Although we have that idea that a dog can eat everything, the truth is that they chew very little and, if they catch too large a piece, it is relatively easy for them to choke.
A choked dog behaves in a similar way to what a human would do, using coughing and gagging as a method to try to expel whatever is stuck inside.
Obviously, in any case, you have to take it to the vet. But, if we know for sure that you have something stuck and we want to help you preventively before going to the doctor, we can follow the following steps.
Dogs do not have hands, which makes it difficult to remove something from the inside of the mouth. So we can help them by checking it and extracting what obstructs it, or not, depending on the type of object it is (if it is pointed, if it is edible, etc.).
We can also assist in vomiting by putting it upside down and raising its hind legs or applying the same Heimlich maneuver that we would use for a human.
It is very important to note that, even having removed the object from your throat, we must go to the veterinarian to avoid possible digestive problems or other diseases as a result of choking.
There are only 350 Cisky Terriers in the world, possibly making it the rarest breed.
good information, yo!