Commit To The Truth - It's Not Death That Man Should Fear, But He Should Fear Never Beginning To Live

in #purpose4 years ago

Everything begins with truth and integrity. Truth is what I use to move forward in my career choices. Are you happy? Are you working like crazy to get ahead and are in a dead-end job? Be honest with yourself. If what you do doesn’t make you happy, then why would you stay doing it? Also, think about what you wish you could do, to complete your dreams and master your talents to serve a purpose filled life?

Stop Sleepwalking Through Life.

Wake the hell up. Stop being emotionally disconnected from work unless you want to actively work your job without being fully fulfilled in what you do. You might even have some level of love for what you do, but if you’re unhappy, you’re not going to get what you want out of it. Not in 5 years and especially not in 10 or more. You’re simply wasting your time and energy over something that quite honestly could be killing you. 85% of all Americans hate their jobs, so don’t think to yourself that you’re making a big deal out of nothing. It’s not nothing to want to achieve more in your life and if you want to change what you’re doing to achieve more in life, you’re in the right place. Take a chance and change whatever doesn’t make you happy or feel fulfillment in what you do. I personally am working on making changes in my life, because I don’t want to see myself unhappy in a dead-end job and always searching for more out of life when it’s just impossible.

Are you a part of the Privileged few? If not, reprogram yourself. Sure, there are some people where the income variance trickles down to them in a sort of way that creates the incentive to keep pushing as hard as they want you to, but if all you’re doing is pretending to be a part of the privileged few, then all you’re going to feel is that you’re being used and even abused. Sometimes, you’re not going to be treated as though you can rise to the top ranks, and more then likely, if they do fill your head with enthusiasm to make more money out of your hard work, it’ll all just be a flat out lie. People lie all the time to get what they want, and sometimes those lies include making you feel as though you’re a part of the team and that you have the opportunity to grow in a real time way with their company and incentive plans. However, don’t keep breaking yourself down for someone else’s gains while yours aren’t being met. That’s just truly the most unsatisfying place to be in. If it’s going to take many more years to even get close, chances are you’re not going to be close to that feeling of fulfillment then either because everything is going to cost more and with the cost of living going up all the time, working your way into that $3 or $4 dollar increase isn’t going to be as satisfying as they’ll make it out to be.

The modern-day education system was intentionally designed to churn out workers who are both productive and obedient. Yet, you’re shoveling out debt cause it’s the SAFE option, and you’re never going to get your turn of your true security in life when you think that way because your truest potential in life isn’t being met when you’re working for someone else’s dreams and forgetting your own. You must ask yourself if your workmanship is worth it over your ability to do more for yourself and to try to earn financial freedom for yourself by doing something that you love. Something must make you truly happy, and you have to be the one to find that niche and go with it. Otherwise you’re going to continue to be as unhappy no matter where you go, if you’re not living out your purpose.

Most people want financial freedom, but they’re too closed minded when it comes to what they have to do that they not only put their dreams on hold but forget about them altogether. Too many times I’ve heard the story that you have to place your dreams on hold, until that same person who did put their dreams on hold, comes to find out that no only did they forget about their own dreams, but they also grew old and desperate for value to be added into their life when the menial tasks they were given throughout life wasn’t ever enough for them to retire on. So, they lost their dreams and they lost their purpose, so they lived a most meaningless existence in their own life and grew old feeling depleted by life.
True security comes from adding value to peoples lives or the ability to persuade people to pay for your skills. If you know you’re more skillful then others, truly be done playing by other people’s rules, and start to live by your own set of rules. Unless you’re okay with feeling unease and being under-paid for your true worth, then, you’ll be stuck with a daily 9-5 grind and never be completely satisfied in what you do. If you want to make your dreams come true, you must be willing to take a leap of faith. Without that leap of faith, you cannot go from where you are to where you’ve wanted to go in life. It’s next to impossible to achieve anything satisfactory without taking a leap of faith in the right direction.
You don’t have to throw in the towel on what you’re doing right now, but you have to set a schedule and at least have a mental calendar in scope of what you want in life and start to work on it. You’re not going to hit every goal with 100% accuracy, but you’re not going to hit any of them at all if you don’t set yourself up to set up some of those goals and smash the ones that you can. I feel proud of those who are not only willing, but even hitting 5 or 10% of those goals is going to set you up to hitting more of those goals in the future. But the point is, is that it’s absolutely got to start from somewhere.

