The Apocalypse is Upon Us!
Even though I cannot find my copy of the Bible I am pretty sure there is a section in there about the Apocalypse.
I'm pretty sure there is something in there about natural disasters, completely unqualified people gaining power, and The Cubs winning the World Series.
But I am nearly positive that one of the signs of the Apocalypse is that it will rain lizards from the sky.
Start living it up everyone because it appears that sign is happening right now.
In Florida, temperatures have plummeted below 40 degrees. Cold blooded iguanas living in tresses can't handle that temperature. As a result they become too cold to move and then fall to the ground.
Here's the problem (aside fro the whole end of days thing) the iguanas aren't dead.
After they rain from the sky (fall from the trees) they lie on the ground until they are warm enough to move again. Unsuspecting animal lovers who attempt to help the little lizards have been bitten as the lizards attempt to protect themselves.
So here's a piece of advice: don't touch lizards that have rained down from the sky.
I thought that would be common sense but I guess not.