Any public service occupation should never be allowed to make DEMANDS of us.
One of the biggest problems in our country is public service unions.
Think about this.
People who are IN FACT working for the taxpayers (As a business man I assume if I'm paying you, you work for ME) form a "union" and DEMAND pensions for life after 20 years so they live on us for the rest of their lives after retiring in their 40s.
Now in private business a unions demands are countered by Management who have to make a profit to keep the company alive so there is balance in the negotiations.
But who negotiates against the unions on behalf of the taxpayers?
Are you ready for it?
Government Bureaucrats who benefit from the Unions demands.
We're in a lot of trouble people.
One of the greatest political moves in my lifetime was when Ronald Reagan called the Air Traffic Controllers Unions bluff and fired all of them.