Don’t settle for someone else’s life path and quit making other people more money then what you will ever see. You deserve to give yourself the chance at reaching your truest and most passionately inspired potential and beginning to live out your dreams with purpose. You have a purpose. Don’t you? Do you want to find out what your purpose is? I think it’s fair enough to say that we all do. Simply living is not enough. A daily grind that makes you unhappy and even kills you on the inside is not good enough. So set yourself up to achieve things that you never thought were possible, and even if you hit that 5%, just know that I’m proud of you for doing that 5% because you’re setting yourself up to be someone that matters. Too many people don’t make life matter anymore, and there needs to be more of us who want to make life matter, by all working together to help fulfill our purpose in life. Life is boring without the people who genuinely want the world to look and feel a whole lot better than it does, so as long as you’re willing to add a little fire into your game, you’re in the right place.

Discover Your Purpose.

You don’t get on a plane without knowing your final, destination, do you? Treat your career as though there is no difference in that plane ride. Create what makes you happy. Do what matters to you. Don’t miss out on creating the life that you’ve always wanted to have. Don’t be tied down to what other people want for you. You have a passionate and talented purpose here on earth and you’ve got to get clear about what that means to you.
The lies we tell ourselves about purpose, that just aren’t true, are as follows:

“If I just rise up to the ranks and get to the top of the totem pole than I’ll be set.” And this is a flat out lie.
Recruiters will often pump you up full of enthusiasm that is another lie in order to keep you at the bottom and keep you working for more, and a promotion isn’t going to change the fact that you just aren’t going to be able to make your ends meet. You aren’t making your ends meet! You might produce more, and might get things done in an orderly fashion, and even get more done then was acquired for you to complete, but if it’s not recognized with your job as what you do (or are willing to do) for the company, I’m sorry, but your pay-out isn’t going to be enough to continue producing what you do for the company. Point being is that if management and people in charge aren’t willing to take the step back and see what you are doing for the company and pay you appropriately for your truest abilities, you’re going to start to fall short of being as productive as you can be, and eventually – you’re not going to mean much to yourself working there because – you’re not going to feel like you matter enough to keep pushing as hard as you want to push.

You see. I found myself there before. I’m a hard worker and I want to be a hard worker. But, if you’re not going to get paid as much as your hard work is worth, and it’s falling shorter and shorter every time you think forward – that maybe if I do this extra work and maybe if I push this hard that maybe, maybe I’ll get those raises and reach the ranks that I’m looking for in the company. It just sets you up for failure even if you’re hard to talk to, or hard at making it noted what you do for the company, or that you’re vested in what you do, but if you’re not going to be happy in what plan they have to give you an incentive to keep on doing those extra things, you’re not going to be able to continue doing those extra things because you don’t feel appreciated enough, and you fall short on your own pathway to success. If it’s your plan to do all those extra things that you’ve been doing, and you’re not being recognized for doing them. Leave! It’s not worth staying there when you’re putting blood sweat and crying legitimate tears for something that you actually want, and when you’re talking about mere dollars here – it just makes sense that they should see the worth that you see in yourself if you’re putting your best foot forward. And if they don’t see it… then cut your losses plain and simple. Go somewhere where you’re going to be appreciated for what you do and made to feel as though you matter just as much as you matter to yourself. Otherwise, you’re just going to end up feeling used or worse, abused.

It makes it truly hard to create the lifestyle that you wish for, while soaked up in someone else’s promises, that never come and aren’t ever going to be met by your current employer. Unless you’re willing to take the pay-check that just isn’t enough to continue doing what you want to do for the company, you’re just going to end up feeling used and abused in your abilities and not get anything for pouring out your all into the company that just might not see or understand what you want to do for the company, and maybe they just don’t care for your extra hard work or your extra push towards making things more productive. But, where I’ve come from, you must be your best and leaving no room for falling short of what you’re capable of. You must be willing to look at what you do for a company as an initial investment in yourself, and not just what you can accomplish for your company, cause chances are that they aren’t looking at what you can do, and aren’t going to give you what you deserve if you aren’t adamant about what you do being worth more then what you’re getting. I was adamant about it. I was adamant that I’m not getting paid my worth, and that my workmanship is also falling short of making me feel good enough to keep trying. If I can’t get paid enough to show my worth, than what’s my best worth to them if their best isn’t worth enough to give it?

All in all, I know I was putting forth way too much for them not to see what I was doing. Not only was I fighting for my life in other ways, but I was fighting to really make a difference where I was thinking ahead that there was going to be an incentive to continue doing what I was doing. That incentive never came, and if they thought that it did, it wasn’t mutual.

