Pura Vida DTube Live - Costa Rica Volcano Trail With Jungle, Orchids and Sugar Cane

in #pura-vida7 years ago (edited)

View this post on Hive: Pura Vida DTube Live - Costa Rica Volcano Trail With Jungle, Orchids and Sugar Cane

I have moved all my content away from the now centralized and controlled Steem blockchain to the decentralized Hive blockchain.


So, are you going back home some day or are you going to stay there forever living like a star :D

My parents are leaving in two days but I will also leave to Mexico for Anarchapulco shortly after and two weeks later to Iquitos, Peru for a spiritual cleansing with Ayahuasca. I hope I can post like crazy in that time but when you are not at your work station it is kind of tricky.

Living like a star is the Steemit/Dtube life, isn't it? ;)

You would know! Me, I'm still far far away from such life via blockchain income :D

Really? You made more money than I did last week and I think that is MUCH more money than I was living off for years. Half a year ago I would have been happy to earn that in a month.

I also posted waaaay more than you did.

Plus, Im not even 2 months old, so I didn't have a long record of earning these amounts.


You are already way more successful than I ever was. The only reason why I had so many high upvotes recently was one single user who has lost interest in me. Your content is also way better than mine.

I am just playing the game longer than you are, that's all.

I disagree with my content being better, you're charismatic, you build new projects and you can produce cool vids.

Let's settle by telling each other "you rock" :D

Lol, we should stop now and concentrate on your next post. By the way, I invite you to a private talk on Discord with @taskmaster4450 and me. What's your name there again?

Lot's of beautiful stuff to see in Costa Rica. Last time I went there I visited Irazú and some furniture factory in the jungle; they featured woodwork to die for, absolutely stunning! Still have my Machetito from childhood to chop some Caña. Schöne grüsse!

Cool, great to see more people enjoying Costa Rica! :)

Two years ago:


Nice, did you take that 1968 trail as well?

No, only went to the national park. Also beautyful!

I envy you dude. Absolutely beautiful. Here the organic bananas would be $1.75 / lb. The pineapples would be $5 each. The orchids $10. Forget trying to find real sugar cane! You're little walk just saved you $30 here state side.

Do you live in the US? I also experienced the high prices for bananas there. On the other hand all tech stuff is super cheap and easy to get there and if you discover cool small stuff like a printed hoodie from a another Steemian you can get it fast and easy while to me it is nearly impossible.

Yep. Here in the sunny California desert. Right now it's 88 degrees. This is supposed to be winter! Here's a cellphone pic of the weather right now.

Nice to see you again @flauwy.
Loved, loved the video.
The trail is so beautiful and what I love about it is that you go through all these beautiful, different landscapes. Absolutely gorgeous.
I'm so glad you shared this with us.

I also loved that they had all these sticks for people to use. What a great idea.

I am happy you liked the video. Sharing non-Steem related content like this is always a bit tricky here because it doesn't pay very well and people often don't care. But it is fun to do and might lift the mood of one or two people out there. And besides, every bit counts, doesn't it? :)

Hey flauwy, ich hoffe dir geht es soweit gut!
Wiedermal ein wirklich tolles Video von dir, vielen Dank erstmal hierfür :)

Ich bin jetzt erst seit knapp 1 Woche on Steemit aber ich bin dir wirklich mehr als dankbar, denn durch dich habe ich Steemit erst entdeckt.
Deine Videos, sowohl hier als auch auf YouTube sind wirklich richtig gut, vor allem was das Verständnis bezüglich Steemit betrifft. Du kannst es eben so erklären, dass man auch wirklich kapiert worum es geht und das ist bei der heutigen Überflutung an Videos in diesem Thema leider kaum noch zu finden.

Ich freue mich schon auf deine nächsten (deutschen) Videos :-D
Machs gut @flauwy und bis bald

Grüße aus Stuttgart

Ich fre

Super gut dass du meine Videos entdeckt hast! Ich hoffe auch mehr davon zu machen aber leider hat Utopian.io die Regeln geändert und nicht-Englische Videos werden nicht mehr upgevoted wodurch es sich fast kaum noch lohnt sowas zu machen. Aber man muss ja nicht immer alls nur des Geldes wegen machen. ;)

Diese Einstellung finde ich sehr cool flauwy :)
Bist du eigentlich noch ab und zu auch mal in Deutschland oder bist nur noch unterwegs?

P.S. Ich bin echt auch froh das ich dich gefunden habe! Mit meiner Unterstützung kannst du zu 100% rechnen ;)

Naja, ich werde sicher manchmal in Deutschland sein. Letztes mal ist aber schon eineinhalb Jahre her. Meine Frau und ich überlegen nach Deutschland zu ziehen damit sie dort eine Ausbildung machen kann und damit ich schnelles Internet und meine Freunde in der Nähe habe.

1,5 Jahre? Junge Junge :-D dann wird es aber mal wieder Zeit ;)
Habt Ihr denn schon konkrete Vorstellungen wohin es gehen soll, also Bundesland?

Nice to see you having fun in nature!

Nature is the best plave to be. Gotta visit you in Hawaii one day. From what I have seen it is very similar to Costa Rica but certainly with its own flavor.

Thank you for showing us the beauty of Costa Rica @flauwy! I believe you always have fresh fruits in your house. Costa Rica is like the Philippines, you're always close to nature which gives a very relaxing feeling! :)

I really want to visit the Philippines one day. I have many friends over there.

Let Steemians know if you'll visit here so we can meet you personally. :)

this was a good vlog to explore more have loads of fun there :)

Always great to make other people smile. :)

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