Puppeteer is a platform video game developed by Japan Studio for the PlayStation 3.
Meet our hapless hero who's just bliss back to life bubbly and the moon bear Kings claw cheese this is a time of year when people get sick it's also a time of year when people buy a lot of video games all the big hits sequels

the shooters the shooters holiday season is the season for the gaming industry but if the world were fair and if we bought what was fun instead of what was hyped you'd hear less about sequels and shooters and more about games like this
won't be in your little shoppers guide and it doesn't have unlockable testosterone rifles or squad based kill sessions the puppeteer is creative it's cool it's memorable and it's fun that still counts for something right
and so cuticles for cheese were starting to look up after all he was now the proud owner of a hand of enchanted scissors remember to never spend on me to the moon back you know it's also pretty straightforward at least in terms
of its mechanics this is a platformer in that classic 2d style you're jumping on platforms mashing an attack button to dispose of the bad guys there's nothing here you haven't seen before only you've never seen anything quite like puppeteer
it takes the familiar it gives it a whole new spin so if you like games with style you're gonna love this and plays a little wooden boys names Kotaro right off the bat he loses his head now literally his head falls off when some
evil Oogie Boogie look-alike tears him apart so poor kutaro sets off with only a strange floating cat thing to keep him company to find a new head or heads I guess if you look hard enough in fact that unfortunate accident sets up
puppeteers central gameplay element you can use lots of things skulls bugs bananas even guillotines as heads so you can store up to 3 heads at a time each of which gives Kotaro special ability and more importantly act like hearts or
lives lose a head you better chase it down otherwise down too to lose that head and you're down to 1 lose that one in the more heads that's okay next so in addition to just being awesome the cool thing about the heads is that you know
there's an element of Management there as well certain heads are going to be more useful than others at certain times so you might stumble across a giant panda in the background at which point it'd be a good thing if you had the
Panda head you're wearing the right head at the right time unlock secret areas so you want to be careful which head you're using and which head you're saving in the inventory the inventory of heads so it's largely familiar 2d platforming plus the whole heads thing there's als
o another element to puppeteer and that's guitar oohs magic pair of scissors so he can use them as his weapon right you mash the attack button you slice fools up but the scissors are also an important means of
transportation if you see something you can cut whether it's cloth or magi
cal leaves or whatever you can slice through them and ride the scissors the puppeteers puppet show theme means there's lots of different material it's all over the place in fact it if it kind of reminds me of Kirby's Epic Yarn
there's always something to slice you know as fun as the gameplay is it's that theme that really steals the show it's the aesthetic puppeteer really looks like a puppet show the characters are all wooden puppets with buttons sewn
on and cloth stitch to their bodies and the game takes place from the perspective of an audience they laugh they applaud each level is like a new act it's just an incredibly cool concept and it looks absolutely gorgeous right
out of your mouth Rick a fright magic that about the night in front of this game isn't doing anything crazy what it does do is take what is arguably gaming's most familiar genre and dress it up with a style so creative and
elegant you almost don't recognize it it's a game that's is fun to look at as it is to play and holy crap is it fun to play platforming fans will love that there's actually some clever platforming Tim Burton fans will love the game style
it's like if beetlejuice were a puppet show and fans of games the ones with creativity instead of hype love puppeteer.