“I just work in a crappy company. Once I get a job somewhere better, it will be ok.” And that is a lie.
Don’t repeat the cycle because it only stays the same. You might find a better job, or a better position somewhere else, but again, if it’s not your purpose you’re fulfilling, you’re fulfilling someone else’s and are going to end up in the same position where you feel underpaid for your accomplishments and are just going to keep being asked for more production without any incentive in doing so. If that is something that you can be satisfied with then you’re in the wrong spot and you can stop reading this right now. If you want something more out of life, you’re going to have to clear away the garbage in your life that is not serving a purpose for you.

“I’m following my purpose. This organization is doing great work and I’m good at what I do, so that’s all that matters.”
Mission and purpose can’t only be served at the corporate level, they must be shared at all levels of employment. If you don’t enjoy what you’re doing, or maybe you do enjoy what you’re doing, but you aren’t paid enough or you aren’t sustained in your income to keep doing it, then I’m sorry to tell you my friend that you’re going to have to stop working towards someone else’s dreams while placing your own dreams on the back-burner, cause you’ll be sitting on the back-burner all your life and later on come to realize that you just didn’t get to truly live your own life. You must have a position that really fits within your purpose and calling in life or you’re not going to find fulfillment in any aspect of the position. The more you connect to your purpose on this earth, the more income you’re going to bring in.

Most people follow the lie, and most people tell themselves that they will live out their dreams and create or meet their greatest potential in life but that they’ll do it, “later on.” And this is a lie as well.

Don’t follow that lie. That is a pathway straight to hell. You’re going to continue to be over-worked and stressed out and while the stress starts literally killing you, no one is going to take notice to see just how much you are struggling with this one. There are some people that will care in business enough to see your true worth and who are willing to take a step back to actually pay you what you’re worth, but there are others who are just not going to ever take notice to what you might do for the company and not ever pay you according to your ability to continue doing the work you are willing to do. If you’re a hard worker like myself, chances are you’re going to keep spitting out more and more while getting crumbs, if anything for doing it. So just don’t do it! Get what you want first out of any company that you work for if you want to work for someone else, just make sure that you are getting what you came there to get out of it, or try to get there with just enough time to allow them to see to it that you will be paid appropriately for your extra hard work, otherwise, just don’t do it.

When you start working on what you live for and find your purpose, you’ll become irreplaceably good at it, and that brings in rewards. If your position is acquired and you continue to do more and more with little value left to pour out towards what you’re producing for the company, you’re in the wrong place. They’re going to keep making millions off you while paying you the mere dollars. Chances are, with a company like that, you’re never going to get paid your true worth by getting paid by someone else and are just going to continue to feel used and abused in your ability to continue. Even while things get rough, and trust me, things can get rough when you’re stressed out and no one really takes notice to it, and on top of that you’re driving a broken down vehicle or half broken, overheating car and your ends aren’t being met, so your stress just goes through the roof. It’s not always easy speaking up for yourself in these situations and if you don’t, you might just be throwing something away that could cost you later down the road. But, also, sometimes you can speak up and find out that the company you’ve been doing all this heavy lifting for the company while at the same time your life is falling apart and are still not going to be noticed. You must leave at that point, because that kind of leaving is for your own safety and well-being.

There are 4 components to discovering your purpose.

  1. Determining behavioral preferences.
  2. Isolating your true values.
  3. Intuitive questioning.
  4. Clearing the programmed junk so that your truest potential in life can shine through.

Even if your heart was still in the game, it doesn’t mean that the people you work for have their heart in YOUR game, rather in THEIR OWN game. You’ve got to be clear on what you want in life, and stay focused on your purpose in life, or people will use you to the bitter end to get what they want. Don’t beat yourself up over things others will do that costs you a piece of pride, life yourself back up and find something else that will have their heart in your game as well as your own. As I’ve said before, mission and purpose can’t be fed at the corporate level only. It has to be fed across the board and that means that employees have to feel as though their incentive for their workmanship is being met as well.

Plan Using Dream Bridges.

If you’ve got a shift of life in mind, or a family that you protect, you’re going to have to be willing to get over some obstacles along the way. You cannot give up on or abandon your dreams in life, but you must find the path to where you can even begin to work on your own dreams as well as others if you’re continuing to work for someone else. Someone will keep you trapped in a job that you’re unhappy with, and you can’t stop working altogether, but you must get out of feeling trapped in your job or you will never be able to meet the kind of financial security that you deserve.

