@v4vapid Conspiracy Psy-Op Contest entry - Plan B.


This post was inspired by this contest brought to you by the amazing @v4vapid

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New York Federal Reserve Building 9th March 2011


"What do you mean they said no?" screamed Jacob, spraying drops of spit into the bankers face.

"Like I said Sir they wouldn't budge." replied the lackey instantly regretting the tone.

"Listen to me you jumped up Princeton halfwit, if that two trillion dollars isn't transferred into treasuries by Saturday we're all fucked and I'll have your picture plastered on the front page of everyone of my newspapers with that boy come Sunday!"

Ben said nothing, he just stared at the floor too afraid to reply.

Jacob was incensed, how dare they refuse. Who the hell do they think they are?

He looked around the room at the assembled group of men and women, his feelings fluctuated from grudging respect to outright hatred especially when he considered the current President, just looking at that pathetic excuse of a man made the bile rise in his throat.

He addressed the room...

"So Ladies and Gentlemen, due to the incompetence of Bernanke and Soetoro it would appear we are in need of a Plan B. We have less than 72 hours to acquire those funds before all hell breaks loose so I'm open to anything and I mean anything that will convince those bastards to transfer the two trillion."

The assembled group looked at each other in turn, all well aware that if one of them didn't come up with a viable plan soon they would all be in the shit. Jacob and his family would get off scott free as always and they would each be left to suffer the political consequences of the economic cataclysm that would start on Monday should they fail.

A voice spoke out....

"I have a radical option Sir."

"Out with it Bush, we're on the clock here." Jacob said impatiently.

"It's a modification of a scenario I ran with the CIA in the 70's, the original plan involved the DARPA array however with independant journalists all over that right now we're keeping it offline but the plan will work with help from Netanyahu."



Subic Bay - Philippines 10th March 2011


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The Stealth ship left the US Naval base with a skeleton crew under the cover of darkness, the package had been delivered from Tel Aviv earlier that day and as far as the crew were concerned they were on standard manoeuvres.

Only the captain and the two operatives who had been tasked with delivering the package were aware of the destination and only the operatives had been briefed on the true nature of the operation, as far as the captain was concerned they were dropping off a listening device on the seabed.

As they neared the location the operatives made their way to the bowels of the ship to prepare for insertion, they were going to use a two man stealth sub to deliver the package to the location on the seabed. The operation would take roughly an hour to complete. The first operative got in the sub as the second set the charges to sink the ship in 90 minutes time so they had to get moving in order to be well clear of the ships location after they had completed the mission.

When the charges were set they exited the bottom of the ship and drove the sub into the dark foreboding depths of the ocean.


Chateau de Pregny - Switzerland 11th March 2011


Jacob was sitting in his study sipping a glass of Henri IV Dudognon Heritage Cognac Grande Champagne, he'd paid $1.9m for the bottle last year and thought it was an appropriate tipple to celebrate with.

As he watched the story breaking on the bank of televisions in front of him he was pleased to see the narrative they'd decided upon was being dutifully played out on the networks.

The intercom buzzed.....

"Yes Sandra."

"Mr Bush is here to see you Sir."

"Thank you Sandra, send him in."

Papa Bush walked into the huge study and stood in front of Jacobs desk, there were no chairs for guests.

"Well?" barked Jacob.

"We've just recieved a call from Kuroda, the Japanese government have agreed to liquidate the two trillion dollars in public pension funds and roll them into US treasuries."


"There is one issue though." Bush said looking concerned.


"The Fukushima Daichi Nuclear Power Plant complex was damaged and the reactor is going into meltdown."

"Have we covered all bases?"

"Yes Sir, the Stealth ship is at the bottom of the Sea of Japan, the operatives and the sub too."

"Excellent." Jacob said "What about the weapon?"

"Israel doesn't officially have nuclear weapons so it never existed."

"Good, so as far as the world is concerned it was an underwater earthquake not an attack, let's make sure it stays that way."

Jacob turned his back on Bush and went back to watching the devastation being aired on his networks. He was already thinking of the added bonus of the billions he'd make from the reconstruction work that would be needed in Japan.

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"Thank you Bush, you're dismissed."


Great to see you out of retirement dude!

So it was Bush all along eh?

Thanks Muxxy, felt good to write again.

I'm so happy my contest broke you out of your semi-retirement, and what a fine entry for the contest!

So many interwoven conspiro elements in this piece, a great read.

Tremendous entry ;)

Thanks again for the inspiration my friend.

By joves, Clive Cussler and @tremendospercy are collaborating on another best seller -'Rothschild Fury'

Will Kurt Austin be able to save humanity from an evil 200 year old dynasty? Or have the final plans for the total and permanent enslavement of mankind already been set in place?

