Mystery Behind Sleep Facing left
Many people actually have health problems when they start having trouble sleeping. Technological advances that provide convenience and comfort for humans contribute to lower quality of sleep and health. High levels of consumption of processed ingredients and lack of physical activity contribute to a decrease in the quality of a person's sleep.
Sleeping on the left side can reduce the symptoms of gastritis or other gastric complaints. This is especially true when someone is just eating spicy or sour foods. By lying to the left, the force of gravity forces the stomach acid into the abdominal pit and does not reverse it toward the esophagus. While that risk is possible if you sleep facing to the right side.
You can also try sleeping on the left side to get relief and escape from the problem of snoring or snoring. Because, the position to the left to open the airway by keeping the tongue and throat muscles are in a neutral position. Instead, sleeping on your back pushes these muscles to the back of the throat until it causes a snoring sound as you try to breathe.
Lying to the left side is also called can improve digestive problems by reducing the burden of bada liver part. This condition will in turn stimulate the flow of bile and improve nutrient absorption.
****John Douillard****,ayurveda practitioner (Indian medical science), explains, the left side of the body is the dominant lymphatic side. He said the majority of the body's lymph fluid flows into the thoracic canal located on the left side. Thus, Douillard believes sleeping to the left side stimulates the disposal of toxins from the lymph nodes.
Researchers also found that sleeping to the left side will help the brain filter out "waste" and may even help prevent certain health disorders.
Sleeping position to the left is also believed to improve blood circulation throughout the night. Because, sleeping on the left side will suppress the vena cava (the largest blood vessels in the body) located on the right side of the body so as to supply more blood to the side of the heart. While pregnant women are often also advised to sleep on the left side because significantly the position it increases blood flow to the heart, fetus, uterus, and kidney.
Small intestinal trash is wasted through the ileocecal valve (ICV) on the right side of the body to the tip of the large intestine. The large intestine moves to the right side of the abdomen across the abdomen and throws the garbage into the colon on the left side.
The colon is the intestinal part between the appendix and the rectum. The main function of this organ is to absorb water from feces. Sleeping on the left allows gravity to push food to move more easily from the small intestine to the large intestine via ICV. Throughout the night as you continue to sleep facing left, the waste in the stomach will move more easily to the colon. With the help of gravity and deep sleep on the left side, the colon is fully charged, and you will throw it thoroughly in the morning.
****Starting from preventing ulcer disease to improve brain health, that's some of the benefits of sleeping facing left for health.****
Thanks to @airhawk-project @v4vadip @negativer @rhodak @creatr @tarazkp