Freedom with Freelancing

Photography and graphic design are one way you can freelance your abilities to make more income. You can double your salaries with working far fewer hours and you can learn from home. There are many ways that you can leverage your talents into creating the kind of life that you dream of having without having to stress yourselves out in some daily grind that you hate in order to get there. You have to be willing to push yourself when there is no one there to push you upwards and you have to be willing to face the ones that are going to push you in the opposite direction of your dreams and not allow them to affect your ability to thrive. Just because some people might devalue you or might even love to throw stones in your pathway towards success, doesn’t mean that you should allow them to, or let these things be a breaking point for you to start treating yourself like crap simply because of what they are willing to do. Stand up for yourself and what you want to accomplish and quit taking their insults as something that is going to stop you from rising to the top. Be willing to take on whatever comes your way and continue to bounce back to work on what you first wanted to do, to get there. Some people might not understand it, and will even get angry at you for trying to become something more for yourself, but you have to strategize the right formula for yourself in order to not take all the insults in a way that is going to stop you, or allow yourselves to place your own dreams on hold for the sake of these others who devalue you. You must value yourselves. I realize that some people today give up altogether on their dreams because they’ve been so torn down that they’ve just succumb to the ways of this cruel world and have allowed the abuse enough themselves that they have begun to say that this is just the way that it is, and there isn’t anything they can do to try change it. Trust me, I’ve been there before, and I’ve let go of so many opportunities simply because I was set in the frame of mind that whatever I want was unachievable, because there are too many haters, and too many people willing to sabotage me at any chance they get to. I’ll admit that this world is cruel enough and hard enough to break your spirits at any and every chance that you’ll let it, but that’s the point right there, is that you cannot let it. You cannot let them win. You have greatness within you, and you deserve that greatness to be a shield for others in your path to success. So, rise above those challenges and leap bounds over the hurdles and stones that others will throw in your way of succeeding at all.

Don’t fall victim to the whims of other people. Don’t be like I was. You’re only hurting yourself further and aren’t going to bounce back easily if you let what other people are willing to do affect your ability to thrive in life. Choose to thrive anyways. Hone in on what matters to you and quit taking peoples shit, even if they have it all planned out for you before you get there. Keep fighting the uphill battle in order to accomplish on this earth what you were born to accomplish. Don’t allow yourselves to die out or become mundane for others to feel satisfied with their ability to sabotage your endurance. Screw that! Keep embracing what you dream of, and I’m not going to be light hearted about it because there are a lot of people that will set out to harm you. You must rise above it and just continue to endure and embrace what your purpose is. Define it. Then go out and create it. Quit taking the excuses and leaving them out for people to finish you off as though they can. If you let people win, they will continuously win. So, don’t show them that you’re going to fold up or break down because they thrive on making sure you’re done for.

Freelancing can bring you reliable income with the right strategies put in place.

Use multiple strategies. Build yourself a roadmap to success and utilize it in a way to continue pushing forward when things get tough and keep reverting to it.

There is nothing set in stone. You can keep rebuilding this pathway and keep honoring yourself. Be consistently revising it and changing it up or trying new things. You can always perform surgery on your pathway to success and fulfillment. But once you let it go for long enough, you’ll be too old and too damn tired and set in your ways to do anything new. That’s the only time that you’ll be forever set in an unaccomplished life. When you wake up and realize that you didn’t do things that you wanted to, to make YOU happy.

Build your own career cube. Don’t take a pay-cut or lose your seniority. The old method of getting into a new career is to start over from the bottom and working your way up. The better way is to navigate upwards from the same level you’re at right now and not taking anything that gives you lesser than what you deserve. You must know that your skills are worth something. No one is going to sell you short if you aren’t going to let them sell them short for you.
Make career changes that would be financially impossible otherwise.

There is a lot of power in strategizing your position in life. If you’re unhappy you’re not going to fulfill your truest purpose within a job, chances are you’re not going to within that position, so don’t beat yourself up on something that you find is not challenging you enough to continue to do it. You might help someone else reach their goals in life, but to sum it up, they aren’t going to help you find your purpose, or help you get your dreams. You’re going to stay stuck, and it’s just not an option for some of us. Even if the truth may sound harsh, you’ve got to count the cost of staying in a stressful job that wreaks havoc on your personal life, wrecks your body with stress and continues pushing more and more out of you while not ever feeling like you have any incentive in doing so – other then you just got through another day of hard work. You’re going to continue to work harder and harder and only for little to no reward on the other end of the spectrum – your financial situation depleting. People who burn out, shut down and shut off and waste away in their emotional well-being. It’s the things that literally kill the soul. So don’t let it.

