627D66B057732DF8 - Leaf 1
L2 4C76D66A07C7712CDE8336C88A664E3F - Leaf 2
L3 79C2686E6340988AF0AC90340B6B4A1E - Leaf 3
L4 F1B3F5BBFEFE54766E31E06BF52A59B9 - Leaf 4
L5 6BB1A8588490B4C3ECDC31D6091AC2F5 - Leaf 5
?6 BFCA7E3535AE1F9D8FBE3DCF40A5513E - Leaf 6 *Speculation
L7 E8797DA7911355842F4F300DE3895BCF - Leaf 7
L8 1B128BB7B85BDA4BEB12AA2396FD712A - Leaf 8
Sum: 49BCAFC91E4D4673627D66B057732DF84C76D66A07C7712CDE8336C88A664E3F79C2686E6340988AF0AC90340B6B4A1EF1B3F5BBFEFE54766E31E06BF52A59B96BB1A8588490B4C3ECDC31D6091AC2F5BFCA7E3535AE1F9D8FBE3DCF40A5513EE8797DA7911355842F4F300DE3895BCF1B128BB7B85BDA4BEB12AA2396FD712A
--Page Sources
Add .link after .onion to open in non-tor browsers
-- Experience The Depths [xjmyz5nb3unm4xjy.onion]
-- Gate 1.html [http://xjmyz5nb3unm4xjy.onion/Gate%201.html]

When the triangle image checked in gives us some metada about uploader and a pin in russia.
-- Limbo (aka L0) [xjmyz5nb3unm4xjy.onion/Limbo.html]
Page Source has “(7) - 1 - 12 - 13” in it.
The song file GCheese.mp3 is La campanella by Franz Liszt, associated to the film "Shine"
When you put all the numbers in order and a point after the first 3 it is pi
-- Link1 (Raven Puzzle) [xjmyz5nb3unm4xjy.onion/3141592653589.html]

When put through Base64 to ASCII TWICE it leads to this:
The Raven has landed successfully, the message is received.
The people now bow to the Gods, the Gods have done them well.
Understanding what has happened is key, what took place is important.
The Quail is caught and reprimanded.
The Quail is sliced into 7 pieces, one for each higher being.
The message is cast into the Ninth Circle of Hell.
13 may travel,7 may enter. Yet only 3 will retrieve the message.
What lies ahead may be achieved by those who are willing to defeat the Minotaur.
Pass through the Ninth gate and you will overcome a Labyrinth.
But be warned. Nothing is as it seems.
Be careful, the Gods are watching. The Gods are listening to every footstep.
The journey has only begun.

13 may travel,7 may enter. Yet only 3 will retrieve the message. Possibly the hint for (13) - 1 - 7 - 3

-- Link 2 (Pythagoras Puzzle) [xjmyz5nb3unm4xjy.onion/7932384626433.html]
When 37.png is opened with a text editor it has “(4) - 1 - 11 - 2
(5) - 1 - 17 - 5 “ on the last 2 lines.
37 is a prime number, 37 might be associated with 37 degrees as in a 3-4-5 pythagorean triangle (37-53-90 degrees)
Image drawn by J.A. Knapp, the picture of Pythagoras(the man who found out the a^2+b^2=c^2) IMAGE NAME IS 3.png
3.png has -R-301 written on the bottom left corner
-- Link 3 (First Hebrew Puzzle) [xjmyz5nb3unm4xjy.onion/8327950288419.html]
ToTheLand.mp3 has "(1) - 1 - 1 - 11
(2) - 1 - 1 - 14" as a comment.
ToTheLand.mp3 is translated into;
A and said the Lord unto-Abram, Lc-thee Martzc and Mmoldtc and Mbit your father, El-earth, Asr Arac. In Your name, to greatness, and to you, and to the greatness of thy name; And there, blessed. "Go forth, from your knees, and from your grave, light; And bless you, all the families of the earth. 4 And Abram went, as the LORD had spoken unto him, and went with him; And Abram, a son of fifty and seven years, when he came out, he was made. And Abraham took the wives of his wife, and Lot of his brethren, and all the hosts that he had purchased, and the soul that they had done in the mountains; And they went out, to go in the land like a ship, and came, as a land. And Abram passed through the land, even from the place of Shekhem, unto Elon, Morah; And the Canaanite, then in the land. 7 And the LORD saw unto Abram, and said, Let thy seed be given to the earth.

