Purpose of Life - Grasping the Essence

in #purpose7 years ago (edited)


The past few days I was like trying to post something of high value but didn't have any idea what to post.

The question that popped in my mind is how can I make more cash on Steemit? A bit selfish, but everyone's self centered, everyone thinks of his situation.

And the answer to how I can make more Steemit is to provide you with my most valuable information. The best of the best. I really want to talk deep shit with you guys, so you and I can try to grasp the essence of life, the purpose of life.image

So this post will cover the purpose of life, why we exist and what are we doing here.

Society tells us we don't know why we are here, by Darwin's Theory of Evolution the whole purpose of life is to survive, to enjoy as many pleasures while avoiding pain.

I, however believe in a Creator, a personal God who has put us to the test, an exam called life. In this life we must grow in faith and overcome sin by faith that Jesus Christ has died on Golgatha, through his blood we are made free of sin. image We must also learn lessons from mistakes, or the lesson will repeat itself over & over again until it has been learned.
You can see more in depth what I believe in here:

We have one life, one chance, one shot and wether you believe in God or not, you want to do something with your life, according to your core values.

Human beings are wired to seek development, growth, spiritually & intelectually. Whatever we do, we want to become better at it. image

We need to progress constantly and strive towards perfection in all areas of our life.

So, we have a couple of categories in which we divide our life:

  1. Spiritual (God, Universe, whatever you believe in) this category might miss from some peoples' lives, usually the ones who completely deny the existence of any Deity.

  2. Health (Diet, Fitness, Sleep) assures optimal body function for maximum productivity. image

  3. Financial (Business, Passion, Job) If you didn't already know, you should earn money from what you love doing most, for me it's helping people, and this must be paired with some practical way of getting money... image

For example I want to become a Sex Addiction Coach. You might say what a weird dream job you have, but if you also struggled with Porn/Sex Addiction in the past you know how soul draining it is. That's why I want to help people quit porn and become the best versions of themselves.

  1. Relationships: This includes one romantic relationship with your (future) wife/husband, & normal relationships (very good friends) image

I've listed these categories by their importace (my priorities)

The purpose of life is succeeding in all areas of your life, by respecting and living according to your values. It's, in my case, most importantly for me is to live a pure life, according to the word of God (Bible) to be rewarded with eternal life. Then on 2nd place is my health. 3rd becoming financially independent/ successful by solving people's problems (porn addiction) while doing what I love most (helping people).

After I've become financially independent, I can focus on marrying & having a family & good quality like-minded friends.

That is, by my definition a successful life, and also the purpose of life, to be victorious on all plans. image

Only if we expand on all these plans through progressive realization we can be fulfilled.

To wrap it up, the purpose of life is, in my case living a holy life for God's Glory(4 ∞ life) combined with success in all other areas. But my favourite Bible Verse is this Matthew 6:33 "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." It's such a great promise, because God will provide for everything else if we just put him on the 1st place in our lives.

Atheist Version: (sorry if this sounds exclusive, it's just my perspective but I tried to be as universal as possible.)

Ultimate Personal Growth by learning from mistakes of life & becoming a wise master, while making the World a better place by providing tons of value to the society & getting rewarded in the process. (& Wife & Kids). image

I'm curious of what you think. Share your view in the comments on what you think is the purpose of life & what you think about my post. image

I really hope this post has brought you value.

Have a wonderful, blessed day.

The End.

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