How to harden our character?

Realize what it means to have a strong character

The character of each person is one of the most important characteristics of his personality. Some stand out for having it soft, because they have not gone through any moment too difficult and can afford to face things with simplicity. Others, however, have had to mature too early and strengthen to overcome all the bad times. And there are also those who need to be hardened to be stronger; Especially if other people are often considered weak or not responsible. That is precisely what we are going to talk about in today's article, where I will give you good advice to achieve it.

Having a strong character does not mean acting impulsively or dealing with problems in a violent way. People with a well-forged character know how to respect others and temper their own feelings, are not driven by impulses or temptations, and think before acting when an obstacle is set before them. Above all, they can tolerate very well the opinions that do not coincide with theirs.

Understand why you need to strengthen your character

Your reasons are the most powerful weapon you can have in hardening it. Maybe you need it because it's time for you to start taking your responsibilities more seriously or to take you more seriously. Once you understand well what you need, remember it every time you feel like wavering or fleeing a problem.

Always seek the truth

Be curious and do not just stick with the other versions. If something does not make you feel comfortable, question it as you feel necessary. Getting to the bottom of an issue is more important than following any order or rule anyone can impose, especially if you do not understand. That is the difference between the prsonas who are leaders and those who simply obey.

Remember that strength should not prevent you from empathizing with others.

Being strong does not mean that you are going to pass over others, but quite the contrary. Your strength should be the greatest support of those who need you the most. Do not close yourself to the world, remember that you can learn something from everyone and that they too can learn something from you. Putting yourself in the shoes of others will help you understand that you are not the only person going through bad times.

Do not get carried away at the extreme when thinking

May pessimism not control your life; But do not be so unwary as to let optimism cloud your reason. Just become a leader. Be realistic when you need to not get carried away by luck, but be aware that before looking for obstacles, you have to find solutions.

Your impulses should not get you into trouble

A passionate person is not always the smartest, least of all the strongest. Being dragged by impulses is something that can get you in trouble and prevent you from seeing things as they really are. Aquinas and Aristotle used to say that passions enslave people, forcing them to act whenever they feel anger, sadness, fear or desire. Making them eat more, to bow to someone for love, to commit a crime ... now you understand why it is so important that you do not let them control you.

Calculate the risks you are going to take

Who does not risk does not win, but be careful not to risk only because yes. Being cunning and measuring every step you take is what can make the difference between success and a mistake. There is another difference between being a coward and acting with caution, do not confuse them with the same thing and learn to think before acting.

Do not let anyone impose your will on you

If you are sure what you want to do and what is going to make you happy, you should not let anyone make you change your mind. Neither your parents, nor your friends, nor society. You may have a dream that no one else understands, but you will not be the first or the last person. If you believe enough in your goals, you will end up demonstrating to the world what you are capable of doing.

Keep control over your feelings

Sometimes it seems impossible, but it is best to let reason dominate our heart, at least most of the time. Remember that several bad decisions have been made in the name of love or nobility, all for not taking precaution before. It's not bad that you show what you feel, but try not to let it dominate you.

Wealth will not always be the solution
It is well that you look for economic stability but like the passions or the feelings, it should not become everything in your life. Avarice can also weaken your character and make you forget what is important.

Do not forget that nobility is better than evil

You may on more than one occasion be tempted to commit wrongdoing or to harm someone. You just have to remember that you are hurting yourself. You do not need to hurt or go over others to get where you want. Do your best to help others and be a good person. There is no better lesson than this to have a strong character and able to face anything.




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