-777.png hebrew text has a secret txt that contain;
“(5) - 1 - 17 - 5
(6) - 1 - 20 - 12”
-- Link 4 (ABC/Trifid Cipher) [xjmyz5nb3unm4xjy.onion/7169399375105.html]
ABC cipher leads to
-- Link 5 (Second Hebrew Puzzle) [xjmyz5nb3unm4xjy.onion/8209749445923.html]
Quoted from @Metaldream:
“The hebrew verses from genesis
the first one is from chapter ט which is 9
the second is from chapter א which is 1
the second is from chapter כ"ב which is 22
and the third is from chapter ט"ז which is 16”
Which gives us (9) - 1 - 22 - 16
-- Link 6 [xjmyz5nb3unm4xjy.onion/0781640628620.html]
(16) - 1 - 4 - 9
-- Link 7 (00a-00b) [xjmyz5nb3unm4xjy.onion/8998628034825.html]
00a contains (15) - 1 - 20 - 19 and 00b contains (14) - 1 - 1 - 2 when played with the contrast and brightness.
-- Link 8 (PGP Signature) [xjmyz5nb3unm4xjy.onion/3421170679821.html]
In the page source “(10) - 1 - 20 - 5
(11) - 1 - 32 - 7”
PGP signature image from other source.

Using the next 13 digits of pi after the 3421170679821 (8th Link) as .html does not work.
Using Spectogram on ToTheLand.mp3 failed
?Welcome.png D41D8CD98F00B204R9800998ECF8427E

Numbers lead to letters to be found in Dante's Inferno perhaps? -Canto -Line# -Letter
--Dante’s Inferno Idea

L3 (1) - 1 - 1 - 11 t
L3 (2) - 1 - 1 - 14 j
L2 (4) - 1 - 11 - 2 o
L2 (5) - 1 - 17 - 5 e
L3 (6) - 1 - 20 - 12 r
L0 (7) - 1 - 12 - 13 b
4? (8) - 1 - 1 - 13 e
5? (9) - 1 - 22 - 16 i
L8 (10) - 1 - 20 - 5 i
L8 (11) - 1 - 32 - 7 e
3? (12) - 1 - 4 - 7
1? (13) - 1 - 7 - 3 b
L7 (14) - 1 - 1 - 2 i
L7 (15) - 1 - 20 - 19 h
L6 (16) - 1 - 4 - 9 a

More book leads include: Dantes infero or other variations

Image Leads to a page when searched and the Number 3.

image (1).png
As the image almost lines up and is a red triangle.
Shows a 7

Cicada 3+3+0+1 =7

7 is Prime

Seventh Circle (Violence)

The Seventh Circle of Hell is divided into three rings. The Outer Ring houses murderers and others who were violent to other people and property. Here, Dante sees Alexander the Great (disputed), Dionysius I of Syracuse, Guy de Montfort and many other notable historical and mythological figures such as the Centaurus, sank into a river of boiling blood and fire. In the Middle Ring, the poet sees suicides who have been turned into trees and bushes which are fed upon by harpies. But he also sees here profligates, chased and torn to pieces by dogs. In the Inner Ring are blasphemers and sodomites, residing in a desert of burning sand and burning rain falling from the sky.

Links gathered

http://xjmyz5nb3unm4xjy.onion/Gate%201.html http://xjmyz5nb3unm4xjy.onion/Limbo.html http://xjmyz5nb3unm4xjy.onion/7169399375105.html http://xjmyz5nb3unm4xjy.onion/8327950288419.html http://xjmyz5nb3unm4xjy.onion/3421170679821.html http://xjmyz5nb3unm4xjy.onion/8998628034825.html http://xjmyz5nb3unm4xjy.onion/8209749445923.html http://xjmyz5nb3unm4xjy.onion/8327950288419.html http://xjmyz5nb3unm4xjy.onion/7932384626433.html http://xjmyz5nb3unm4xjy.onion/3141592653589.html

More Image details noticed on 3.png

Pythagoras - Wikipedia

First one claiming the earth is round.

Image File Size Double the original. The original image's size is 0.8 MB whilst the edited image is 1.6 MB

We notice pi7pi7 or um 7 77 777 7777 at the top , several triangles hex? ,the square, a sphere, compass, music instrument , pillars
dot on alpha contrast
50 checker squares
5x5 4x4 3x3
Tree of life (Kabbalah)


More help solving Chapter 7 would be awesome and everyone would like the ideas and I do enjoy sharing some things found so I can help share some information on the puzzles more clearly and easy to get to and learn something from with the right sources.

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