Burning out from work not only creates stress within the body, but it can get overwhelming when you become emotionally drained. The negative effects can start to spill out into every other aspect of your life, including your home life, social life, your health, your happiness and a decline in your work ethics. Though you used to come in early and stay late and you were quite satisfied about the position when you started, it’s that we tend to be treated as though we’re robots and don’t get a fair shake in the workplace. It begins little by little and it begins to add up against your safety and health. When stress becomes chronic, this narrow focus continues for a long time and we have difficulty paying attention to other things.

This "fight or flight" tunnel vision can negatively affect your ability to solve problems or make better decisions. You might find that you’re more forgetful and have a harder time remembering things and it’s true – you’ve burned out.
It can start to play a role in your personal life when you start to withdraw from talking to people that you need to, and then when you even do have something to say, you can be tuned out. It’s not a great feeling and no one should have to feel as though their opinions don’t matter as much as to being completely ignored.

The added stress that can be gotten from living this way can cause an array of health issues as well, such as heart disease or digestive issues as well as depression. Even though I believe it’s a mind over matter thing with depression, when too much goes awry in your life, you can start to give up on life altogether.

At this point you can talk to your manager about finding ways to alleviate the stress in your life, and you can pitch it to them as a way to help benefit you where it can make you a better employee and help further the company goals, but even then – chances are that the company is not going to be able to make those changes and is going to cause you to have to part ways.

Ultimately, It’s career suicide because you’re not going to do well in a job you don’t find joy in.
The worst part is that putting off the changes you know you need is literally going to kill you. You might as well drink poison in the morning when you’re remaining within a position you’re suffering from. The more you try to get back to the daily grind, the more you’re going to be in a steady decline of your health, and quite frankly, no one can see those things in you, except you.

Look at the people who have settled for running down the clock or sacrificing themselves to their jobs. Is that what you really want? I have seen people who have gone to jobs just to burn out worse and worse with every different job they are getting and only burning out further and further who never get anything more than a compromised health pattern. And those who suffer the most are those that end up saying that they wished they would have done something more with their life.

Take The Other Road Now And Act On It Wisely

Acting on your own plan will mean you have to target your job selection, profile construct and get ready for interviews. But, not acting on your own plan will mean that you must settle for your decreasing health and all the more decreasing ability to perform daily tasks to reach the bottom line. And, at the end of the day, you’re just not becoming who you wanted to become. You’re unhappy at best and you’re not going to feel the fulfillment that you could get if you worked on finding a purpose filled life doing something that you love.

Freelancing – platform selection, proposals.

Entrepreneurship – comprehensive business plan ready to deliver, preparing marketing materials and infrastructure.

Always be taking steps towards the ultimate “goals” in mind, and never back down to something that is menial or something that doesn’t lead to your fulfillment in life.

Leverage on changes to your mindset and run with what you’re focused on.

You can do things that you need to do, so don’t procrastinate simply cause you’re afraid of the freedom that is on the other side.

Wake up from what society is selling us and discover your truth and your truest potential. Don’t ever sell yourself short by believing the only model that works is the one where you go and get a job and work at that job for years to truly find out that you’re unhappy. Or, keep drinking in that poison if that’s what you believe in. Maybe for some of you, that kind of life is all you need to be truly happy, but for some of us, living that way is just never going to be enough. I personally believe that you’re worth more than you’ve ever gotten out of life, and even up to this point. I don’t believe you’re currently living your truest or fullest ability in life. Only God knows what the world would look like if all the people living today were living within their truest and most fullest abilities in life.

Commit to the truth, stop sleepwalking – discover your purpose in life, plan using bridges and create roadmaps to success and clean out any garbage in the way of you getting there and then start your journey.

Never forget that you can turn things around. You can physically turn away from the stress and begin to start a new life by working on your purpose. Nobody has to believe in your purpose, but you. Some people will try to sabotage your belief system at any chance they get, and you just have got to move forwards and not believe them.

You don’t go it alone. This is an investment guide. You should have a guide in your journey. So, create your guide and follow it as best as you can. Keep revising it if need be.

You can end up giving up on your dream entirely while people are always lurking around to sabotage your dreams, so it’s a very tough thing to properly execute, but if you can clean out the garbage in the way, you can hone in on your purpose in a very unique and amazing way. Most people have very little expertise in planning their dream bridges so the internal work is the MOST important area to have a clear system in place for and experienced insight into, and the one where people are least likely to be able to do on their own, but you can take a leap of faith towards reaching prosperity and if you dedicate yourself to it and make time for yourself to achieve success within it, you can be living your purpose.
You have a choice.

“It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.” -Marcus Aurelius

“I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.” -William Ernest Henley

Next, please add by commenting on 1-3 areas of your life that you wish to change. Let's all help each other discover their purpose filled life.

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