'Rothschild Fury' - COMING SOON TO STEEMIT!

; )

Good to have you back TP.


Haha, just to be mentioned in the same sentence as Clive Cussler is high praise indeed.
What a great name for a Kurt Austin or Dirk Pitt novel - Rothschild Fury.
I can just imagine the beat down they would dish out to these scumbags that think they are elite.
Thanks for the non stop support SK. You really are legendary!

Great post @tremendospercy I love the way you've woven a multitude of conspiracy angles into one cohesive narrative! The scariest thing is that it's also very believable! That in itself speaks volumes to the current state of this world! These people play with the lives of millions as if it were a game of risk, indeed they harnessed the power of the sun and their first thought was to use it as a weapon! So yes brilliantly written and chillingly believable. If the world is a chess board then we're the pawns!! Great to have you back dude, it's been too long!!

Thanks mate, I'm so pleased you enjoyed it.
The world is indeed in a scary state when a story such as this is believable, sadly it may be even worse than that. The deaths of the innocents are probably seen as a bonus too considering the lack of empathy shown by these dreadful families.

Quite short but I got into it and it was very well done!

Thanks for reading and commenting.
If I'd been writing it as a normal piece I would have gone into a lot more detail regarding DARPA etc and background stories of the protagonists but I think I got the message across.

Yes, surprisingly as short as it was it all came together. maybe its because I already have so much world knowledge on this that my mind filled in a LOT OF DATA but I think everyone reading this series is in a similar boat so it worked perfectly!

Congrats on a very efficient success!

Is this fiction?

I've always thought those bastards nuked the ocean floor somehow...didn't they test for that in NZ, trying to create tsunamis?

I'm so happy you're back TP!!! WOOOHOOOOOO!!!! <3 <3 <3 Great writing, and descriptions, and original cuss words haha! As always <3 <3 <3 Big Love!! Hope to see a lot more from you now!

I'm with you, I never believed it was a natural event but then again I don't believe anything on the MSM.
It is fiction however it is my interpretation of what may have lead to the event. There are always winners when these tragedies occur and considering the sociapaths and psychopaths that control the current paradigm I wouldn't put it past them to do this kind of thing.
Thanks for the support Lyndsay, you're the best. ❤️

dark Sir Percival. Your mind connects imaginative dots where others just see clouds ! I like this take on Fuku-Shima. It reads like a chapter from the Illuminatus Trilogy. Great to see you back on the keys like the wizard you are. Merlin

Thanks for the kind words buddy.
Nothing is as it seems, it never has been.
The dark forces that control are world are not concerned with our wellbeing only what they can glean from our existence. Shining a light into the corners they cower in is needed if we are ever to rid ourselves of them.

dark forces indeed, human beings are generally very trusting and can be easily manipulated. I think people are generally lost between television, newspapers and internet clickbait. There is a significant but small band of awakened souls. (& there always has been). It is a bit like Star Wars. The rebellion are not in it for themselves but to help save the Galaxy from totalitarianism. Our generation faces a similar fate but with much darker edges. well actually not far off the plot really. We'll get there. We are more than meets the eye and as your name suggests, the search for a holy grail may indeed bear fruit. I'd be tempted to suggest that your mind has glimpsed it ;)

Wow, great story. Your fictional conspiracy is quite chilling as there's the possibility it might actually be true. Loved that last line!

Thank you for saying so. Can you imagine how an arrogant sociapath like Bush feels when he's spoken to that way?
I'd love to be a fly on the wall

Wow the insight into the cold mentality of these "players" and manipulators of our world are clearly put in this great piece of writing @tremendospercy ! Great to see you firmly seated back in the saddle my friend )

Thanks mate, I genuinely believe these folks will stop at nothing to get what they want.
What's a few hundred thousand deaths to a psychopath? An opportunity!?

yeah they only count their money and not the number of deaths which are needed for their profit making plans !! But all the money in the world will nopt help them when the hammer of Justice falls @tremendospercy ) We will be there I hope to witness this day !!

Very nice, @tremendospercy, truly very nice! I particularly enjoy the way you tell almost half of what's going on through implying it rather than saying it out loud. It's the kind of storytelling I like to read and the kind I aspire to write. My only issue is that it requires you to trust your public to understand it, and that's something that always makes me make things a tad simpler just in case, because I have trust issues.

Anyway, I loved it and upvoted it! Do keep writing!

Thanks you for reading and commenting.
I would imagine that anyone who has immersed themselves in the conspiracies of our times would have no problem working out where I was going with this 'possible scenario'.
Those who don't understand have the opportunity to educate themselves on the machinations of the world's so called 'elite' families.
Glad you liked it mate.

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